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DEVELOPERS FORUM - V9.2 and latest demo Database

jeromepereira - Wednesday, April 7, 2010 3:25 AM:

I downloaded and installed V9.2. I would like to run the demo database

1) Anyone know when a compatible demo Db will be available?

2) Will the latest Demo database (9.1v3) work on ARAS9.2 (I think not...comments indicate 9.1 sp3 or so...although I admittedly have not tried yet)

3)...or is it suggested I go back one rev to 9.1 if I want a sandbox to play in

brueegg - Thursday, April 29, 2010 4:16 AM:

I would be interested too if the latest Demo database version 9.1v3 is working with 9.2

Or is there any other demo database for downloading?

Thanks a lot for somebody's reply