IOM.dll compatible with ASP.NET 5/Core?

I'm trying to access Innovator from an ASP.NET 5/Core project.

But I receive the following error message:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Web.HttpContext' from assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
at Aras.Net.ContextBasedCookieContainerProvider..ctor(Uri uri)
at Aras.Net.CookieContainerProviderFactory.GetContextBasedCookieContainerProvider(Uri uri)
at Aras.IOM.HttpServerConnection..ctor(String innovatorServerUrl, IAuthenticator authenticator)
at Aras.IOM.IomFactory.CreateHttpServerConnection(String innovatorServerUrl, String database, String userName, String password)

It seems like that is because System.Web.HttpContext has been removed in newer ASP.NET versions:

Is there a newer IOM version available that would work? The IOM.dll I have here is - so probably not the latest (we're running Innovator 11 SP12).


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