xproperty not showing on the database


i have parts classified using xclassification i set some xproperty and i could acces the value of these properties via a request on the data base in the table [XPROPERTYVALUES](a column of this table represents an x property ).

now i want to add more xproperties, but when i do and try to view it in the db like i used to do there is no new column with the name of the props i just created.

Other thing that i found weird, in the innovator platform i can create parts and set a value for the new  xprops. i can also query part using these props as criteria.(so every thing seems to work platform wise)

if someone has any idea of why i can't find the xprops i created where i used to find the other ones( xpropertyvalues table) let me know.

(i tried  refreshing the db but it did'nt change anything or maybe i did'nt refresh it the good way but i don't know an other one)

don't hesitate to ask me if somthing seems unclear or if i forgot to specify something.



  • hello 

    i have a better understanding of what is happening,

    i think because i imported the component engineering package too many times because of mis understanding of an aror message,

    this actually imported a big number of xproperty and i have now 21 tables of xpropertyvalues and the new one am creating are on the 21st table thus separated from the first ones i created before all those imports.

    i'm actually requesting xproperty values in an action and i use apply sql, i know its not recomended but i'm first trying to make it work through sql and later i will pass it to iom   

    my sql request looks somthing like this 

    SELECT xcl.[NAME], mnfp.KEYED_NAME
    FROM [InnovatorSolutions].[innovator].[MANUFACTURER_PART] as mnfp
    inner join [xp].[XPROPERTYVALUES] as xp on xp.[item_id] = mnfp.ID
    inner join [innovator].[MANUFACTURER_PART_XCLASS] as mnfXc on mnfp.ID =mnfXc.SOURCE_ID
    inner join [innovator].[XCLASS] as xcl on mnfXc.RELATED_ID = xcl.ID
    WHERE [xp-tolerance] <'-5'and xcl.[NAME] ='resistor'

    i make a join with the xpropertyvalues but since my props are separated on two tables i either need to join the two tables or move all the properties to one of them. i'm still not sure which way is best and if u have a better solution i would love to hear about it.




  • hello 

    i have a better understanding of what is happening,

    i think because i imported the component engineering package too many times because of mis understanding of an aror message,

    this actually imported a big number of xproperty and i have now 21 tables of xpropertyvalues and the new one am creating are on the 21st table thus separated from the first ones i created before all those imports.

    i'm actually requesting xproperty values in an action and i use apply sql, i know its not recomended but i'm first trying to make it work through sql and later i will pass it to iom   

    my sql request looks somthing like this 

    SELECT xcl.[NAME], mnfp.KEYED_NAME
    FROM [InnovatorSolutions].[innovator].[MANUFACTURER_PART] as mnfp
    inner join [xp].[XPROPERTYVALUES] as xp on xp.[item_id] = mnfp.ID
    inner join [innovator].[MANUFACTURER_PART_XCLASS] as mnfXc on mnfp.ID =mnfXc.SOURCE_ID
    inner join [innovator].[XCLASS] as xcl on mnfXc.RELATED_ID = xcl.ID
    WHERE [xp-tolerance] <'-5'and xcl.[NAME] ='resistor'

    i make a join with the xpropertyvalues but since my props are separated on two tables i either need to join the two tables or move all the properties to one of them. i'm still not sure which way is best and if u have a better solution i would love to hear about it.




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