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  • Get beforeupdate Relationships value from parent item

    there is a item name -Part and it has relation -Part_relation there are a date field and name field in Part_relation when user update , I want to check the field'value Cannot be earlier than Today When encountering an error, I will return inn…
  • Method for event OnAfterUnlock

    I want to promote an Item state when user unlock it. I create a simple LifeCycle: "New"-->"Released" I habe write this method on the server event "OnAfterUnlock": Innovator inn=this.getInnovator(); string itemnumber = this.getProperty("item_number…
  • How to call a server method with applyMethod() from a client method, and use the results coming back from server

    Server Method : [Get_Identity_Details] Can run this and get results I want. Hard coded guid for test Innovator inn = this.getInnovator(); string sessionuserid = this.getProperty("sessionuser","invalid"); if (sessionuserid == ""){} StringBuilder sql…