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  • What is Export Utility Levels ?

    what is the meaning of the above highlighted line in the EXPORT Utility?
  • How is the AML saved in the database ?

    Is it converted into Sql insert statement. I would also like to know about Odata, how is it implemented in ARAS?
  • Populate the WBS Elements for corresponding Activities2 in a project

    <AML> <Item type="WBS Activity2" action="get" select="name" where="WBS_Activity2.related_id IN (SELECT id FROM INNOVATOR.select_activities('9CB5E2CBBBDB1728B01882'))"> <Relationships> <Item type="Activity2" action="get" select="related_id(name)…
  • Uploading a local file to Innovator using the Batch Loader

    I'm having issues uploading a local file to an instance of Innovator using the Batch Loader. I have the following XML: <Item type="Document File" action="add"> <related_id> <Item type="File" action="add"> <actual_filename>C:\some\file\path\@1</actual_filename…
  • Uploading multiple document revisions with the batchloader

    Hi, I have the following (legacy) structure of documents and files: DOC-0001 Rev 12 State: Superseded File abc_12.dwg File abc_12.pdf DOC-0001 Rev 13 State: Superseded File abc_13.dwg File abc_13.pdf DOC-0001 Rev 14 State:…
  • Custom BOM Quantity Rollout Report

    Hi, I am trying to develop a custom BOM Quantity Rollout report, we have been able to pull in all the information we need from the Parts and Part BOM however, we need help pulling in the Manufacturer Part from the Part AML, I need help in determining…
  • Buy GMAT-GRE Certificate Without Exam in Turkey +1-657-529-2372 Buy GMAT-GRE Certificate Without Exam in Russia

    buypmpwithoutexam-yahoo-com buy original and registered ielts and toefl certificates in Denmark, ,
  • 办理百年理工学院毕业证成绩单文凭书Q%威信786161891办百年理工学院毕业证@制做加拿大文凭毕业证书@办理成绩单修改成绩@购买国外文凭成绩单Centennial College

    Centennial College