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  • How to reference the ItemType in the current tab in a Dialog box?

    I'm working on a client side method to clone an ItemType using a dialog box. My approach is to make a form with a check box to choose to copy properties and another check box to copy values from a relationship tab, and a button for "Done" and "Cancel…
  • JS event when ECO form is saved?

    Hi, Is it possible to listen to some kind of event to know when the ECO form has been saved? I have an HTML field in the ECO form, where I have put a <script> tag with JavaScript code within. I want that code to execute again after the form has been…
  • Disable Add relationship

    Hi all, I should disable the ability to create a new relationship when an Item is in a certain state. For example: I have an Item Document with an relation to Item File. When the user create a new document (state document = New)  he can create a new…
  • Disable date and Item in Form

    Hi, I have a form with an field type="Date" (Name=expiring_date) and another field type="Item" (Name=item_code). I would disable during the OnFormPolulated event if the state is different from released. I tried: document.getElementsByName("expiring_date…
  • Disabeling dropdown field on form

    Hi I have some strange behaviour on a form. I have added a JaveScript method to disable some fields if the property "kam_is_transferred" = 1. The strange thing is the code below works on text fields but it doesn't seem to work on dropdown fields. Is…