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Session: Aras Innovator Configuring Solutions Europe

Dates: August 19, 2024 - Aug 23, 2024

Time Zone: Central Europe (GMT+1)

Days: 5

Location: Remote

Cost: $3125

Delivery Method: Virtual: Instructor-led

Student Role: System Administrator

Download the Course PDF

This 5-day virtual online training course combines lectures, exercises, and labs to provide an in-depth introduction to the Aras Innovator enterprise application framework. The live instructor-led lectures will be delivered from 9:30am-12:00pm and 13:30pm-16:00pm (CET, GMT+1) daily. The remaining time will be allotted to lab exercises. All participants will be given access to a private Aras Innovator database on a cloud server for the duration of the course.

Attendees will construct and modify solution applications that demonstrate the low-code modeling capabilities developed on a robust set of platform services. Participants will create ItemTypes, custom properties (including extended classifications), form views, life cycle maps, and workflows. The configured solution will support versioning, relationships to other items with controlled behaviors, allow files to be attached and vaulted, automatic email notifications, and defined security permissions. Participants will also learn how to create user accounts, customize the user interface by configuring Toolbars and Menus, implement PolyItems, and package solutions for export.

This course is intended for: Administrators, Power Users, Developers and Support Engineers who need a deeper understanding of the Aras Innovator platform modeling capabilities. Completion of the Aras PLM Essentials course, or previous experience using Aras Innovator, is required to attend this session.

Aras Innovator Software Training is Free for Aras Subscribers

Please complete the form to request registration in the upcoming session.