Toggle visibility of Restricted files under Documents

The Document's Type field had to be updated to a new value that was added to the list. Batch loader was used to the edit the Document but this created a new Version and the State to Preliminary from Released. We did not want the new versions to be created. 

The new version of these Documents were purged. Now, under these Documents all the files show as "Restricted" however, they are visible to Admins. 
How do I make these files visible again. Screenshot below 

  • Hi,

    "Restricted" can be caused on purpose or by accident.

    - By accident if you broke a relationship (related_id links to something that doesn´t exists).
    - On purpose when permission or visibility restrictions kick in. 

    I am a bit confused that your file is indicated as NULL relationship. Check the used permissions for Document, relationship and the File. If you are familiar with the SQL structure, i would directly check the dataset in the table. 

  •   I don't think the relationship broke because the Files are not restricted for Admins. 

    We only have on MAC policy that controls the visibility of Documents. Therefore, I don't understand why would Document be visible and the files are not. 

    Also, I can't look at the database directly because we are on Aras cloud; don't have access to the database. 

  • It´s probably the best to ask Aras about this one.

    One option you have is to directly view the "Document Files" ItemType (just add it to the TOC). Maybe you see something unusual. The direct view of the ItemType also allows you to check the permissions of the relationships. Maybe you find something useful, but it´s not guaranteed. 

    In addition check, if the physical File is still accessible by checking the File ItemType. 

  • It´s probably the best to ask Aras about this one.

    One option you have is to directly view the "Document Files" ItemType (just add it to the TOC). Maybe you see something unusual. The direct view of the ItemType also allows you to check the permissions of the relationships. Maybe you find something useful, but it´s not guaranteed. 

    In addition check, if the physical File is still accessible by checking the File ItemType. 

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