Send email to task assignee by field event



We have a customized task request application in Aras and I want to build a method to send assignee an email when the task has been assigned to the person.

I want to add the method to a field event, onChange. So, when the assignee changes value, an email will be sent. See attached screenshots.

And my code:

Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();
string str_body = "";

// Get assignee
string assignee = this.getProperty("dlv_assignedto","");

//Get Url
string str_actionID = this.getProperty("id","");
string str_actionReq = "DLV_ActionReq";
string link = string.Format(@"<html><p><a href=""{2}/Default.aspx?StartItem={0}:{1}"">Click here to open the ticket</a></p></html>",str_actionReq, str_actionID, CCO.Request.Url.ToString().Substring(0,CCO.Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("/Server/")));

// Get Mail
Item email = inn.newItem("Email Message", "get");
email = email.apply();

email.setProperty("subject", string.Format("The following Action Request {0} has been assigned to you",this.getProperty("item_number","")));
str_body = string.Format(@"<html><B>The following Action Request {0} has been assigned to you. <br>{1} <br>Best regards,<br>Engineering Capability Office",this.getProperty("item_number",""), link);

email.setProperty("body_html", str_body);

// Get Identity for assignee
if ( assignee != "" ) {
string str_reqby = this.getPropertyAttribute("dlv_assignedto", "keyed_name");
Item iden = this.newItem("Identity", "get");
iden.setProperty("name", str_reqby);
iden = iden.apply();
if ( iden.getItemCount() == 1) { Boolean result =, iden); }

return this;


Any idea why it does not work?

Have tried with server events, onAfterUpdate and it works. But not working with onAfterUnlock, it will solve my problem as well.

Best Regards,
