AML = SQL Where (IN)

Good day all.  I have a JavaScript Method that uses the following line to create a list.

tdpList.loadAML('<Item type="s_Document" orderBy="id" action="get" where="([s_DOCUMENT].id IN(SELECT RELATED_ID FROM innovator.s_TDP_DOCUMENT WHERE (SOURCE_ID = \'' + this.getID() + '\')))"><generation condition="gt">0</generation></Item>');
tdpList = tdpList.apply();

I need to reuse this Method for another ItemType.  I have discovered that using Where and In causes an error because of a security update in 11 SP9.  Aras 11.0 - AML Security Settings 2017-04-28 mentions that you can create an exception to allow specific statements, but recommends changing the code to something else.  I remember reading that this exception is supposed to be phased out in 12.  How can I change this statement to correctly return the list I need?  

I can get the information by using a Get and Relationships, but it will not create the proper list.  I think this is do to the information returned since it includes the ItemType and Relationship ItemType information.  Thank you for any help you can provide.