Part Numbering System - Migration Environment

We are migrating from Enovia to Aras and most probably we will use a different part numbering system. Currently the part numbers are also used in our CAD and ERP systems. There is no integration. We just "synchronize" manually. Question:
  1. When we change to a new part numbering system, how do we manage this change in our CAD and ERP?
  2. How do we manage old and new part numbers to avoid any conflicts?
Any ideas are appreciated.
  • Hi Klaus, I recommend contacting Aras Support with any questions regarding your migration from Enovia to Aras. The engineers on the Support team have a lot of experience assisting customers with migrations from legacy systems to Aras. They will be able to provide answers specific to your migration scenario. Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer