Get CAD file with REST API

Hi, I try to read my CAD file with REST API like localhost/.../CAD , it return like below. { "@odata.context": "">localhost/.../$metadata, "value": [ { "authoring_tool": "SolidWorks", "classification": "Mechanical/Part", "created_on": "2018-06-13T02:45:26", "description": "First CAD Docment", "generation": "1", "has_change_pending": "0", "id": "1260956E892E4879B93D6F64F8B683CC", "is_current": "1", "is_released": "0", "is_standard": "0", "is_template": "0", "keyed_name": "CAD01", "major_rev": "A", "modified_on": "2018-06-13T02:45:26", "name": "CAD01", "new_version": "1", "not_lockable": "0", "state": "Preliminary", "item_number": "CAD01" } ] } But i can't able to fetch the CAD file. How can i resolve this issue? Thanks & Regards, Sathishkumar C.
  • Hello, The native_file property is an Item property of the File ItemType. The specific example included in the blog post does not use this property, but you can follow the same format for any Item property. The example below shows how you can use the REST API to search upon the native file property specifically. GET {base url}/CAD(‘F45F259F527942EB8A6C4011BC784EF0’)?$expand=native_file&$select=item_number Chris
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hello, The native_file property is an Item property of the File ItemType. The specific example included in the blog post does not use this property, but you can follow the same format for any Item property. The example below shows how you can use the REST API to search upon the native file property specifically. GET {base url}/CAD(‘F45F259F527942EB8A6C4011BC784EF0’)?$expand=native_file&$select=item_number Chris
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
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