parepalli - Wednesday, June 26, 2013 12:51 AM: What is the difference between the actions : copy, copyAsIs, copyAsNew? Thank you
  • Tech Tip: Disable a Menu Button Using CUI

    In previous blogs posts, we've learned how to add a new button to our menus as well as add new keyboard shortcuts . Both of these lessons are great when we want to allow our users to perform new kinds of actions, but how do we prevent our users from performing…
  • Comment on Creating a Custom Refresh Button Using CUI

    Hi Angela, Thank you for the kind words and the great questions! To answer your first question, the functionality of the relationship grid toolbar has not yet been migrated into CUI. Secondly, while there is no document that outlines the abbreviations…
  • Creating a Custom Refresh Button Using CUI

    With the introduction of CUI in Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7, you can now manage the appearance and functionality of the User Interface directly through the Aras Innovator client. In this post, we will learn how to use CUI to add a custom refresh button to…