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  • Commit the transaction half way through the code and continue the execution from there.

    Hi Team, We have a scenario where we want to commit the transaction half way through the code and continue the execution from there. For example : 1. We are working on Background tasks implementation 2. Where we want to change the status [property…
  • Item Version is not visible in Aras 12SP1

    Hello Team, If we are opening any Item from Relationship & trying to open item version ion that case version window is showing Blank window. but if we are opening same Item from main TOC then it is showing. Regards, Suhas
  • Unlock Item using REST API

    Hello, Consider the scenario 1. User A has locked the Document from Innovator GUI and edited Name property but did not Save, unlock and Close 2. Same user using REST API (through Postman, does not matter though) unlock the Item. Rest call as below…
  • Restricted in Inbasket

    Hi All, I am getting Restricted in user inbasket.But user can find same item from item search and do signoff for the same when I tried to open from inbasket then it is showing below error and in InBasket it is not showing any claim.
  • Copy Paste In TVG fro one grid to another

    Hello Everyone, I have one requirement in Tree Grid View with copy paste functionality: Create two TVG, One grid with Copy context Menu and another with Paste context menu. So if i copy row from one grid and paste into another that should add…
  • Filter relationship grid rows from code

    Hi Experts, I have the requirement that, as per the form property value the relationship content should be shown. I have tried many things but it didnt helped. E.g I have the form property as dept_name and it has value like "Finance" and "Delivery…
  • how do I find identity associated with the user by C# or Javar

    if I know the login in user ID, how do I get his identity? Thanks Qiaoyun
  • How implement method aras to get data from data base oracle using DLL!!!!

    How implement method aras to get data from data base oracle using DLL!!!!contact me! i created method c# in VS .net that connect the database oracle, some one have idea how create method in aras that get this data from data base !!!