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  • Who Should Take Ownership of PLM?

    Historically, the design manager picked the CAD, PDM, and more recently the PLM system. This made sense as the beginnings of PLM came out of engineering and CAD file management. PLM methodology is a process that starts before design, and often the greatest…
  • ACE Presentation: PLM For High Tech Electronics

    Aras Partner, Minerva incorporated their expertise best practices in high tech electronics into a solution tailored to fit the needs of HTE companies. If you're a high tech electronics company, this is a must-see presentation. Minerva's solution is designed…
  • The State of the Product Lifecycle

    What's up with the product lifecycle? I ask this because I recently read 2 articles that offered conflicting opinions, with one saying that product lifecycles were "collapsing" and the other talking about how people are holding on to their stuff longer…
  • PLM: You CAN Do It.

    I'm a faithful reader of Seth's Blog by Seth Godin. In a recent post titled " Who goes first ?" Seth said this about initiating a new project... Initiating a project, a blog, a wikipedia article, a family journey--these are things that don't come naturally…
  • Get Your Aras Schwag!

    Does your coworker have an Aras "Be Different" shirt that they love to show off? Do you hate yourself for wanting it so much? If this sounds like you, check out the Aras merchandise store . If your thing isn't to Be Different there are also lots of…
  • What’s Happening at Aras?

    It would be faster to tell you what's not happening! Social, cloud, impact matrix, MPP & MBOM and more; it's all coming because you – the members of the Aras Community – asked for it. How, you ask? Using the Aras public roadmap and making your voice heard…