Bill of Materials Management

Manage your BOM throughout the entire lifecycle

Take Control of Your BOM Across the Enterprise

Outdated and disconnected BOMs cripple product development, leading to manufacturing delays, scrap, or product failures.

Bringing complex products to market means collaboratively managing BOMs for mechanical/electrical components and embedded software. BOM management with Aras helps connect and manage multiple sources of information in a single database so the right data gets to the right people.

 Bill of Materials

Complete BOM Visibility

BOM management with Aras Innovator helps organizations connect and manage multiple sources of information in a single database. Easily create and maintain structured, multi-level bills of materials for each stage of the product lifecycle. Easily synchronize EBOMs and MBOMs for clear visibility into cross-disciplinary change statuses through, design, manufacture, and service.

Not All Products are Created Equally

While products may be designed to be identical, changes inevitably happen along the way. Suppliers change, quality issues are fixed, and various batches may get alternative parts.

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