
April 09, 2024


Press Releases

Aras、PLM プラットフォームの戦略的な機能強化を発表

March 05, 2024

デジタルスレッド、ローコード、ビジュアライゼーション機能の拡張、 新たなサプライヤー管理アプリケーションを追加

Press Releases

ジョンソン・マッセイ社が PLM プラットフォームに Aras Innovator を採用

February 20, 2024

Aras の SaaS 版 PLM プラットフォームが 同社の製品ライフサイクル管理業務をサポート

Press Releases

化学工業日報主催 第2回 石油・化学産業向けDXサミットに Aras が登壇

February 15, 2024

講演テーマは「化学・素材イノベーションを加速する DX 戦略と PLM の活用」

Press Releases

Aras、2024 年の PLM 業界に関する 7 つの未来予測

January 17, 2024


Press Releases

Aras、株式会社竹中工務店と建設業界における PLM による生産性向上への取り組みを公表

January 09, 2024

建設業界で Aras Innovator を基盤としたデジタル変革への挑戦 - データを一気通貫した建物のライフサイクル全体でのデジタルスレッド活用により生産性向上を目指す

Press Releases

Aras、EIZO の導入事例を公開

December 19, 2023

Aras Innovator の導入で開発と製造の間における デジタルスレッド構築に成功

Press Releases

Red Bull 社が PLM プラットフォームにAras Innovator を採用

November 29, 2023

Aras の SaaS PLM は Red Bull の複雑なレシピ管理とコンプライアンス管理を、企画から製造までの製品ライフサイクル全体でサポート

Press Releases

Aras、SaaS ベースの PLM アプリケーションプラットフォームで急速に成長

November 16, 2023

Aras Innovator の SaaS 導入で 50% の成長を達成

Press Releases

H-TEC SYSTEMS社、Aras を利用してビジネス成長を推進

November 09, 2023

グリーン水素生産技術のパイオニアが SaaS をベースにした PLM プラットフォーム Aras Innovator を導入

Press Releases

AVEVA と Aras、エネルギー分野で McDermott とライトハウス契約を締結

October 30, 2023


Press Releases

Aras の PLM が 2023 年 SPARK Matrix™ レポートでテクノロジーリーダーに選出される

September 14, 2023

テクノロジーエクセレンスとカスタマーインパクトの両指標で最高得点を獲得。Aras Innovator はエンドユーザーが製品ライフサイクル全体で、複雑な製品やサービスを管理することを可能にします

Press Releases

Aras の CMO にジョシュ・エプスタインが就任、取締役チームを強化

July 19, 2023

PLM 業界において一層の認知度を高めるための施策

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルイベント ACE 2023 Japan 開催報告

July 03, 2023

2023 年 6 月 15 日、16 日開催 ~ 可能性を再び想像する 2 日間

Press Releases


June 15, 2023

Aras Innovator が支える車載ソフト管理、デジタルスレッド構築

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 6月15日(木)、16日(金)の開催迫る

June 08, 2023

特別講演として初代デジタル大臣 平井卓也氏と日本マイクロソフト、基調講演に EIZO とクボタ、パネルトークに村田製作所とアクセンチュアが登壇

Press Releases
Press Releases

日本マイクロソフト、AI/MLのスペシャリスト登壇決定 Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan開催

May 18, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京

Press Releases


May 09, 2023

Aras Innovator の自由度の高さを生かし 個別受注生産業務の改革を進める

Press Releases

Aras Enterprise SaaS を Microsoft Azure Marketplace で提供開始

May 02, 2023

Aras のクラウドベースの PLM にアクセスして、アプリケーション開発とビジネス戦略の策定が可能に

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japanに Visual Technology Company の EIZO 登壇決定

April 27, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京

Press Releases

Aras独立系調査会社が発表した 「プロダクト・ライフサイクル・マネジメント」部門でリーダー企業に選出

April 10, 2023


Press Releases

Aras InnovatorがMacGregor社の高度なモニタリングソリューション「OnWatch Scout」の開発を支援

April 05, 2023

リアルタイムでの解決、ユーザビリティの向上、 船舶メンテナンスのための高度なデータ管理を可能に

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金)開催決定

April 03, 2023

テーマは「Reimagine Your Possibilities ~可能性を再び想像する~」

Press Releases

The Story Behind the Surprising Partnership Between AVEVA and Aras September 19, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of shares his thoughts about Aras' strategic OEM licensing partnership with AVEVA, saying it is another recognition of the strength of the Aras Innovator platform and the joint venture with AVEVA is a feather in the cap for CEO, Roque Martin.

Media Coverage


September 16, 2022

産業用デジタルツイン実現に向け、拡張性の高い設備資産ライフサイクル 管理ソリューション開発を支援

Press Releases

アラスジャパン主催グローバルコミュニティイベント 「ACE 2022 Japan」を 3年ぶりのリアルイベントとして開催

June 23, 2022

600人以上が集い大盛況のうちに閉幕。オンデマンド配信は 7月29日まで視聴可能

Press Releases

Aras プラットフォームが医療技術企業オットーボック社で実現した、より早く、より革新的な研究開発

June 14, 2022


Press Releases


June 01, 2022


Press Releases

Why Aras’ Roque Martin Bought Minerva, and the New Upcoming Ansys-Like Arrangements May 27, 2022

Part two of Verdi Ogewell's conversation with Roque Martin and Peter Schroer explores the CEO transition, details about our recent Minerva merger, and the future of our platform.

Media Coverage

Taking Aras PLM from a Thorn in the Side to a Real Threat May 26, 2022

Aras’ founder, Peter Schroer, and CEO, Roque Martin, sat down with Verdi Ogewell of to discuss Aras’ growth among the other vendors in the market, what makes Aras and its platform stand out, and Roque’s mission as CEO.

Media Coverage

Aras、独 XPLM 社への投資により、イノベーションの加速とエンジニアリングおよび製造におけるオープン コネクティビティの強化を保証

May 24, 2022


Press Releases

Aras Invests in XPLM

CIMdata May 12, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview of Aras’ investment in XPLM, saying that they are pleased to see that Aras is continuing to invest in openness that benefits the entire PLM economy including end user customers, ISV partners, and competitors alike.

Media Coverage

伊 IWT 社、自動化によるデータ完全性の向上のために Aras を選定

May 11, 2022


Press Releases

アラス、「ACE 2022 Japan」の開催を決定 ~『加速するデジタルスレッドの価値 ~ Transform with SaaS ~』

April 11, 2022

4月11日(月)から参加事前登録スタート、ユーザー基調講演には 光洋サーモシステム株式会社様 / 株式会社竹中工務店様 / 株式会社デンソー様 が登壇予定

Press Releases
Manufacturing Global

Three steps to building a resilient enterprise ecosystem

Manufacturing Global April 08, 2022

Aras’ CRO, Rob McAveney, explains that if product data is used properly, it can deliver insights that allow businesses to pivot with agility when it needs to adapt to new requirements. 


Media Coverage

Aras Announces Merger of Minerva Group (Highlight)

CIMdata January 11, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview Aras’ merger of Minerva, saying this is a great addition for Aras, offering better support for out-of-the-box implementations within specific industries and helps increase Aras’ top line revenue.

Media Coverage

Breaking News: Aras PLM Takes Over Its Main Partner Minerva January 11, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of says Aras’ merger of Minerva will enable the company to position itself to better solve complex digitalization challenges in technology, manufacturing and the supply chain. At the same time, the added expertise in vehicle, aerospace, defense and industrial equipment manufacturing will benefit customers moving forward. 

Media Coverage

Aras、デンマーク ミネルバ社の合併を発表

January 11, 2022

医療機器とハイテク・エレクトロニクス業界に向けたベストインクラスの PLMテクノロジーを提供開始

Press Releases


November 30, 2021

イノベーションと価値実現までの時間を加速する Aras Innovator 14

Press Releases

オランダ電磁システムメーカー大手のケンドリオン社、単一のデジタルバックボーンとして Aras Enterprise SaaS を選定

November 09, 2021

Aras Cloud 上の Aras DevOps により、企業の継続的成長のための重要な機能を提供

Press Releases

Aras の CEO にロッキー・マーチンが就任

October 20, 2021

業界で実績のあるロッキー・マーチンが Aras に参加、ピーター・シュローラは Aras の取締役会へ

Press Releases

Aras の取締役会に Ansys の元 CEO であるジェームス キャッシュマンが加入

October 14, 2021

急成長する Aras、キャッシュマンの成長企業でのリーダーシップ経験を活かす

Press Releases
ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan June 03, 2021

自動車業界は激動期にある。その中で日産自動車は、2020年に打ち出した事業構造改革計画「NISSAN NEXT」の下、自動運転や電動化(以下、EV)など先進技術を積極的に投入する戦略を敷いている。それを支えるのが車載ソフトウェアであり、そのために利用するシステムでのユーザー要件は複雑だ。そこで日産は、ArasのPLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を導入し、PLMシステムを構築した。

Media Coverage


MONOist June 01, 2021

アラスジャパンは2021年4月20~22日の3日間、年次イベントである「Aras Community Event(ACE 2021)」をオンラインで開催した。その中で、日産自動車 グローバルISデリバリー本部 エンジニアリング&デザインシステム部 課長代理職の根本博明氏と同パワートレイン・EV技術開発本部 パワートレイン・EV制御技術開発部 EMS制御技術開発グループ ソフトウェアエキスパートの小林秀明氏が「Aras Innovatorによるエンジニアリングプラットフォーム戦略および活用事例」をテーマに事例講演を行った。

Media Coverage


MONOist April 28, 2021

Arasは2021年4月14日、大手グローバル企業のクラウド要件に柔軟に対応する、新しいサブスクリプションサービス「Enterprise サブスクリプション」の提供を開始した。

Media Coverage

Aras、米国投資会社GI パートナーズによる大幅な成長のための投資を発表

April 19, 2021


Press Releases

Aras、エンタープライズ向け SaaS をベースとした新サブスクリプションサービスを発表

April 14, 2021

エンタープライズ SaaS と DevOps サービスの組み合わせにより無制限のカスタマイズが可能な最も強力な「クラウドファースト」なプラットフォームを提供し、グローバル企業を支援

Press Releases


MONOist April 09, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新版を発表した。シミュレーションを製品データのデジタルスレッドに接続でき、製品ライフサイクル全体にわたってシステムの調査と検証が可能になる。

Media Coverage


MONOist April 08, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日(現地時間)、さまざまなエンジニアリング分野のデータをツールに依存しない形で統合し、システムモデルの定義をサポートする「Aras システム アーキテクチャ」の最新リリースを発表した。

Media Coverage


Nikkei XTECH April 01, 2021

米Aras(アラス)は、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」の機能として提供しているシミュレーションデータ管理アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の新版を発表した。

Media Coverage

Aras、より優れた拡張性、柔軟性、およびオープンな接続性を提供するアプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新リリースを発表

March 30, 2021


Press Releases
Press Releases

Aras、ACE 2021開催、日産自動車、ROKI、ジャムコ他、リーディングカンパニー各社が講演

March 16, 2021


Press Releases

アラスジャパン、設計データ管理プラットフォーム「イノベーター」 デンソーが採用



Media Coverage
Weekly Business Computer News

企業動静 2020年12月21・28日付 vol.1855: 米アラス

Weekly BCN December 24, 2020


Media Coverage


MONOist December 15, 2020

アラスは2020年12月9日、同社の展開するPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」をデンソーが採用したと発表した。自動車部品の設計開発データを適切に管理するための技術部品表プラットフォームとして運用する。

Media Coverage
My Navi


MyNavi December 10, 2020

Arasは、デンソーが技術部品表のプラットフォームとして、自社のPLMプラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を選択したことを発表した。

Media Coverage

Aras、統合インフラの近代化・デジタル化を実現する PLM プラットフォームとして、 デンソーが Aras を選定したことを発表

December 09, 2020

グローバル自動車部品メーカーとして、組織全体のデータの可視化を Aras プラットフォーム活用により強化

Press Releases


MONOist December 01, 2020


Media Coverage
Digital Engineering 24/7

The Modern Face of SPDM

Digital Engineering November 19, 2020

As simulation-driven design becomes a core pillar of digital product development, a refreshed simulation product data management has come to light. This article highlights Ansys’ use of Aras Innovator to deliver a vendor-neutral and open approach to SPDM.

Media Coverage
Smart Industry

Enterprise low-code: The next step in low-code

Smart Industry November 18, 2020

Low-code software has been around for decades and, with every re-emergence, the expectations are high. This article highlights recent advancement in low-code known as enterprise low-code. Enterprise low-code platforms offer a more strategic approach to application development with a higher level of functionality than traditional low-code solutions.

Media Coverage

義肢・装具の世界的リーダー、オットーボック社が Aras のエンドツーエンドプラットフォームで技術開発を近代化

October 27, 2020

製品データの「信頼できる唯一の情報源」を求め、将来の成長を後押しする Aras PLMプラットフォームを選択

Press Releases
Toolbox Tech

Benefits of an Enterprise Low-Code Platform for Manufacturers

Toolbox Tech October 26, 2020

Manufacturers are turning to technology as they navigate the impact of the pandemic. Find out how an enterprise low-code platform enables manufacturers to digitally transform on a digital platform, improving agility and resilience.

Media Coverage

Aras Continues to Extend Its Low-Code Platform Capabilities to Build Intelligent Automation October 14, 2020

With the latest open release of Aras Innovator, Aras provides further capabilities and enhancements to manage complex product digital twins and integrations across the digital thread—boosted with low-code application administration, advanced configurability and custom app development.

Media Coverage


September 29, 2020

Aras プラットフォームがグラマー社の新たなデジタルトランスフォーメーションの取り組みをサポート

Press Releases
Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

Aras Asserts Capabilities for Unit-Specific Digital Twin Configurations

Technology Evaluation Centers September 28, 2020

Aras is competing for a very specific aspect of a digital twin initiative, a problem that hasn’t gotten much attention to date, but is absolutely critical for proper product operation analysis. Learn why Aras Digital Twin Core is a key differentiator.

Media Coverage


Nikkei XTECH September 16, 2020

アラスジャパン(東京・千代田)は、デジタルツインの運用支援と、ユーザーでの導入時やバージョンアップ時のテスト工数低減などを目的に、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」(米Aras)の新機能などを相次いで追加した。

Media Coverage


MONOist September 11, 2020

PLMベンダーのアラス(Aras)が事業展開を加速させている。過去3年間平均の売上高成長率は44%と高い伸びを示しており、PLM「Aras Innovator」の契約社数(サブスクライバー数)は365社、オープンソース版の利用企業数も1000社を超えた。

Media Coverage


MONOist August 20, 2020

Aras Japanは2020年7月7日、個別の機器や資産の状況を正確にデジタル化するデジタルツインを作成、管理できる新しいアプリケーション「デジタルツインコア」を発表した。

Media Coverage

Aras、業界経験の豊富な Marc de Guiran が最高収益責任者として着任、市場開拓組織を牽引

July 15, 2020


Press Releases

Aras、デジタルツインの作成および管理のためのアプリケーション、 デジタルツインコアを発表

July 07, 2020


Press Releases
Press Releases


May 21, 2020

「Visual Technology Company」として、 デジタルモノづくりによる付加価値の創出、生産性と品質の向上を目指す

Press Releases

シンフォニアテクノロジー、業務刷新に向け Aras を採択

February 05, 2020

設計効率を改善し、サイロ化された IT システムを Aras で再構築

Press Releases

Aras、戦略的 OEM 契約で ANSYS にプラットフォームをライセンス供与

January 14, 2020


Press Releases

YKK APがArasを採用、柔軟性やサブスクリプションなどを評価

MONOist December 12, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年11月21日、YKK APがArasプラットフォームを採択した事例について発表した。

Media Coverage


MONOist September 20, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年9月9日、同社のオープンソースPLMソフトウェア「Aras Innovator」を、主要なPLMシステムに直接接続できるようにする「PROSTEP OpenPDM」の提供を開始した。

Media Coverage

Aras、主要なPLMシステムに直接繋げられるPROSTEP OpenPDM を提供

September 09, 2019


Press Releases

Aras Innovatorに対応したAIを使った自動テストツールの提供を開始

August 28, 2019

繰り返し作業が多いテスト作業の自動化によりAras Innovatorの導入やアップグレードにかかるテスト工数を削減

Press Releases
Press Releases


MONOist November 30, 2018


Media Coverage
Yahoo Japan


YAHOO! JAPAN November 30, 2018


Media Coverage

Aras、ゴールドマン・サックスによる 7,000万ドルの投資を発表、成長拡大を加速

November 29, 2018

シルバーレイク・クラフトワークが新たな投資ラウンドに参加; ゴールドマン・サックスがArasの取締役会に参画

Press Releases


MONOist November 20, 2018


Media Coverage
ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan November 19, 2018


Media Coverage


Monoist October 09, 2018

Arasは2018年9月5日、医療機器や安全機器を取り扱うDrägerが、製品データの企業全体での可視化を可能にするPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)システムとして、Aras PLMプラットフォームを採用したと発表した。 

Media Coverage

Aras、製品ライフサイクル全体でシミュレーションを利用可能にするためComet Solutionsを買収

September 25, 2018


Press Releases


September 17, 2018


Press Releases


September 05, 2018


Press Releases


June 06, 2018

マルチファクターのアプローチにより、独自のEffectivity(有効日)基準の利用、 動的データ構造におけるインスタンスの管理、そしてデジタルスレッドの維持が可能に

Press Releases
Michael Wendenburg Online Redaktion


MyNavi April 17, 2018


Media Coverage
IT Production Online


MyNavi April 04, 2018


Media Coverage


Monoist March 30, 2018


Media Coverage


Monoist March 19, 2018

好調を維持しているPLMベンダーのアラスだが、IoT時代を迎えた製造業に対してさらなる提案を行うべく、Aras Innovatorを「製品イノベーションプラットフォーム」に進化させるための取り組みを加速させている。これまでもシステムズエンジニアリングなどに注力してきたが、さらにMESやMROもカバーしていく方針だ。

Media Coverage


Nikkei XTECH February 28, 2018

アラスジャパンは、PLM「Aras Innovator」について、2018年内の開発予定を明らかにした。

Media Coverage


Monoist February 27, 2018

米ArasがInfospectrumのImpresa Impresa Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul(MRO)事業を買収した。ArasのPLMプラットフォームにImpresa MROを組み込むことで、デジタルスレッドを保守サービスの領域へと拡張する計画だ。

Media Coverage
My Navi


MyNavi February 22, 2018


Media Coverage
Automotive IT


MyNavi February 21, 2018


Media Coverage


February 21, 2018


Press Releases
Kompetenz Für Konstrukteure


MyNavi February 07, 2018


Media Coverage

Aras PLMプラットフォームの最新リリースで製品バリエーション管理をより簡単に

February 05, 2018


Press Releases


November 29, 2017


Press Releases
Tech Factory


Techfactory November 01, 2017


Media Coverage
Nikkei Business Daily

PLMの米アラス、日本で攻勢 -IoTの情報連携に需要-

Nikkei Business Daily October 03, 2017


Media Coverage
Boston Business Journal

Boston Business Journal, “GE Ventures adds to $40M round for Andover industrial software company”

Boston Business Journal September 01, 2017

“To power the next wave of global industrial productivity, GE is investing in critical foundational capabilities for the Industrial Internet," Steve Taub, the managing director of advanced manufacturing and enterprise at GE Ventures, said in a statement.

Media Coverage

New $40 Million Investment in Aras

CIMdata September 01, 2017

Given the amount invested and the reputation of the investors, CIMdata sees this as well-deserved recognition of Aras’ position in the global PLM industry, as well as their future potential. Their innovative technology and business model are well proven at this point and continue to gain traction in the marketplace.

Media Coverage

“On Par with the cPDm Leaders” – Why Aras is Recognized as a New Member of the PLM Elite September 01, 2017

Aras has managed to produce a solution that effectively covers what tend to be weak spots in large corporation’s PLM environments: supplier collaboration and simplicity to upgrade. Add in the fact that there are no license fees (Aras is free to download) and it becomes obvious that the solution has a couple very hard-to-resist advantages.

Media Coverage

PLM is Hot Again: Aras Announces $40 Million Investment

ENGINEERING.COM September 01, 2017

“Aras embodies this strategy with a game-changing platform and ‘SaaS Anywhere’ approach that has proven very compelling to customers, and we are excited about Aras’ next stage of growth." -Martin Fichtner, managing director of Silver Lake Kraftwerk.

Media Coverage

T-Systems PDM Workbench 5.0 available

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 5.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. New “Rep Types” can be defined as non-BOM relevant CAD Documents, e.g. “CAD_KIN” for kinematics. All “Rep Types” can be handled easily with the full CATIA-integrated GUI of PDM Workbench. A step to improve usability in large structures like Aerospace is the possibility to load just portions of a structure, but maintaining the geometrical context – hence reducing data traffic and load time in CATIA. Also the handling of configuration information is improved by enabling the handling directly within CATIA. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.

Media Coverage

T-Systems PDM Workbench 6.0

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 6.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. Focus with this release was improving download performance by enabling the release cached. Now it is possible to save even more time for the designers. Also options for only loading visualization is available. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.

Media Coverage

Aras Extends Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service with Latest Open Release of Aras PLM Platform

CIMdata March 01, 2017

“With this latest release of Aras Innovator, we continue to expand the Aras PLM Platform, whether building out the Quality Management System application for the specific needs of quality professionals or extending the platform to connect Engineering, Manufacturing, and Service to enable Digital Thread."

Media Coverage
Ten Links

Aras Innovator Updated for Quality Management

TenLinks March 01, 2017

Quality management professionals face the challenge of quickly responding to quality issues and communicating change requirements enterprise-wide. The new Quality Systems (QS) component in Aras QMS connects the proactive and reactive aspects of quality management, and fully integrates quality processes into engineering and manufacturing.

Media Coverage
Digital Engineering

Aras Outlines its Platform Approach to PLM at ACE 2017 Conference

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

"We are on fire, the company, since about 2013-2014 has been growing,” said Aras CEO Peter Schroer during his ACE 2017 keynote presentation in front of a slide showing a 51% compound annual growth rate. “I gotta say … it’s because of you guys. The community is pushing us to continue to expand the product, build the scalability, build out the partner community so we can cover you everywhere. I would say the switch to open source, the opening up of everything we do — it’s an experiment and it’s played out perfectly.”

Media Coverage
Digital Engineering

Aras PLM Platform Intended to Extend Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Aras Quality Systems enables Closed-loop corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) – accelerates identification, containment, and analysis of issues, and tracking of affected items; Root cause analysis (RCA) – offers a variety of RCA tools; fault tree analysis, fishbone analysis, and five whys; collaboration – supports quality review through Visual Collaboration, business rules and workflow, and aggregation and packaging of CAP items; and Reporting – provides 8D reporting and tracking of CAPA metrics (% closed, % due).

Media Coverage

Former Siemens PLM CEO Joins Aras March 01, 2017

Even more surprising is the announcement from Aras CEO Peter Schroer that the company has appointed Tony Affuso, Siemens PLM's former CEO and a seasoned PLM expert, to its Board of Directors. Tony Affuso was the one responsible for pushing through the deal in which Siemens acquired UGS. This purchase added NX and I-deas (high end CAD), Solid Edge (mainstream CAD), Teamcenter (PDM/PLM), Nastran and Femap (CAE), Tecnomatix and more to the Siemens portfolio.

Media Coverage
Digital Engineering

Hitachi Selects Aras to Standardize Design, Development Processes

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. has selected Aras Innovator to standardize management of drawings, data, design and development processes of the company’s wide portfolio of products. After implementation with Aras Certified Partner Hitachi Systems, Aras will standardize processes in engineering data management and workflow management across the company’s main manufacturing plants in Japan, Thailand and China.

Media Coverage

SofTech Group Connector 7.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2017

The SofTech Group Connector 7.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

ACE 2017 カスタマーカンファレンスでの登壇を発表

February 23, 2017

業界をリードする製品開発やIT、製造チームが IoTやデジタルスレッド、デジタル変革のベストプラクティスを共有

Press Releases


February 07, 2017

自動車および産業サプライヤーの大手がAras PLMプラットフォームを使用して、

Press Releases

Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

MCAD Cafe February 01, 2017

Each year, ACE brings together global industry and technology leaders to exchange best practices on managing complex product development and transforming the science of engineering to the business of engineering.

Media Coverage

Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Aras today announced key industry presentations and sessions for ACE 2017, the company’s marquee customer conference taking place on March 21st to 23rd in Nashville, TN. The gathering is the premier event that connects the most innovative product development, IT, and manufacturing teams from Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, High Tech Electronics, and Industrial Manufacturing to shape the future of PLM.

Media Coverage
Ten Links

Aras Announces Industry Presentations for ACE 2017

TenLinks February 01, 2017

ACE 2017 features business presentations from Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, Valley Fine Foods, IBM, Akrapovič, Carestream, Sandia, Lord, Pabst, and other industry leaders. In addition, application and demo tracks feature overviews of the latest version of the Aras PLM Platform, including MPP, Tech Docs, and Quality Management, and presentations on PLM implementation strategy.

Media Coverage

Boeing, Airbus and the Hardship of Dealing with PLM Obsolescence February 01, 2017

Former French president Charles de Gaulle once famously complained about the difficulty of governing a country that had 246 different kinds of cheese. In the time since that statement was made, life for both societies and enterprises has become even more complicated, and the hardship of ruling diversity, illustrated by this “cheese analogy,” has grown exponentially

Media Coverage

IBM launches new Digital Twin and Platform capabilities for Watson Internet of Things

IBM February 01, 2017

IBM, Aras Corporation and OSI Soft today are launching new IBM Digital Twin capabilities, to create multiple views of products by bringing together various ‘digital threads’ and data streams that can be tailored to the needs of a particular user.

Media Coverage

Schaeffler Group Selects Aras for Engineering Cockpit for 20,000 Users

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Digital transformation is one of the key issues at Schaeffler. The Engineering Cockpit application is one of the central tools to connect all disciplines and systems. The Engineering Cockpit is a web-based application allowing direct access to development data for a large number of development centers. It supports the company-wide configuration and change management in the initial phase.

Media Coverage
Ten Links

Schaeffler Selects Aras Innovator for Engineering Cockpit

TenLinks February 01, 2017

Schaeffler´s Engineering Cockpit provides up to 20,000 users with role-based access to information across multiple disciplines, interfaces, systems, and authoring tools to make better decisions. The collaboration with Schaeffler is the first result of the partnership between Aras and IBM that was announced in December last year.

Media Coverage
Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

IBM and Aras Reseller Agreement to Enable IoT Product Design, Enhance PLM Software Market

Technology Evaluation Center January 01, 2017

TEC’s principal analyst PJ Jakovljevic what this deal means for the future of product development and what product companies stand to gain in the era of digital transformation.

Media Coverage

LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

CIMdata January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation, a global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator® to standardize product development processes at current sites, and to help the company efficiently support emerging businesses. When fully implemented, LORD anticipates more than 1,000 users will access Document Management, Configuration Management, Engineering Change Management, as well as Quality Systems (CAPA) applications as part of the Aras PLM platform.

Media Coverage

LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

MCAD Cafe January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation is transforming their business of engineering due to the flexibility, scalability, and common architecture offered by Aras PLM. The company is better positioned to easily and quickly integrate new acquisitions, while standardizing current engineering and product development sites onto one common platform.

Media Coverage
Ten Links

LORD Selects Aras PLM Platform

TenLinks January 01, 2017

LORD, a leading global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator due to a scalable, robust and flexible PLM capabilities to accommodate changing business and market condition, as well as future acquisitions anticipated by the manufacturer, a model-based, service-oriented architecture that delivers low total cost of ownership without reducing the long term vision of the project and more.

Media Coverage

SofTech Group Connector 7.0 Available

CAD Connector December 01, 2016

The SofTech Group Connector 7.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP8; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

IBM社とArasがIoTを実現するための PLMの戦略的リセラー契約を発表

November 30, 2016

市場をリードするALMソリューションと、 柔軟性や拡張性、アップグレードの容易性を重視したPLMプラットフォーム によるパートナーシップ提携

Press Releases


October 25, 2016


Press Releases

ハンティントン・インガルス・インダストリーズが軍艦の複雑なエンジニアリングをサポートするPLMにAras Innovatorを選択

September 26, 2016


Press Releases


August 24, 2016


Press Releases

Aras, Airbus and IBM to Showcase ALM-PLM Open Reference Architecture at CRYSTAL Event

June 15, 2016

Initiative Supports a Systems Engineering Approach by Enabling Interoperability Across Different Life-cycle Domains – Mechanical, Electronics and Software

Press Releases Webinar Shares Best Practices for Cloud Deployment of Product Lifecycle Management

June 01, 2016

June 15, 2016 Webinar Offers Real World Scenarios, Cloud PLM Strategies for Today’s Global Enterprise

Press Releases

Aras to Exhibit at Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Conference and Expo in Tokyo

May 17, 2016

June 22 – 24, 2016 Event is Region’s Largest Manufacturing Technology Industry Conference

Press Releases

Aras, Carlisle Brake & Friction to Present at Digital Transformations Conference in Detroit

May 09, 2016

Presentation Part of Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ Smart Manufacturing Series on May 24, 2016

Press Releases

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB Selects Aras as Global PLM Backbone and Minerva as Implementation Partner

May 04, 2016

Global OEM implements flexible, scalable PLM platform to support global processes all the way from development through manufacture to service

Press Releases

Airbus, MERSEN, Microsoft and Others to Present at Aras ACE 2016 France in Paris

May 03, 2016

Conference on June 2 is Part of Global Event Series Highlighting Innovations in Global Product Development

Press Releases

東芝機械、設計プロセスの改善、製品品質の向上およびグローバルでの製品情報管理にAras Innovatorを選択

April 21, 2016


Press Releases

Parata Systems Selects Aras as PLM Backbone to Streamline Product Design, Development and Service

April 19, 2016

Leading Pharmacy Automation Equipment Manufacturer Chooses Aras to Optimize Business Processes and Improve Visibility

Press Releases

Aras CEO & Founder Peter Schroer Receives Leadership Award from CAD Society

April 12, 2016

Award Recognizes Outstanding Technical and Business Leadership in the Industry and Focus and Dedication to the Needs of End Users

Press Releases

Aras to Present on MBSE at Zuken Innovation World 2016

April 12, 2016

Presentation entitled “Beyond ECAD Connectors” Addresses the Model-Based Systems Engineering Challenges Faced in IoT Design Processes

Press Releases

Aras Corporation to Present at 2016 Continuous Engineering Symposium, Dearborn, Michigan

March 31, 2016

April 19, 2016 event gathers industry, technology leaders to address today’s product development challenges.

Press Releases

Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Selects Aras to Manage Global Product Information

March 08, 2016

Global industrial manufacturer selected Aras for the solution’s flexibility, open architecture and web-based global accessibility

Press Releases

Airbus, BAE Systems, Microsoft and more to Present at Aras ACE 2016 Conference

March 02, 2016

Global Leaders Discuss PLM Strategy at ACE 2016 Conference March 15 – 17 in Detroit, MI

Press Releases

Saab AB selects Aras PLM and Minerva as Implementation Partner

March 01, 2016

Military Defense and Civil Security Leader to Support Handling of Product Data Related to Gripen Fighter Aircraft

Press Releases

Aras and Elysium Announce Connector Solution for CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE to Aras Innovator

February 29, 2016

New Connector Enables Global Companies to Leverage CATIA Design Data across the Lifecycle and the Extended Enterprise

Press Releases

CGI Business Consulting and Aras Announce Partnership

February 23, 2016

Advanced PLM Technology Enables New Approaches to Business Transformation of Systems Engineering, Manufacturing and Compliance Processes

Press Releases Webinar Features Airbus / IBM / Aras Sharing New Approaches to ALM/PLM Cross-Discipline Product Development

February 11, 2016

Learn Better Ways to Coordinate Systems Engineering and Development Across Mechanical, Electronics, Software and Firmware

Press Releases

Aras ACE 2016 Global Conference Coming to Detroit

February 10, 2016

Industry Leaders Converge to Share Best Practices and Learn New Approaches for the Business of Engineering

Press Releases

SofTech Connector 6.0 Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2016

The SofTech Connector 6.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 6.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4-SP5 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0-SP5; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

日産自動車、東洋電装、川崎重工業が「ACE 2015 JAPAN」に登壇決定!

July 02, 2015


Press Releases

KISTERS North America Hires Sales Executive for its Enterprise Content Management Solutions

Industry Veteran James Eardly to Focus on 3DViewStation in North America March 01, 2015

KISTERS North America, Inc. announced that it has hired James Eardly to manage North American sales and support for its 3DViewStation viewing tool which makes design data visually available for the whole enterprise. Kisters 3DViewStation is Aras Digital Mockup solution.

Media Coverage

SofTech Connector 5.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 5.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

NorthRidge Announces Support for Aras Innovator 11

Extends support to 3 Aras major releases February 01, 2015

NorthRidge Software, LLC has validated support for Aras Innovator 11 on the current Discover Innovator 3.6 release. This extends support for the most intuitive and powerful search solution for Innovator users to Aras 9.3, 9.4, 10 and 11.

Media Coverage

SofTech Connector 5.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. SofTech Connector 5.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP4, and 9.4 SP0-SP2; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.2

3D CAD data authoring and publishing December 01, 2014

There have been several enhancements in the area of file formats: support for Catia V5-6 2014 (R24), Creo 3, Inventor 2015 and SolidEdge ST7 has been added. Besides Catia drawings 3DViewStation now support reading of 2D PDF as the general 2D reading strategy. For the special case of PDF 3DViewStation now loads PDF in 2D mode first and after clicking on it will load the 3D object in a separate window for further analysis. 3DViewStation does not only support reading of PMIs and PMI views, but also allows to export PMIs and translates markups and dimensions into PMIs during export. For customer who prefer to use Adobe Reader in some processes, 3DViewStation now offers a new template incl. views carousel and editable form fields, which might get populated via an associated XML during runtime, even in an integrated environment. With PDF the part list item to geometry and PMI to feature associativity will be retained.

Media Coverage

New Version Connector 4.5 for Aras Available

CAD Connector August 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.5 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.5 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP3, 9.4 SP0-SP2, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.1

3D-CAD viewer adds Catia 2D-drawings support, large format printing and undo July 01, 2014

After many customer requests Catia 2D drawing support has been added to KISTERS 3DViewStation. This is the beginning of adding more 2D file formats – 2D-PDF will be the next. Drawings as well as 3D parts or assemblies can be printed now, even on large format printing devices, including grid, markups and stamps to i.e. add printing time or document name, if desired. Also frequently asked for has been the undo-function, now allowing to undo selections, color changes, movements, dimensions and more.

Media Coverage

New Version CAD Connector 4.4 for Aras Available

CAD Connector June 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.4 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.4 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0 and SP1, 9.4 SP0 and SP1, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage
Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)

株式会社ADSが、医療機器メーカー向けArasソリューション『Medical Device PLM』の提供開始

ADS Inc, provide Medical Device PLM for Aras March 01, 2014

株式会社ADSは、医療機器メーカー向けソリューション『Medical Device PLM』 の提供を開始しました。 本ソリューションは、米国FDAの規制などのレギュレーション対応としてデンマー クのMinerva社が開発したAras Innovator向けソリューションです。 Minerva社 Medical Device PLM の特徴  - 成果物一覧からのDMR、DHRの作成  - ルールベースの成果物管理  - ダイナミックなDMR,DHF管理  - ベースラインの自動生成 ADSでは、今後、本ソリューションの日本語化対応、Aras Innovator CAPAソリューションとの連携を図ることで、日本の医療機器メーカーに求められる品質管理/規制対応要件をトータルでサポート致します。 ご興味のあるお客様は、[email protected]までお問合せください。 また、第25回設計製造ソリューション展にもArasブースにて出展致しますので、ぜひ、ご来場ください。

Media Coverage

User interface customization and BREP export: KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014

Tablet-PC optimized new release of DMU tool February 01, 2014

3DViewStation V2014 ships with a fresh Office 2013 compliant user interface and provides functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to customization of the user interface and BREP export capabilities.

The KISTERS 3DViewStation now provides several additional ways of UI customization: a pure left mouse button mode has been added to simplify the usage for occasional and also tablet-PC (finger) users. Mouse users now can determine, which functions should be performed when pressing the middle or right mouse button. The quick access toolbar can be customized and is pre-set now, so that frequently used functions are available without accessing the ribbon menu. Also, accelerator keys are defined for several functions and can be customized as per the user’s needs. Finally via XML the complete UI of the KISTERS 3DViewStation can be redefined.

Media Coverage

3D CAD viewer for mobile users

KISTERS 3DViewStation on tablet-PCs and smartphones January 01, 2014

KISTERS has announced the support for mobile users with the need for powerful 3D CAD viewers. The KISTERS 3DViewStation product family is available on many mobile devices and is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data.

Media Coverage

KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.03

Draft angle analysis and automatic assembly explode November 01, 2013

Kisters presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. Today KISTERS has announced the release 12.03 of the 3DViewStation, known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. We presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. The focus of the latest developments has been set to analysis functionality.

Media Coverage
NTT Data

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider, joins Aras partner program

Visit us at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

Based on Aras Innovator, NTT DATA provides services and solutions for the Aras Community. As an end-to-end IT service provider NTT DATA offers high-end strategy and process consulting, implementation and maintenance for its customers. Focused on the Automotive, Aerospace and Manufacturing Industries, NTT DATA is an extremely experienced partner in data management and migration, project management, product development and collaborative engineering. Our experts have already proven their skills and delivered excellent services in customer-projects. You can get in contact with us personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden. We are looking forward to a successful partnership with Aras Corp.

Media Coverage
NTT Data

NTT DATA is introducing a new Aras solution

Try the preview live at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider and new Aras partner, is proud to present a new Aras solution at Ace Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.

We have created an easy, extensible, efficient and GEnIUS solution to change the way you work with Aras Innovator. Our solution is the implementation of global customer requirements into a next generation integration platform based on ARAS Innovator project experiences. NTT DATA’s GEnIUS is enabling integration across multiple authoring tools using one common user interface. For example, create your BOMs in MS Excel and save them to Aras Innovator, directly. Add or delete any parts or amounts in Excel and GEnIUS will do the rest on the Aras side – just do it. But Excel is only one of many supported tools. Stay informed, other tools will be named here soon and get in touch with GEnIUS personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.

Media Coverage

1-Step assembly compare + sectioning + measurement: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.02

Lots of enhancements in 3DViewStation V12.01 and V12.02 releases August 01, 2013

KISTERS has announced the release 12.02 of the 3DViewStation. The KISTERS 3DViewStation is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. The focus of the latest developments has been set to management assembly comparison and analysis functionality.

Please review our BLOG-entries too: and

Media Coverage

3D-CAD-Viewer gets Bi-Turbo: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0

high performance native & neutral CAD viewing May 01, 2013

KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0 ships with a fresh Office 2010 compliant user interface and provides a rich functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to the graphics kernel. 3DViewStation load times are now unparalleled: in the meantime, we were almost unable to find assemblies, which load longer than 1 second, once translated into the internal 3DVS file format.

Media Coverage
Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)


ADS, Inc.(Japan) made an official agreement for technical partnership with SofTech Inc.(USA) in Japanese CAD/PLM market May 01, 2013


SofTech社は、オープンソースPLMシステム Aras Innovatorの米国パートナーとして、Aras Innovator向けCAD Connectorを開発しています。

  • SolidWorks Connector for Aras
  • Inventor Connector for Aras
  • CADRA Connector for Aras


[email protected]

Media Coverage
CycleOp PLM

CycleOp is improving on the already great Express ECO's impact matrix

CycleOp has released a video showing improved functionality and performance for the Express ECO May 01, 2013

The improved express ECO features support for faster and full/partial loading of trees, support for check boxes and list boxes, support for substitutes and multiple row changes, and much, much more.

Media Coverage

New Version Connector 3.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2013

Connector 3.0 for Aras from SofTech provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 3.0 currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3 along with CADRA 20, Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013), and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).

For additional information on Connector 3.0 including datasheets, videos and upcoming webinars, please visit:

Media Coverage

New Version 3.3 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector October 01, 2012

PDM Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with. New functionalities in version 3.3 are: - Basic Drawing Link support - Basic Multi Model Link support - Management of CATIA Templates in Aras Innovator - Enhanced PWB Update dialog: - PDM data management - Highlight of Geometries and PDM info - Aras Innovator Multi-Vault Support - Admin Mode for CATSettings - Replace from PDM - Insert from PDM - Auto name support using Innovator sequence items Additional materials for Download and videos on our website.

Media Coverage

Minerva launches new Productivity Tool for Aras Innovator

The PDX Export is a tool that allows you to export data from Aras into the PDX standard May 01, 2012

The PDX standards define an XML encoding scheme that enables supply chain partners to exchange product content, changes and subsequent manufacturing information in a common language. This capability allows companies to exchange information through a single port of the exchange software rather than developing a different solution for each trading partner.

Download brochure and request a web demo on our website.

Media Coverage

New Version 3.2 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector May 01, 2012

PDM-Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with.

Media Coverage
Alcove 9

The vdR Group Announce their Partnership with Alcove9, Developers of Advanced Search Technologies

Technology Specialists Provide Interoperability and Integration Solutions April 01, 2012

The vdR Group, business system integration specialists, and Alcove9, developers of open source advanced search technologies such as the a9 Hub, announce their partnership. The partnership improves the productivity of clients' critical business systems by combining the power of custom interoperability with advanced search capabilities. read more

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare becomes PLM HOUSE

Through the merger with sister company MEAIS DataSquare optimizes its PLM offer March 01, 2012

Since 1st of January 2012, DataSquare has merged with its sister company MEAIS GmbH & Co. KG to become DataSquare GmbH. With this step, we can bundle the competencies of both former companies under the roof of our newly created PLM HOUSE, in order to offer our clients even more comprehensive consulting for successful Product Lifecycle Management. Visit the new DataSquare website for further information.

Media Coverage
Plural Technology

Estrix of Spain to be Non Exclusive VAR for Plural's Apparel Innovator

The agreement allows Estrix to sell Plural’s flagship product ‘Apparel Innovator’ – PLM for Apparel Industry as a Non Exclusive Value Added Reseller. March 01, 2012

Plural Technology, the only open source PLM provider for Apparel Industry, announced today the recent signing of an agreement with Estrix Spain, a software reseller and consulting company. Plural’s Flagship product Apparel Innovator is the only open source PLM tool available in the market. Apparel Innovator has various modules like Product development, Sourcing, Project Management, BI Reporting available out of the box. Estrix holds a prominent place in Spain’s Apparel Market as Business Management consulting company. For more information please visit

Media Coverage

Minerva launching new tool for Aras Innovator

Improve your data transfers with Minerva's Import Tool March 01, 2012

A company implementing PLM faces many challenges. One of the typical challenges is to get data from sources like CAD into the PLM system. Having an automatic integration between the PLM system and CAD is an option, but it is often costly, and for many companies the number of CAD users is too low to justify the investment.

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare is CMII Europe Solution Partner

GfKM includes DataSquare in the exclusive circle of CMII Europe solution partners February 01, 2012

As the official source of CMII standards in Europe, the German Gesellschaft fuer KonfigurationsManagement mbH (GfKM) maintains the list of certified CMII providers. Due to the commitment to CMII, DataSquare has been awarded the title "Europe Solution Partner", being the fourth consulting firm to gain it. CMII Europe Solution Partner are consulting firms which employ consultants with the status "CMII Professional" and offer support for companies implementing CMII. This includes training, consulting and coaching as well as the execution of assessments.

Media Coverage

Improve the Collaboration in the Extended Supply Chain by the Minerva Permissions Manager

Manage permissions for external partners February 01, 2012

To simplify the process of managing permissions for external partners in Aras Innovator®, Minerva has developed a new add-on solution. The Minerva Permissions Manager makes it possible and easy to give an external party access to certain parts, products or files in the Aras platform.

Media Coverage

Minerva appoints new Product Manager

Thomas Skogen to Oversee Growing Portfolio of Aras Add-on Solutions January 01, 2012

Minerva has appointed Thomas Skogen as Product Manager to strengthen the development and support of the growing number of Aras add-on solutions from Minerva.

Media Coverage

Minerva launches Microsoft Office Connector for Aras

Provides a seamless integration between Aras and the Microsoft Office Suite January 01, 2012

Minerva's Microsoft Office Connector for Aras provides an easy-to-use interface with advanced functionality allowing documents, spreadsheets and presentations to be managed by a robust PLM system. The focus at Minerva is to "Keep it simple". Simple commands like Open, Lock, Save and Unlock allow you to quickly come up to speed. Learn more and download a free 30 day trail of the Microsoft Office Connector for Aras today.

Media Coverage
Data Square

New CATIA V5 PDM-Workbench Connector for Aras Innovator by DataSquare & T-Systems

The PDM-Workbench Connector enables seamless CATIA V5 product structure data with Aras Innovator PLM platform November 01, 2011

The PDM-Workbench from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 from Dassault Systèmes. With the connector developed by DataSquare, the PDM-Workbench is integrated to Aras Innovator and serves as a CATIA V5 interface. The Aras Innovator PDM-Workbench Connector functions as a connection between the product structure of the PDM-Workbench and the Aras Innovator data model enabling bi-directional data exchange between CATIA V5 and the Aras PLM platform.

Media Coverage
Data Square

Updated release of the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector available

DataSquare provides new version of the open solution for mass processing of e-mails November 01, 2011

Now the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector from DataSquare is also available in an advanced, chargeable version. The release includes a new e-mail management assistant that makes mass processing and distribution of permissions possible. So, even very large quantities of e-mails are assigned quickly and easily to persons and items.

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare Supports Reduced Rework Initiative for Company-Stabilization

German Aras partner DataSquare joins Initiative as R2 Specialist September 01, 2011

The R2 „Reduced Rework“ Initiative seeks ways to avoid costs by reducing rework and corrective actions within the enterprise. It integrates all activities and strategies on reducing rework offered by "R2 Specialists" and used by "R2 Initiative Members" world-wide. DataSquare supports this initiative as R2 Specialist with consulting and software knowledge. DataSquare’s expertise in the areas of PLM and CMII supports the steps that are necessary to reduce rework significantly. At the same time DataSquare is able to build up an improved business process infrastructure using existing or new PLM software.

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare Presents Aras Innovator OCR Connector

New DataSquare interface automates paper-based PLM workflows August 01, 2011

Aras Innovator OCR Connector enables the automated recognition of text inside typewritten documents that are stored as picture files within Aras Innovator. Based on rules, text is being taken over as property, so that documents can be filed and found automatically. With this capability, Aras Innovator OCR Connector creates the requirement to integrate documents from existing “paper workflows” into PLM processes, easy and fast.

Media Coverage
CycleOp PLM

CycleOp launches Hebrew Language PLM Blog

Hebrew language PLM blog on Aras Innovator July 01, 2011

בלוג יולי – הגרסא החדשה של
Aras Innovator

בתחילת החודש (יולי 2011) שוחררה הגרסא החדשה של
גרסא Aras Innovator – 9.3.0
אישית – חיכיתי בכיליון עיניים לגרסא החדשה כיוון שהיא כוללת בתוכה אוסף עצום של יכולות חדשות וחזקות במיוחד.

Media Coverage

Shapespace Technology Delivers Advanced 3D Search for Aras

The ShapeSpace 3D search technology has now been integrated into Aras to give Aras customers a powerful 3D search capability July 01, 2011

The ShapeSpace 3D Search tool for Aras extends the searching capabilities of Aras to enable searching by shape. For the first time, this puts advanced and affordable 3D search capabilities into the hands of organizations giving them the opportunity to improve part re-use, reduce the part number counts, aggregate and consolidate bought in parts, and drastically reduce external spend.

Media Coverage

Do Your Detective Work in 3D

BusinessTechnology - Article on Page 3 June 01, 2011

Imagine an organisation with thousands of products broken down into tens of thousands of parts. Now consider their drawings repository, all tagged with non-uniform descriptions and part numbers, often shared across several departments and offices. What a nightmare! How do they find a specific part in a hurry? Hope the description was entered intuitively? Rely on the accuracy of the part number? What about duplicates – aren’t they costly and confusing? ShapeSpace solves the problem. Shape-Space is a unique 3D search engine which enables you to re-organise, re-catalogue and eradicate duplicates in your massive drawings archive in hours.

Media Coverage

Open Source

What is it all about? June 01, 2011

I ett telefonsamtal i veckan med Leon Lauritsen på Minerva i Danmark talar vi om att man i varje samtal där begreppet "open source" förekommer, först behöver enas om vad det betyder. Leon är representant för Aras Innovator (PLM) som använder uttrycket Enterprise Open Source om sin produkt. Han säger också att open source-budskapet ibland gör kunderna oroliga. Att köpa eller hyra ett program är liksom enkelt. Men när det handlar om open source så blir affärsmodellen betraktad från alla håll den också, inte bara själva produkten som kan komma att användas. Och det är klart att det inte är så dumt att syna sina affärspartners oavsett om det handlar om ett köp, hyra eller "open source-användning". Men inget säger egentligen att det skulle vara helt tryggt att köpa och hyra eller helt otryggt att ta hem en vara "open source"? Det handlar kanske mera om att vänja sig vid modellen. Det menar i alla fall de som jobbar med "open source".

Media Coverage

Shape Searches Eliminate Duplication

Eureka - The Site for Engineering Design March 01, 2011

Because design engineers often lack browse and search capabilities, the business of finding a part within a large component library can be complex and time consuming, especially when the name or part number is unknown. Naturally, this problem tends to make finding and reusing existing parts extremely difficult. A solution to this problem is available in the form of ShapeSpace, a 3D shape search technology provides engineering companies with a comprehensive 3D CAD search tool.

Media Coverage

A Leaner Manufacturing Case Study

by ProcessFlows Magazine January 01, 2011

Control valve manufacturer Bifold wanted to drive changes in their manufacturing processes which would cut costs and deliver measurable improvements in reliability and performance. Using ShapeSpace 3D search technology to search their entire part reference library and identify all parts manufactured from the same raw material, Bifold were very quickly able to consolidate manufacturing processes and improve efficiencies. “As well as being leaner, greener and more efficient, we are able to turn around customer orders in a more reliable timeframe as the majority of parts are always ‘on the shelf’," said Mike Peacock, General Manager at Bifold.

Media Coverage


April 09, 2024


Aras、PLM プラットフォームの戦略的な機能強化を発表

March 05, 2024

デジタルスレッド、ローコード、ビジュアライゼーション機能の拡張、 新たなサプライヤー管理アプリケーションを追加

ジョンソン・マッセイ社が PLM プラットフォームに Aras Innovator を採用

February 20, 2024

Aras の SaaS 版 PLM プラットフォームが 同社の製品ライフサイクル管理業務をサポート

化学工業日報主催 第2回 石油・化学産業向けDXサミットに Aras が登壇

February 15, 2024

講演テーマは「化学・素材イノベーションを加速する DX 戦略と PLM の活用」

Aras、2024 年の PLM 業界に関する 7 つの未来予測

January 17, 2024


Aras、株式会社竹中工務店と建設業界における PLM による生産性向上への取り組みを公表

January 09, 2024

建設業界で Aras Innovator を基盤としたデジタル変革への挑戦 - データを一気通貫した建物のライフサイクル全体でのデジタルスレッド活用により生産性向上を目指す

Aras、EIZO の導入事例を公開

December 19, 2023

Aras Innovator の導入で開発と製造の間における デジタルスレッド構築に成功

Red Bull 社が PLM プラットフォームにAras Innovator を採用

November 29, 2023

Aras の SaaS PLM は Red Bull の複雑なレシピ管理とコンプライアンス管理を、企画から製造までの製品ライフサイクル全体でサポート

Aras、SaaS ベースの PLM アプリケーションプラットフォームで急速に成長

November 16, 2023

Aras Innovator の SaaS 導入で 50% の成長を達成

H-TEC SYSTEMS社、Aras を利用してビジネス成長を推進

November 09, 2023

グリーン水素生産技術のパイオニアが SaaS をベースにした PLM プラットフォーム Aras Innovator を導入

AVEVA と Aras、エネルギー分野で McDermott とライトハウス契約を締結

October 30, 2023


Aras の PLM が 2023 年 SPARK Matrix™ レポートでテクノロジーリーダーに選出される

September 14, 2023

テクノロジーエクセレンスとカスタマーインパクトの両指標で最高得点を獲得。Aras Innovator はエンドユーザーが製品ライフサイクル全体で、複雑な製品やサービスを管理することを可能にします

Aras の CMO にジョシュ・エプスタインが就任、取締役チームを強化

July 19, 2023

PLM 業界において一層の認知度を高めるための施策

Aras、グローバルイベント ACE 2023 Japan 開催報告

July 03, 2023

2023 年 6 月 15 日、16 日開催 ~ 可能性を再び想像する 2 日間


June 15, 2023

Aras Innovator が支える車載ソフト管理、デジタルスレッド構築

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 6月15日(木)、16日(金)の開催迫る

June 08, 2023

特別講演として初代デジタル大臣 平井卓也氏と日本マイクロソフト、基調講演に EIZO とクボタ、パネルトークに村田製作所とアクセンチュアが登壇

日本マイクロソフト、AI/MLのスペシャリスト登壇決定 Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan開催

May 18, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京


May 09, 2023

Aras Innovator の自由度の高さを生かし 個別受注生産業務の改革を進める

Aras Enterprise SaaS を Microsoft Azure Marketplace で提供開始

May 02, 2023

Aras のクラウドベースの PLM にアクセスして、アプリケーション開発とビジネス戦略の策定が可能に

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japanに Visual Technology Company の EIZO 登壇決定

April 27, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京

Aras独立系調査会社が発表した 「プロダクト・ライフサイクル・マネジメント」部門でリーダー企業に選出

April 10, 2023


Aras InnovatorがMacGregor社の高度なモニタリングソリューション「OnWatch Scout」の開発を支援

April 05, 2023

リアルタイムでの解決、ユーザビリティの向上、 船舶メンテナンスのための高度なデータ管理を可能に

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金)開催決定

April 03, 2023

テーマは「Reimagine Your Possibilities ~可能性を再び想像する~」


September 16, 2022

産業用デジタルツイン実現に向け、拡張性の高い設備資産ライフサイクル 管理ソリューション開発を支援

アラスジャパン主催グローバルコミュニティイベント 「ACE 2022 Japan」を 3年ぶりのリアルイベントとして開催

June 23, 2022

600人以上が集い大盛況のうちに閉幕。オンデマンド配信は 7月29日まで視聴可能

Aras プラットフォームが医療技術企業オットーボック社で実現した、より早く、より革新的な研究開発

June 14, 2022



June 01, 2022


Aras、独 XPLM 社への投資により、イノベーションの加速とエンジニアリングおよび製造におけるオープン コネクティビティの強化を保証

May 24, 2022


伊 IWT 社、自動化によるデータ完全性の向上のために Aras を選定

May 11, 2022


アラス、「ACE 2022 Japan」の開催を決定 ~『加速するデジタルスレッドの価値 ~ Transform with SaaS ~』

April 11, 2022

4月11日(月)から参加事前登録スタート、ユーザー基調講演には 光洋サーモシステム株式会社様 / 株式会社竹中工務店様 / 株式会社デンソー様 が登壇予定

Aras、デンマーク ミネルバ社の合併を発表

January 11, 2022

医療機器とハイテク・エレクトロニクス業界に向けたベストインクラスの PLMテクノロジーを提供開始


November 30, 2021

イノベーションと価値実現までの時間を加速する Aras Innovator 14

オランダ電磁システムメーカー大手のケンドリオン社、単一のデジタルバックボーンとして Aras Enterprise SaaS を選定

November 09, 2021

Aras Cloud 上の Aras DevOps により、企業の継続的成長のための重要な機能を提供

Aras の CEO にロッキー・マーチンが就任

October 20, 2021

業界で実績のあるロッキー・マーチンが Aras に参加、ピーター・シュローラは Aras の取締役会へ

Aras の取締役会に Ansys の元 CEO であるジェームス キャッシュマンが加入

October 14, 2021

急成長する Aras、キャッシュマンの成長企業でのリーダーシップ経験を活かす

Aras、米国投資会社GI パートナーズによる大幅な成長のための投資を発表

April 19, 2021


Aras、エンタープライズ向け SaaS をベースとした新サブスクリプションサービスを発表

April 14, 2021

エンタープライズ SaaS と DevOps サービスの組み合わせにより無制限のカスタマイズが可能な最も強力な「クラウドファースト」なプラットフォームを提供し、グローバル企業を支援

Aras、より優れた拡張性、柔軟性、およびオープンな接続性を提供するアプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新リリースを発表

March 30, 2021


Aras、ACE 2021開催、日産自動車、ROKI、ジャムコ他、リーディングカンパニー各社が講演

March 16, 2021


Aras、統合インフラの近代化・デジタル化を実現する PLM プラットフォームとして、 デンソーが Aras を選定したことを発表

December 09, 2020

グローバル自動車部品メーカーとして、組織全体のデータの可視化を Aras プラットフォーム活用により強化

義肢・装具の世界的リーダー、オットーボック社が Aras のエンドツーエンドプラットフォームで技術開発を近代化

October 27, 2020

製品データの「信頼できる唯一の情報源」を求め、将来の成長を後押しする Aras PLMプラットフォームを選択


September 29, 2020

Aras プラットフォームがグラマー社の新たなデジタルトランスフォーメーションの取り組みをサポート

Aras、業界経験の豊富な Marc de Guiran が最高収益責任者として着任、市場開拓組織を牽引

July 15, 2020


Aras、デジタルツインの作成および管理のためのアプリケーション、 デジタルツインコアを発表

July 07, 2020



May 21, 2020

「Visual Technology Company」として、 デジタルモノづくりによる付加価値の創出、生産性と品質の向上を目指す

シンフォニアテクノロジー、業務刷新に向け Aras を採択

February 05, 2020

設計効率を改善し、サイロ化された IT システムを Aras で再構築

Aras、戦略的 OEM 契約で ANSYS にプラットフォームをライセンス供与

January 14, 2020


Aras、主要なPLMシステムに直接繋げられるPROSTEP OpenPDM を提供

September 09, 2019


Aras Innovatorに対応したAIを使った自動テストツールの提供を開始

August 28, 2019

繰り返し作業が多いテスト作業の自動化によりAras Innovatorの導入やアップグレードにかかるテスト工数を削減

Aras、ゴールドマン・サックスによる 7,000万ドルの投資を発表、成長拡大を加速

November 29, 2018

シルバーレイク・クラフトワークが新たな投資ラウンドに参加; ゴールドマン・サックスがArasの取締役会に参画

Aras、製品ライフサイクル全体でシミュレーションを利用可能にするためComet Solutionsを買収

September 25, 2018



September 17, 2018



September 05, 2018



June 06, 2018

マルチファクターのアプローチにより、独自のEffectivity(有効日)基準の利用、 動的データ構造におけるインスタンスの管理、そしてデジタルスレッドの維持が可能に


February 21, 2018


Aras PLMプラットフォームの最新リリースで製品バリエーション管理をより簡単に

February 05, 2018



November 29, 2017


ACE 2017 カスタマーカンファレンスでの登壇を発表

February 23, 2017

業界をリードする製品開発やIT、製造チームが IoTやデジタルスレッド、デジタル変革のベストプラクティスを共有


February 07, 2017

自動車および産業サプライヤーの大手がAras PLMプラットフォームを使用して、

IBM社とArasがIoTを実現するための PLMの戦略的リセラー契約を発表

November 30, 2016

市場をリードするALMソリューションと、 柔軟性や拡張性、アップグレードの容易性を重視したPLMプラットフォーム によるパートナーシップ提携


October 25, 2016


ハンティントン・インガルス・インダストリーズが軍艦の複雑なエンジニアリングをサポートするPLMにAras Innovatorを選択

September 26, 2016



August 24, 2016


Aras, Airbus and IBM to Showcase ALM-PLM Open Reference Architecture at CRYSTAL Event

June 15, 2016

Initiative Supports a Systems Engineering Approach by Enabling Interoperability Across Different Life-cycle Domains – Mechanical, Electronics and Software Webinar Shares Best Practices for Cloud Deployment of Product Lifecycle Management

June 01, 2016

June 15, 2016 Webinar Offers Real World Scenarios, Cloud PLM Strategies for Today’s Global Enterprise

Aras to Exhibit at Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Conference and Expo in Tokyo

May 17, 2016

June 22 – 24, 2016 Event is Region’s Largest Manufacturing Technology Industry Conference

Aras, Carlisle Brake & Friction to Present at Digital Transformations Conference in Detroit

May 09, 2016

Presentation Part of Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ Smart Manufacturing Series on May 24, 2016

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB Selects Aras as Global PLM Backbone and Minerva as Implementation Partner

May 04, 2016

Global OEM implements flexible, scalable PLM platform to support global processes all the way from development through manufacture to service

Airbus, MERSEN, Microsoft and Others to Present at Aras ACE 2016 France in Paris

May 03, 2016

Conference on June 2 is Part of Global Event Series Highlighting Innovations in Global Product Development

東芝機械、設計プロセスの改善、製品品質の向上およびグローバルでの製品情報管理にAras Innovatorを選択

April 21, 2016


Parata Systems Selects Aras as PLM Backbone to Streamline Product Design, Development and Service

April 19, 2016

Leading Pharmacy Automation Equipment Manufacturer Chooses Aras to Optimize Business Processes and Improve Visibility

Aras CEO & Founder Peter Schroer Receives Leadership Award from CAD Society

April 12, 2016

Award Recognizes Outstanding Technical and Business Leadership in the Industry and Focus and Dedication to the Needs of End Users

Aras to Present on MBSE at Zuken Innovation World 2016

April 12, 2016

Presentation entitled “Beyond ECAD Connectors” Addresses the Model-Based Systems Engineering Challenges Faced in IoT Design Processes

Aras Corporation to Present at 2016 Continuous Engineering Symposium, Dearborn, Michigan

March 31, 2016

April 19, 2016 event gathers industry, technology leaders to address today’s product development challenges.

Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Selects Aras to Manage Global Product Information

March 08, 2016

Global industrial manufacturer selected Aras for the solution’s flexibility, open architecture and web-based global accessibility

Airbus, BAE Systems, Microsoft and more to Present at Aras ACE 2016 Conference

March 02, 2016

Global Leaders Discuss PLM Strategy at ACE 2016 Conference March 15 – 17 in Detroit, MI

Saab AB selects Aras PLM and Minerva as Implementation Partner

March 01, 2016

Military Defense and Civil Security Leader to Support Handling of Product Data Related to Gripen Fighter Aircraft

Aras and Elysium Announce Connector Solution for CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE to Aras Innovator

February 29, 2016

New Connector Enables Global Companies to Leverage CATIA Design Data across the Lifecycle and the Extended Enterprise

CGI Business Consulting and Aras Announce Partnership

February 23, 2016

Advanced PLM Technology Enables New Approaches to Business Transformation of Systems Engineering, Manufacturing and Compliance Processes Webinar Features Airbus / IBM / Aras Sharing New Approaches to ALM/PLM Cross-Discipline Product Development

February 11, 2016

Learn Better Ways to Coordinate Systems Engineering and Development Across Mechanical, Electronics, Software and Firmware

Aras ACE 2016 Global Conference Coming to Detroit

February 10, 2016

Industry Leaders Converge to Share Best Practices and Learn New Approaches for the Business of Engineering

日産自動車、東洋電装、川崎重工業が「ACE 2015 JAPAN」に登壇決定!

July 02, 2015


The Story Behind the Surprising Partnership Between AVEVA and Aras September 19, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of shares his thoughts about Aras' strategic OEM licensing partnership with AVEVA, saying it is another recognition of the strength of the Aras Innovator platform and the joint venture with AVEVA is a feather in the cap for CEO, Roque Martin.

Why Aras’ Roque Martin Bought Minerva, and the New Upcoming Ansys-Like Arrangements May 27, 2022

Part two of Verdi Ogewell's conversation with Roque Martin and Peter Schroer explores the CEO transition, details about our recent Minerva merger, and the future of our platform.

Taking Aras PLM from a Thorn in the Side to a Real Threat May 26, 2022

Aras’ founder, Peter Schroer, and CEO, Roque Martin, sat down with Verdi Ogewell of to discuss Aras’ growth among the other vendors in the market, what makes Aras and its platform stand out, and Roque’s mission as CEO.


Aras Invests in XPLM

CIMdata May 12, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview of Aras’ investment in XPLM, saying that they are pleased to see that Aras is continuing to invest in openness that benefits the entire PLM economy including end user customers, ISV partners, and competitors alike.

Manufacturing Global

Three steps to building a resilient enterprise ecosystem

Manufacturing Global April 08, 2022

Aras’ CRO, Rob McAveney, explains that if product data is used properly, it can deliver insights that allow businesses to pivot with agility when it needs to adapt to new requirements. 



Aras Announces Merger of Minerva Group (Highlight)

CIMdata January 11, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview Aras’ merger of Minerva, saying this is a great addition for Aras, offering better support for out-of-the-box implementations within specific industries and helps increase Aras’ top line revenue.

Breaking News: Aras PLM Takes Over Its Main Partner Minerva January 11, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of says Aras’ merger of Minerva will enable the company to position itself to better solve complex digitalization challenges in technology, manufacturing and the supply chain. At the same time, the added expertise in vehicle, aerospace, defense and industrial equipment manufacturing will benefit customers moving forward. 

ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan June 03, 2021

自動車業界は激動期にある。その中で日産自動車は、2020年に打ち出した事業構造改革計画「NISSAN NEXT」の下、自動運転や電動化(以下、EV)など先進技術を積極的に投入する戦略を敷いている。それを支えるのが車載ソフトウェアであり、そのために利用するシステムでのユーザー要件は複雑だ。そこで日産は、ArasのPLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を導入し、PLMシステムを構築した。



MONOist June 01, 2021

アラスジャパンは2021年4月20~22日の3日間、年次イベントである「Aras Community Event(ACE 2021)」をオンラインで開催した。その中で、日産自動車 グローバルISデリバリー本部 エンジニアリング&デザインシステム部 課長代理職の根本博明氏と同パワートレイン・EV技術開発本部 パワートレイン・EV制御技術開発部 EMS制御技術開発グループ ソフトウェアエキスパートの小林秀明氏が「Aras Innovatorによるエンジニアリングプラットフォーム戦略および活用事例」をテーマに事例講演を行った。



MONOist April 28, 2021

Arasは2021年4月14日、大手グローバル企業のクラウド要件に柔軟に対応する、新しいサブスクリプションサービス「Enterprise サブスクリプション」の提供を開始した。



MONOist April 09, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新版を発表した。シミュレーションを製品データのデジタルスレッドに接続でき、製品ライフサイクル全体にわたってシステムの調査と検証が可能になる。



MONOist April 08, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日(現地時間)、さまざまなエンジニアリング分野のデータをツールに依存しない形で統合し、システムモデルの定義をサポートする「Aras システム アーキテクチャ」の最新リリースを発表した。



Nikkei XTECH April 01, 2021

米Aras(アラス)は、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」の機能として提供しているシミュレーションデータ管理アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の新版を発表した。


アラスジャパン、設計データ管理プラットフォーム「イノベーター」 デンソーが採用



Weekly Business Computer News

企業動静 2020年12月21・28日付 vol.1855: 米アラス

Weekly BCN December 24, 2020




MONOist December 15, 2020

アラスは2020年12月9日、同社の展開するPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」をデンソーが採用したと発表した。自動車部品の設計開発データを適切に管理するための技術部品表プラットフォームとして運用する。

My Navi


MyNavi December 10, 2020

Arasは、デンソーが技術部品表のプラットフォームとして、自社のPLMプラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を選択したことを発表した。



MONOist December 01, 2020


Digital Engineering 24/7

The Modern Face of SPDM

Digital Engineering November 19, 2020

As simulation-driven design becomes a core pillar of digital product development, a refreshed simulation product data management has come to light. This article highlights Ansys’ use of Aras Innovator to deliver a vendor-neutral and open approach to SPDM.

Smart Industry

Enterprise low-code: The next step in low-code

Smart Industry November 18, 2020

Low-code software has been around for decades and, with every re-emergence, the expectations are high. This article highlights recent advancement in low-code known as enterprise low-code. Enterprise low-code platforms offer a more strategic approach to application development with a higher level of functionality than traditional low-code solutions.

Toolbox Tech

Benefits of an Enterprise Low-Code Platform for Manufacturers

Toolbox Tech October 26, 2020

Manufacturers are turning to technology as they navigate the impact of the pandemic. Find out how an enterprise low-code platform enables manufacturers to digitally transform on a digital platform, improving agility and resilience.

Aras Continues to Extend Its Low-Code Platform Capabilities to Build Intelligent Automation October 14, 2020

With the latest open release of Aras Innovator, Aras provides further capabilities and enhancements to manage complex product digital twins and integrations across the digital thread—boosted with low-code application administration, advanced configurability and custom app development.

Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

Aras Asserts Capabilities for Unit-Specific Digital Twin Configurations

Technology Evaluation Centers September 28, 2020

Aras is competing for a very specific aspect of a digital twin initiative, a problem that hasn’t gotten much attention to date, but is absolutely critical for proper product operation analysis. Learn why Aras Digital Twin Core is a key differentiator.



Nikkei XTECH September 16, 2020

アラスジャパン(東京・千代田)は、デジタルツインの運用支援と、ユーザーでの導入時やバージョンアップ時のテスト工数低減などを目的に、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」(米Aras)の新機能などを相次いで追加した。



MONOist September 11, 2020

PLMベンダーのアラス(Aras)が事業展開を加速させている。過去3年間平均の売上高成長率は44%と高い伸びを示しており、PLM「Aras Innovator」の契約社数(サブスクライバー数)は365社、オープンソース版の利用企業数も1000社を超えた。



MONOist August 20, 2020

Aras Japanは2020年7月7日、個別の機器や資産の状況を正確にデジタル化するデジタルツインを作成、管理できる新しいアプリケーション「デジタルツインコア」を発表した。


YKK APがArasを採用、柔軟性やサブスクリプションなどを評価

MONOist December 12, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年11月21日、YKK APがArasプラットフォームを採択した事例について発表した。



MONOist September 20, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年9月9日、同社のオープンソースPLMソフトウェア「Aras Innovator」を、主要なPLMシステムに直接接続できるようにする「PROSTEP OpenPDM」の提供を開始した。



MONOist November 30, 2018


Yahoo Japan


YAHOO! JAPAN November 30, 2018




MONOist November 20, 2018


ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan November 19, 2018




Monoist October 09, 2018

Arasは2018年9月5日、医療機器や安全機器を取り扱うDrägerが、製品データの企業全体での可視化を可能にするPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)システムとして、Aras PLMプラットフォームを採用したと発表した。 

Michael Wendenburg Online Redaktion


MyNavi April 17, 2018


IT Production Online


MyNavi April 04, 2018




Monoist March 30, 2018




Monoist March 19, 2018

好調を維持しているPLMベンダーのアラスだが、IoT時代を迎えた製造業に対してさらなる提案を行うべく、Aras Innovatorを「製品イノベーションプラットフォーム」に進化させるための取り組みを加速させている。これまでもシステムズエンジニアリングなどに注力してきたが、さらにMESやMROもカバーしていく方針だ。



Nikkei XTECH February 28, 2018

アラスジャパンは、PLM「Aras Innovator」について、2018年内の開発予定を明らかにした。



Monoist February 27, 2018

米ArasがInfospectrumのImpresa Impresa Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul(MRO)事業を買収した。ArasのPLMプラットフォームにImpresa MROを組み込むことで、デジタルスレッドを保守サービスの領域へと拡張する計画だ。

My Navi


MyNavi February 22, 2018


Automotive IT


MyNavi February 21, 2018


Kompetenz Für Konstrukteure


MyNavi February 07, 2018


Tech Factory


Techfactory November 01, 2017


Nikkei Business Daily

PLMの米アラス、日本で攻勢 -IoTの情報連携に需要-

Nikkei Business Daily October 03, 2017


Boston Business Journal

Boston Business Journal, “GE Ventures adds to $40M round for Andover industrial software company”

Boston Business Journal September 01, 2017

“To power the next wave of global industrial productivity, GE is investing in critical foundational capabilities for the Industrial Internet," Steve Taub, the managing director of advanced manufacturing and enterprise at GE Ventures, said in a statement.


New $40 Million Investment in Aras

CIMdata September 01, 2017

Given the amount invested and the reputation of the investors, CIMdata sees this as well-deserved recognition of Aras’ position in the global PLM industry, as well as their future potential. Their innovative technology and business model are well proven at this point and continue to gain traction in the marketplace.

“On Par with the cPDm Leaders” – Why Aras is Recognized as a New Member of the PLM Elite September 01, 2017

Aras has managed to produce a solution that effectively covers what tend to be weak spots in large corporation’s PLM environments: supplier collaboration and simplicity to upgrade. Add in the fact that there are no license fees (Aras is free to download) and it becomes obvious that the solution has a couple very hard-to-resist advantages.

PLM is Hot Again: Aras Announces $40 Million Investment

ENGINEERING.COM September 01, 2017

“Aras embodies this strategy with a game-changing platform and ‘SaaS Anywhere’ approach that has proven very compelling to customers, and we are excited about Aras’ next stage of growth." -Martin Fichtner, managing director of Silver Lake Kraftwerk.


T-Systems PDM Workbench 5.0 available

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 5.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. New “Rep Types” can be defined as non-BOM relevant CAD Documents, e.g. “CAD_KIN” for kinematics. All “Rep Types” can be handled easily with the full CATIA-integrated GUI of PDM Workbench. A step to improve usability in large structures like Aerospace is the possibility to load just portions of a structure, but maintaining the geometrical context – hence reducing data traffic and load time in CATIA. Also the handling of configuration information is improved by enabling the handling directly within CATIA. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.


T-Systems PDM Workbench 6.0

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 6.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. Focus with this release was improving download performance by enabling the release cached. Now it is possible to save even more time for the designers. Also options for only loading visualization is available. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.


Aras Extends Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service with Latest Open Release of Aras PLM Platform

CIMdata March 01, 2017

“With this latest release of Aras Innovator, we continue to expand the Aras PLM Platform, whether building out the Quality Management System application for the specific needs of quality professionals or extending the platform to connect Engineering, Manufacturing, and Service to enable Digital Thread."

Ten Links

Aras Innovator Updated for Quality Management

TenLinks March 01, 2017

Quality management professionals face the challenge of quickly responding to quality issues and communicating change requirements enterprise-wide. The new Quality Systems (QS) component in Aras QMS connects the proactive and reactive aspects of quality management, and fully integrates quality processes into engineering and manufacturing.

Digital Engineering

Aras Outlines its Platform Approach to PLM at ACE 2017 Conference

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

"We are on fire, the company, since about 2013-2014 has been growing,” said Aras CEO Peter Schroer during his ACE 2017 keynote presentation in front of a slide showing a 51% compound annual growth rate. “I gotta say … it’s because of you guys. The community is pushing us to continue to expand the product, build the scalability, build out the partner community so we can cover you everywhere. I would say the switch to open source, the opening up of everything we do — it’s an experiment and it’s played out perfectly.”

Digital Engineering

Aras PLM Platform Intended to Extend Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Aras Quality Systems enables Closed-loop corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) – accelerates identification, containment, and analysis of issues, and tracking of affected items; Root cause analysis (RCA) – offers a variety of RCA tools; fault tree analysis, fishbone analysis, and five whys; collaboration – supports quality review through Visual Collaboration, business rules and workflow, and aggregation and packaging of CAP items; and Reporting – provides 8D reporting and tracking of CAPA metrics (% closed, % due).

Former Siemens PLM CEO Joins Aras March 01, 2017

Even more surprising is the announcement from Aras CEO Peter Schroer that the company has appointed Tony Affuso, Siemens PLM's former CEO and a seasoned PLM expert, to its Board of Directors. Tony Affuso was the one responsible for pushing through the deal in which Siemens acquired UGS. This purchase added NX and I-deas (high end CAD), Solid Edge (mainstream CAD), Teamcenter (PDM/PLM), Nastran and Femap (CAE), Tecnomatix and more to the Siemens portfolio.

Digital Engineering

Hitachi Selects Aras to Standardize Design, Development Processes

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. has selected Aras Innovator to standardize management of drawings, data, design and development processes of the company’s wide portfolio of products. After implementation with Aras Certified Partner Hitachi Systems, Aras will standardize processes in engineering data management and workflow management across the company’s main manufacturing plants in Japan, Thailand and China.


SofTech Group Connector 7.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2017

The SofTech Group Connector 7.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

MCAD Cafe February 01, 2017

Each year, ACE brings together global industry and technology leaders to exchange best practices on managing complex product development and transforming the science of engineering to the business of engineering.


Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Aras today announced key industry presentations and sessions for ACE 2017, the company’s marquee customer conference taking place on March 21st to 23rd in Nashville, TN. The gathering is the premier event that connects the most innovative product development, IT, and manufacturing teams from Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, High Tech Electronics, and Industrial Manufacturing to shape the future of PLM.

Ten Links

Aras Announces Industry Presentations for ACE 2017

TenLinks February 01, 2017

ACE 2017 features business presentations from Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, Valley Fine Foods, IBM, Akrapovič, Carestream, Sandia, Lord, Pabst, and other industry leaders. In addition, application and demo tracks feature overviews of the latest version of the Aras PLM Platform, including MPP, Tech Docs, and Quality Management, and presentations on PLM implementation strategy.

Boeing, Airbus and the Hardship of Dealing with PLM Obsolescence February 01, 2017

Former French president Charles de Gaulle once famously complained about the difficulty of governing a country that had 246 different kinds of cheese. In the time since that statement was made, life for both societies and enterprises has become even more complicated, and the hardship of ruling diversity, illustrated by this “cheese analogy,” has grown exponentially


IBM launches new Digital Twin and Platform capabilities for Watson Internet of Things

IBM February 01, 2017

IBM, Aras Corporation and OSI Soft today are launching new IBM Digital Twin capabilities, to create multiple views of products by bringing together various ‘digital threads’ and data streams that can be tailored to the needs of a particular user.


Schaeffler Group Selects Aras for Engineering Cockpit for 20,000 Users

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Digital transformation is one of the key issues at Schaeffler. The Engineering Cockpit application is one of the central tools to connect all disciplines and systems. The Engineering Cockpit is a web-based application allowing direct access to development data for a large number of development centers. It supports the company-wide configuration and change management in the initial phase.

Ten Links

Schaeffler Selects Aras Innovator for Engineering Cockpit

TenLinks February 01, 2017

Schaeffler´s Engineering Cockpit provides up to 20,000 users with role-based access to information across multiple disciplines, interfaces, systems, and authoring tools to make better decisions. The collaboration with Schaeffler is the first result of the partnership between Aras and IBM that was announced in December last year.

Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

IBM and Aras Reseller Agreement to Enable IoT Product Design, Enhance PLM Software Market

Technology Evaluation Center January 01, 2017

TEC’s principal analyst PJ Jakovljevic what this deal means for the future of product development and what product companies stand to gain in the era of digital transformation.


LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

CIMdata January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation, a global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator® to standardize product development processes at current sites, and to help the company efficiently support emerging businesses. When fully implemented, LORD anticipates more than 1,000 users will access Document Management, Configuration Management, Engineering Change Management, as well as Quality Systems (CAPA) applications as part of the Aras PLM platform.


LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

MCAD Cafe January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation is transforming their business of engineering due to the flexibility, scalability, and common architecture offered by Aras PLM. The company is better positioned to easily and quickly integrate new acquisitions, while standardizing current engineering and product development sites onto one common platform.

Ten Links

LORD Selects Aras PLM Platform

TenLinks January 01, 2017

LORD, a leading global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator due to a scalable, robust and flexible PLM capabilities to accommodate changing business and market condition, as well as future acquisitions anticipated by the manufacturer, a model-based, service-oriented architecture that delivers low total cost of ownership without reducing the long term vision of the project and more.


SofTech Group Connector 7.0 Available

CAD Connector December 01, 2016

The SofTech Group Connector 7.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP8; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


SofTech Connector 6.0 Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2016

The SofTech Connector 6.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 6.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4-SP5 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0-SP5; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


KISTERS North America Hires Sales Executive for its Enterprise Content Management Solutions

Industry Veteran James Eardly to Focus on 3DViewStation in North America March 01, 2015

KISTERS North America, Inc. announced that it has hired James Eardly to manage North American sales and support for its 3DViewStation viewing tool which makes design data visually available for the whole enterprise. Kisters 3DViewStation is Aras Digital Mockup solution.


SofTech Connector 5.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 5.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


NorthRidge Announces Support for Aras Innovator 11

Extends support to 3 Aras major releases February 01, 2015

NorthRidge Software, LLC has validated support for Aras Innovator 11 on the current Discover Innovator 3.6 release. This extends support for the most intuitive and powerful search solution for Innovator users to Aras 9.3, 9.4, 10 and 11.


SofTech Connector 5.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. SofTech Connector 5.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP4, and 9.4 SP0-SP2; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.2

3D CAD data authoring and publishing December 01, 2014

There have been several enhancements in the area of file formats: support for Catia V5-6 2014 (R24), Creo 3, Inventor 2015 and SolidEdge ST7 has been added. Besides Catia drawings 3DViewStation now support reading of 2D PDF as the general 2D reading strategy. For the special case of PDF 3DViewStation now loads PDF in 2D mode first and after clicking on it will load the 3D object in a separate window for further analysis. 3DViewStation does not only support reading of PMIs and PMI views, but also allows to export PMIs and translates markups and dimensions into PMIs during export. For customer who prefer to use Adobe Reader in some processes, 3DViewStation now offers a new template incl. views carousel and editable form fields, which might get populated via an associated XML during runtime, even in an integrated environment. With PDF the part list item to geometry and PMI to feature associativity will be retained.


New Version Connector 4.5 for Aras Available

CAD Connector August 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.5 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.5 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP3, 9.4 SP0-SP2, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.1

3D-CAD viewer adds Catia 2D-drawings support, large format printing and undo July 01, 2014

After many customer requests Catia 2D drawing support has been added to KISTERS 3DViewStation. This is the beginning of adding more 2D file formats – 2D-PDF will be the next. Drawings as well as 3D parts or assemblies can be printed now, even on large format printing devices, including grid, markups and stamps to i.e. add printing time or document name, if desired. Also frequently asked for has been the undo-function, now allowing to undo selections, color changes, movements, dimensions and more.


New Version CAD Connector 4.4 for Aras Available

CAD Connector June 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.4 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.4 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0 and SP1, 9.4 SP0 and SP1, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)

株式会社ADSが、医療機器メーカー向けArasソリューション『Medical Device PLM』の提供開始

ADS Inc, provide Medical Device PLM for Aras March 01, 2014

株式会社ADSは、医療機器メーカー向けソリューション『Medical Device PLM』 の提供を開始しました。 本ソリューションは、米国FDAの規制などのレギュレーション対応としてデンマー クのMinerva社が開発したAras Innovator向けソリューションです。 Minerva社 Medical Device PLM の特徴  - 成果物一覧からのDMR、DHRの作成  - ルールベースの成果物管理  - ダイナミックなDMR,DHF管理  - ベースラインの自動生成 ADSでは、今後、本ソリューションの日本語化対応、Aras Innovator CAPAソリューションとの連携を図ることで、日本の医療機器メーカーに求められる品質管理/規制対応要件をトータルでサポート致します。 ご興味のあるお客様は、[email protected]までお問合せください。 また、第25回設計製造ソリューション展にもArasブースにて出展致しますので、ぜひ、ご来場ください。


User interface customization and BREP export: KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014

Tablet-PC optimized new release of DMU tool February 01, 2014

3DViewStation V2014 ships with a fresh Office 2013 compliant user interface and provides functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to customization of the user interface and BREP export capabilities.

The KISTERS 3DViewStation now provides several additional ways of UI customization: a pure left mouse button mode has been added to simplify the usage for occasional and also tablet-PC (finger) users. Mouse users now can determine, which functions should be performed when pressing the middle or right mouse button. The quick access toolbar can be customized and is pre-set now, so that frequently used functions are available without accessing the ribbon menu. Also, accelerator keys are defined for several functions and can be customized as per the user’s needs. Finally via XML the complete UI of the KISTERS 3DViewStation can be redefined.


3D CAD viewer for mobile users

KISTERS 3DViewStation on tablet-PCs and smartphones January 01, 2014

KISTERS has announced the support for mobile users with the need for powerful 3D CAD viewers. The KISTERS 3DViewStation product family is available on many mobile devices and is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data.


KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.03

Draft angle analysis and automatic assembly explode November 01, 2013

Kisters presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. Today KISTERS has announced the release 12.03 of the 3DViewStation, known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. We presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. The focus of the latest developments has been set to analysis functionality.

NTT Data

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider, joins Aras partner program

Visit us at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

Based on Aras Innovator, NTT DATA provides services and solutions for the Aras Community. As an end-to-end IT service provider NTT DATA offers high-end strategy and process consulting, implementation and maintenance for its customers. Focused on the Automotive, Aerospace and Manufacturing Industries, NTT DATA is an extremely experienced partner in data management and migration, project management, product development and collaborative engineering. Our experts have already proven their skills and delivered excellent services in customer-projects. You can get in contact with us personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden. We are looking forward to a successful partnership with Aras Corp.

NTT Data

NTT DATA is introducing a new Aras solution

Try the preview live at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider and new Aras partner, is proud to present a new Aras solution at Ace Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.

We have created an easy, extensible, efficient and GEnIUS solution to change the way you work with Aras Innovator. Our solution is the implementation of global customer requirements into a next generation integration platform based on ARAS Innovator project experiences. NTT DATA’s GEnIUS is enabling integration across multiple authoring tools using one common user interface. For example, create your BOMs in MS Excel and save them to Aras Innovator, directly. Add or delete any parts or amounts in Excel and GEnIUS will do the rest on the Aras side – just do it. But Excel is only one of many supported tools. Stay informed, other tools will be named here soon and get in touch with GEnIUS personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.


1-Step assembly compare + sectioning + measurement: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.02

Lots of enhancements in 3DViewStation V12.01 and V12.02 releases August 01, 2013

KISTERS has announced the release 12.02 of the 3DViewStation. The KISTERS 3DViewStation is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. The focus of the latest developments has been set to management assembly comparison and analysis functionality.

Please review our BLOG-entries too: and


3D-CAD-Viewer gets Bi-Turbo: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0

high performance native & neutral CAD viewing May 01, 2013

KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0 ships with a fresh Office 2010 compliant user interface and provides a rich functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to the graphics kernel. 3DViewStation load times are now unparalleled: in the meantime, we were almost unable to find assemblies, which load longer than 1 second, once translated into the internal 3DVS file format.

Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)


ADS, Inc.(Japan) made an official agreement for technical partnership with SofTech Inc.(USA) in Japanese CAD/PLM market May 01, 2013


SofTech社は、オープンソースPLMシステム Aras Innovatorの米国パートナーとして、Aras Innovator向けCAD Connectorを開発しています。

  • SolidWorks Connector for Aras
  • Inventor Connector for Aras
  • CADRA Connector for Aras


[email protected]

CycleOp PLM

CycleOp is improving on the already great Express ECO's impact matrix

CycleOp has released a video showing improved functionality and performance for the Express ECO May 01, 2013

The improved express ECO features support for faster and full/partial loading of trees, support for check boxes and list boxes, support for substitutes and multiple row changes, and much, much more.


New Version Connector 3.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2013

Connector 3.0 for Aras from SofTech provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 3.0 currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3 along with CADRA 20, Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013), and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).

For additional information on Connector 3.0 including datasheets, videos and upcoming webinars, please visit:


New Version 3.3 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector October 01, 2012

PDM Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with. New functionalities in version 3.3 are: - Basic Drawing Link support - Basic Multi Model Link support - Management of CATIA Templates in Aras Innovator - Enhanced PWB Update dialog: - PDM data management - Highlight of Geometries and PDM info - Aras Innovator Multi-Vault Support - Admin Mode for CATSettings - Replace from PDM - Insert from PDM - Auto name support using Innovator sequence items Additional materials for Download and videos on our website.


Minerva launches new Productivity Tool for Aras Innovator

The PDX Export is a tool that allows you to export data from Aras into the PDX standard May 01, 2012

The PDX standards define an XML encoding scheme that enables supply chain partners to exchange product content, changes and subsequent manufacturing information in a common language. This capability allows companies to exchange information through a single port of the exchange software rather than developing a different solution for each trading partner.

Download brochure and request a web demo on our website.


New Version 3.2 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector May 01, 2012

PDM-Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with.

Alcove 9

The vdR Group Announce their Partnership with Alcove9, Developers of Advanced Search Technologies

Technology Specialists Provide Interoperability and Integration Solutions April 01, 2012

The vdR Group, business system integration specialists, and Alcove9, developers of open source advanced search technologies such as the a9 Hub, announce their partnership. The partnership improves the productivity of clients' critical business systems by combining the power of custom interoperability with advanced search capabilities. read more

Data Square

DataSquare becomes PLM HOUSE

Through the merger with sister company MEAIS DataSquare optimizes its PLM offer March 01, 2012

Since 1st of January 2012, DataSquare has merged with its sister company MEAIS GmbH & Co. KG to become DataSquare GmbH. With this step, we can bundle the competencies of both former companies under the roof of our newly created PLM HOUSE, in order to offer our clients even more comprehensive consulting for successful Product Lifecycle Management. Visit the new DataSquare website for further information.

Plural Technology

Estrix of Spain to be Non Exclusive VAR for Plural's Apparel Innovator

The agreement allows Estrix to sell Plural’s flagship product ‘Apparel Innovator’ – PLM for Apparel Industry as a Non Exclusive Value Added Reseller. March 01, 2012

Plural Technology, the only open source PLM provider for Apparel Industry, announced today the recent signing of an agreement with Estrix Spain, a software reseller and consulting company. Plural’s Flagship product Apparel Innovator is the only open source PLM tool available in the market. Apparel Innovator has various modules like Product development, Sourcing, Project Management, BI Reporting available out of the box. Estrix holds a prominent place in Spain’s Apparel Market as Business Management consulting company. For more information please visit


Minerva launching new tool for Aras Innovator

Improve your data transfers with Minerva's Import Tool March 01, 2012

A company implementing PLM faces many challenges. One of the typical challenges is to get data from sources like CAD into the PLM system. Having an automatic integration between the PLM system and CAD is an option, but it is often costly, and for many companies the number of CAD users is too low to justify the investment.

Data Square

DataSquare is CMII Europe Solution Partner

GfKM includes DataSquare in the exclusive circle of CMII Europe solution partners February 01, 2012

As the official source of CMII standards in Europe, the German Gesellschaft fuer KonfigurationsManagement mbH (GfKM) maintains the list of certified CMII providers. Due to the commitment to CMII, DataSquare has been awarded the title "Europe Solution Partner", being the fourth consulting firm to gain it. CMII Europe Solution Partner are consulting firms which employ consultants with the status "CMII Professional" and offer support for companies implementing CMII. This includes training, consulting and coaching as well as the execution of assessments.


Improve the Collaboration in the Extended Supply Chain by the Minerva Permissions Manager

Manage permissions for external partners February 01, 2012

To simplify the process of managing permissions for external partners in Aras Innovator®, Minerva has developed a new add-on solution. The Minerva Permissions Manager makes it possible and easy to give an external party access to certain parts, products or files in the Aras platform.


Minerva appoints new Product Manager

Thomas Skogen to Oversee Growing Portfolio of Aras Add-on Solutions January 01, 2012

Minerva has appointed Thomas Skogen as Product Manager to strengthen the development and support of the growing number of Aras add-on solutions from Minerva.


Minerva launches Microsoft Office Connector for Aras

Provides a seamless integration between Aras and the Microsoft Office Suite January 01, 2012

Minerva's Microsoft Office Connector for Aras provides an easy-to-use interface with advanced functionality allowing documents, spreadsheets and presentations to be managed by a robust PLM system. The focus at Minerva is to "Keep it simple". Simple commands like Open, Lock, Save and Unlock allow you to quickly come up to speed. Learn more and download a free 30 day trail of the Microsoft Office Connector for Aras today.

Data Square

New CATIA V5 PDM-Workbench Connector for Aras Innovator by DataSquare & T-Systems

The PDM-Workbench Connector enables seamless CATIA V5 product structure data with Aras Innovator PLM platform November 01, 2011

The PDM-Workbench from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 from Dassault Systèmes. With the connector developed by DataSquare, the PDM-Workbench is integrated to Aras Innovator and serves as a CATIA V5 interface. The Aras Innovator PDM-Workbench Connector functions as a connection between the product structure of the PDM-Workbench and the Aras Innovator data model enabling bi-directional data exchange between CATIA V5 and the Aras PLM platform.

Data Square

Updated release of the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector available

DataSquare provides new version of the open solution for mass processing of e-mails November 01, 2011

Now the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector from DataSquare is also available in an advanced, chargeable version. The release includes a new e-mail management assistant that makes mass processing and distribution of permissions possible. So, even very large quantities of e-mails are assigned quickly and easily to persons and items.

Data Square

DataSquare Supports Reduced Rework Initiative for Company-Stabilization

German Aras partner DataSquare joins Initiative as R2 Specialist September 01, 2011

The R2 „Reduced Rework“ Initiative seeks ways to avoid costs by reducing rework and corrective actions within the enterprise. It integrates all activities and strategies on reducing rework offered by "R2 Specialists" and used by "R2 Initiative Members" world-wide. DataSquare supports this initiative as R2 Specialist with consulting and software knowledge. DataSquare’s expertise in the areas of PLM and CMII supports the steps that are necessary to reduce rework significantly. At the same time DataSquare is able to build up an improved business process infrastructure using existing or new PLM software.

Data Square

DataSquare Presents Aras Innovator OCR Connector

New DataSquare interface automates paper-based PLM workflows August 01, 2011

Aras Innovator OCR Connector enables the automated recognition of text inside typewritten documents that are stored as picture files within Aras Innovator. Based on rules, text is being taken over as property, so that documents can be filed and found automatically. With this capability, Aras Innovator OCR Connector creates the requirement to integrate documents from existing “paper workflows” into PLM processes, easy and fast.

CycleOp PLM

CycleOp launches Hebrew Language PLM Blog

Hebrew language PLM blog on Aras Innovator July 01, 2011

בלוג יולי – הגרסא החדשה של
Aras Innovator

בתחילת החודש (יולי 2011) שוחררה הגרסא החדשה של
גרסא Aras Innovator – 9.3.0
אישית – חיכיתי בכיליון עיניים לגרסא החדשה כיוון שהיא כוללת בתוכה אוסף עצום של יכולות חדשות וחזקות במיוחד.


Shapespace Technology Delivers Advanced 3D Search for Aras

The ShapeSpace 3D search technology has now been integrated into Aras to give Aras customers a powerful 3D search capability July 01, 2011

The ShapeSpace 3D Search tool for Aras extends the searching capabilities of Aras to enable searching by shape. For the first time, this puts advanced and affordable 3D search capabilities into the hands of organizations giving them the opportunity to improve part re-use, reduce the part number counts, aggregate and consolidate bought in parts, and drastically reduce external spend.


Do Your Detective Work in 3D

BusinessTechnology - Article on Page 3 June 01, 2011

Imagine an organisation with thousands of products broken down into tens of thousands of parts. Now consider their drawings repository, all tagged with non-uniform descriptions and part numbers, often shared across several departments and offices. What a nightmare! How do they find a specific part in a hurry? Hope the description was entered intuitively? Rely on the accuracy of the part number? What about duplicates – aren’t they costly and confusing? ShapeSpace solves the problem. Shape-Space is a unique 3D search engine which enables you to re-organise, re-catalogue and eradicate duplicates in your massive drawings archive in hours.


Open Source

What is it all about? June 01, 2011

I ett telefonsamtal i veckan med Leon Lauritsen på Minerva i Danmark talar vi om att man i varje samtal där begreppet "open source" förekommer, först behöver enas om vad det betyder. Leon är representant för Aras Innovator (PLM) som använder uttrycket Enterprise Open Source om sin produkt. Han säger också att open source-budskapet ibland gör kunderna oroliga. Att köpa eller hyra ett program är liksom enkelt. Men när det handlar om open source så blir affärsmodellen betraktad från alla håll den också, inte bara själva produkten som kan komma att användas. Och det är klart att det inte är så dumt att syna sina affärspartners oavsett om det handlar om ett köp, hyra eller "open source-användning". Men inget säger egentligen att det skulle vara helt tryggt att köpa och hyra eller helt otryggt att ta hem en vara "open source"? Det handlar kanske mera om att vänja sig vid modellen. Det menar i alla fall de som jobbar med "open source".


Shape Searches Eliminate Duplication

Eureka - The Site for Engineering Design March 01, 2011

Because design engineers often lack browse and search capabilities, the business of finding a part within a large component library can be complex and time consuming, especially when the name or part number is unknown. Naturally, this problem tends to make finding and reusing existing parts extremely difficult. A solution to this problem is available in the form of ShapeSpace, a 3D shape search technology provides engineering companies with a comprehensive 3D CAD search tool.


A Leaner Manufacturing Case Study

by ProcessFlows Magazine January 01, 2011

Control valve manufacturer Bifold wanted to drive changes in their manufacturing processes which would cut costs and deliver measurable improvements in reliability and performance. Using ShapeSpace 3D search technology to search their entire part reference library and identify all parts manufactured from the same raw material, Bifold were very quickly able to consolidate manufacturing processes and improve efficiencies. “As well as being leaner, greener and more efficient, we are able to turn around customer orders in a more reliable timeframe as the majority of parts are always ‘on the shelf’," said Mike Peacock, General Manager at Bifold.


April 09, 2024


Press Releases

Aras、PLM プラットフォームの戦略的な機能強化を発表

March 05, 2024

デジタルスレッド、ローコード、ビジュアライゼーション機能の拡張、 新たなサプライヤー管理アプリケーションを追加

Press Releases

ジョンソン・マッセイ社が PLM プラットフォームに Aras Innovator を採用

February 20, 2024

Aras の SaaS 版 PLM プラットフォームが 同社の製品ライフサイクル管理業務をサポート

Press Releases

化学工業日報主催 第2回 石油・化学産業向けDXサミットに Aras が登壇

February 15, 2024

講演テーマは「化学・素材イノベーションを加速する DX 戦略と PLM の活用」

Press Releases

Aras、2024 年の PLM 業界に関する 7 つの未来予測

January 17, 2024


Press Releases

Aras、株式会社竹中工務店と建設業界における PLM による生産性向上への取り組みを公表

January 09, 2024

建設業界で Aras Innovator を基盤としたデジタル変革への挑戦 - データを一気通貫した建物のライフサイクル全体でのデジタルスレッド活用により生産性向上を目指す

Press Releases

Aras、EIZO の導入事例を公開

December 19, 2023

Aras Innovator の導入で開発と製造の間における デジタルスレッド構築に成功

Press Releases

Red Bull 社が PLM プラットフォームにAras Innovator を採用

November 29, 2023

Aras の SaaS PLM は Red Bull の複雑なレシピ管理とコンプライアンス管理を、企画から製造までの製品ライフサイクル全体でサポート

Press Releases

Aras、SaaS ベースの PLM アプリケーションプラットフォームで急速に成長

November 16, 2023

Aras Innovator の SaaS 導入で 50% の成長を達成

Press Releases

H-TEC SYSTEMS社、Aras を利用してビジネス成長を推進

November 09, 2023

グリーン水素生産技術のパイオニアが SaaS をベースにした PLM プラットフォーム Aras Innovator を導入

Press Releases

AVEVA と Aras、エネルギー分野で McDermott とライトハウス契約を締結

October 30, 2023


Press Releases

Aras の PLM が 2023 年 SPARK Matrix™ レポートでテクノロジーリーダーに選出される

September 14, 2023

テクノロジーエクセレンスとカスタマーインパクトの両指標で最高得点を獲得。Aras Innovator はエンドユーザーが製品ライフサイクル全体で、複雑な製品やサービスを管理することを可能にします

Press Releases

Aras の CMO にジョシュ・エプスタインが就任、取締役チームを強化

July 19, 2023

PLM 業界において一層の認知度を高めるための施策

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルイベント ACE 2023 Japan 開催報告

July 03, 2023

2023 年 6 月 15 日、16 日開催 ~ 可能性を再び想像する 2 日間

Press Releases


June 15, 2023

Aras Innovator が支える車載ソフト管理、デジタルスレッド構築

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 6月15日(木)、16日(金)の開催迫る

June 08, 2023

特別講演として初代デジタル大臣 平井卓也氏と日本マイクロソフト、基調講演に EIZO とクボタ、パネルトークに村田製作所とアクセンチュアが登壇

Press Releases
Press Releases

日本マイクロソフト、AI/MLのスペシャリスト登壇決定 Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan開催

May 18, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京

Press Releases


May 09, 2023

Aras Innovator の自由度の高さを生かし 個別受注生産業務の改革を進める

Press Releases

Aras Enterprise SaaS を Microsoft Azure Marketplace で提供開始

May 02, 2023

Aras のクラウドベースの PLM にアクセスして、アプリケーション開発とビジネス戦略の策定が可能に

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japanに Visual Technology Company の EIZO 登壇決定

April 27, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京

Press Releases

Aras独立系調査会社が発表した 「プロダクト・ライフサイクル・マネジメント」部門でリーダー企業に選出

April 10, 2023


Press Releases

Aras InnovatorがMacGregor社の高度なモニタリングソリューション「OnWatch Scout」の開発を支援

April 05, 2023

リアルタイムでの解決、ユーザビリティの向上、 船舶メンテナンスのための高度なデータ管理を可能に

Press Releases

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金)開催決定

April 03, 2023

テーマは「Reimagine Your Possibilities ~可能性を再び想像する~」

Press Releases

The Story Behind the Surprising Partnership Between AVEVA and Aras September 19, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of shares his thoughts about Aras' strategic OEM licensing partnership with AVEVA, saying it is another recognition of the strength of the Aras Innovator platform and the joint venture with AVEVA is a feather in the cap for CEO, Roque Martin.

Media Coverage


September 16, 2022

産業用デジタルツイン実現に向け、拡張性の高い設備資産ライフサイクル 管理ソリューション開発を支援

Press Releases

アラスジャパン主催グローバルコミュニティイベント 「ACE 2022 Japan」を 3年ぶりのリアルイベントとして開催

June 23, 2022

600人以上が集い大盛況のうちに閉幕。オンデマンド配信は 7月29日まで視聴可能

Press Releases

Aras プラットフォームが医療技術企業オットーボック社で実現した、より早く、より革新的な研究開発

June 14, 2022


Press Releases


June 01, 2022


Press Releases

Why Aras’ Roque Martin Bought Minerva, and the New Upcoming Ansys-Like Arrangements May 27, 2022

Part two of Verdi Ogewell's conversation with Roque Martin and Peter Schroer explores the CEO transition, details about our recent Minerva merger, and the future of our platform.

Media Coverage

Taking Aras PLM from a Thorn in the Side to a Real Threat May 26, 2022

Aras’ founder, Peter Schroer, and CEO, Roque Martin, sat down with Verdi Ogewell of to discuss Aras’ growth among the other vendors in the market, what makes Aras and its platform stand out, and Roque’s mission as CEO.

Media Coverage

Aras、独 XPLM 社への投資により、イノベーションの加速とエンジニアリングおよび製造におけるオープン コネクティビティの強化を保証

May 24, 2022


Press Releases

Aras Invests in XPLM

CIMdata May 12, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview of Aras’ investment in XPLM, saying that they are pleased to see that Aras is continuing to invest in openness that benefits the entire PLM economy including end user customers, ISV partners, and competitors alike.

Media Coverage

伊 IWT 社、自動化によるデータ完全性の向上のために Aras を選定

May 11, 2022


Press Releases

アラス、「ACE 2022 Japan」の開催を決定 ~『加速するデジタルスレッドの価値 ~ Transform with SaaS ~』

April 11, 2022

4月11日(月)から参加事前登録スタート、ユーザー基調講演には 光洋サーモシステム株式会社様 / 株式会社竹中工務店様 / 株式会社デンソー様 が登壇予定

Press Releases
Manufacturing Global

Three steps to building a resilient enterprise ecosystem

Manufacturing Global April 08, 2022

Aras’ CRO, Rob McAveney, explains that if product data is used properly, it can deliver insights that allow businesses to pivot with agility when it needs to adapt to new requirements. 


Media Coverage

Aras Announces Merger of Minerva Group (Highlight)

CIMdata January 11, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview Aras’ merger of Minerva, saying this is a great addition for Aras, offering better support for out-of-the-box implementations within specific industries and helps increase Aras’ top line revenue.

Media Coverage

Breaking News: Aras PLM Takes Over Its Main Partner Minerva January 11, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of says Aras’ merger of Minerva will enable the company to position itself to better solve complex digitalization challenges in technology, manufacturing and the supply chain. At the same time, the added expertise in vehicle, aerospace, defense and industrial equipment manufacturing will benefit customers moving forward. 

Media Coverage

Aras、デンマーク ミネルバ社の合併を発表

January 11, 2022

医療機器とハイテク・エレクトロニクス業界に向けたベストインクラスの PLMテクノロジーを提供開始

Press Releases


November 30, 2021

イノベーションと価値実現までの時間を加速する Aras Innovator 14

Press Releases

オランダ電磁システムメーカー大手のケンドリオン社、単一のデジタルバックボーンとして Aras Enterprise SaaS を選定

November 09, 2021

Aras Cloud 上の Aras DevOps により、企業の継続的成長のための重要な機能を提供

Press Releases

Aras の CEO にロッキー・マーチンが就任

October 20, 2021

業界で実績のあるロッキー・マーチンが Aras に参加、ピーター・シュローラは Aras の取締役会へ

Press Releases

Aras の取締役会に Ansys の元 CEO であるジェームス キャッシュマンが加入

October 14, 2021

急成長する Aras、キャッシュマンの成長企業でのリーダーシップ経験を活かす

Press Releases
ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan June 03, 2021

自動車業界は激動期にある。その中で日産自動車は、2020年に打ち出した事業構造改革計画「NISSAN NEXT」の下、自動運転や電動化(以下、EV)など先進技術を積極的に投入する戦略を敷いている。それを支えるのが車載ソフトウェアであり、そのために利用するシステムでのユーザー要件は複雑だ。そこで日産は、ArasのPLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を導入し、PLMシステムを構築した。

Media Coverage


MONOist June 01, 2021

アラスジャパンは2021年4月20~22日の3日間、年次イベントである「Aras Community Event(ACE 2021)」をオンラインで開催した。その中で、日産自動車 グローバルISデリバリー本部 エンジニアリング&デザインシステム部 課長代理職の根本博明氏と同パワートレイン・EV技術開発本部 パワートレイン・EV制御技術開発部 EMS制御技術開発グループ ソフトウェアエキスパートの小林秀明氏が「Aras Innovatorによるエンジニアリングプラットフォーム戦略および活用事例」をテーマに事例講演を行った。

Media Coverage


MONOist April 28, 2021

Arasは2021年4月14日、大手グローバル企業のクラウド要件に柔軟に対応する、新しいサブスクリプションサービス「Enterprise サブスクリプション」の提供を開始した。

Media Coverage

Aras、米国投資会社GI パートナーズによる大幅な成長のための投資を発表

April 19, 2021


Press Releases

Aras、エンタープライズ向け SaaS をベースとした新サブスクリプションサービスを発表

April 14, 2021

エンタープライズ SaaS と DevOps サービスの組み合わせにより無制限のカスタマイズが可能な最も強力な「クラウドファースト」なプラットフォームを提供し、グローバル企業を支援

Press Releases


MONOist April 09, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新版を発表した。シミュレーションを製品データのデジタルスレッドに接続でき、製品ライフサイクル全体にわたってシステムの調査と検証が可能になる。

Media Coverage


MONOist April 08, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日(現地時間)、さまざまなエンジニアリング分野のデータをツールに依存しない形で統合し、システムモデルの定義をサポートする「Aras システム アーキテクチャ」の最新リリースを発表した。

Media Coverage


Nikkei XTECH April 01, 2021

米Aras(アラス)は、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」の機能として提供しているシミュレーションデータ管理アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の新版を発表した。

Media Coverage

Aras、より優れた拡張性、柔軟性、およびオープンな接続性を提供するアプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新リリースを発表

March 30, 2021


Press Releases
Press Releases

Aras、ACE 2021開催、日産自動車、ROKI、ジャムコ他、リーディングカンパニー各社が講演

March 16, 2021


Press Releases

アラスジャパン、設計データ管理プラットフォーム「イノベーター」 デンソーが採用



Media Coverage
Weekly Business Computer News

企業動静 2020年12月21・28日付 vol.1855: 米アラス

Weekly BCN December 24, 2020


Media Coverage


MONOist December 15, 2020

アラスは2020年12月9日、同社の展開するPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」をデンソーが採用したと発表した。自動車部品の設計開発データを適切に管理するための技術部品表プラットフォームとして運用する。

Media Coverage
My Navi


MyNavi December 10, 2020

Arasは、デンソーが技術部品表のプラットフォームとして、自社のPLMプラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を選択したことを発表した。

Media Coverage

Aras、統合インフラの近代化・デジタル化を実現する PLM プラットフォームとして、 デンソーが Aras を選定したことを発表

December 09, 2020

グローバル自動車部品メーカーとして、組織全体のデータの可視化を Aras プラットフォーム活用により強化

Press Releases


MONOist December 01, 2020


Media Coverage
Digital Engineering 24/7

The Modern Face of SPDM

Digital Engineering November 19, 2020

As simulation-driven design becomes a core pillar of digital product development, a refreshed simulation product data management has come to light. This article highlights Ansys’ use of Aras Innovator to deliver a vendor-neutral and open approach to SPDM.

Media Coverage
Smart Industry

Enterprise low-code: The next step in low-code

Smart Industry November 18, 2020

Low-code software has been around for decades and, with every re-emergence, the expectations are high. This article highlights recent advancement in low-code known as enterprise low-code. Enterprise low-code platforms offer a more strategic approach to application development with a higher level of functionality than traditional low-code solutions.

Media Coverage

義肢・装具の世界的リーダー、オットーボック社が Aras のエンドツーエンドプラットフォームで技術開発を近代化

October 27, 2020

製品データの「信頼できる唯一の情報源」を求め、将来の成長を後押しする Aras PLMプラットフォームを選択

Press Releases
Toolbox Tech

Benefits of an Enterprise Low-Code Platform for Manufacturers

Toolbox Tech October 26, 2020

Manufacturers are turning to technology as they navigate the impact of the pandemic. Find out how an enterprise low-code platform enables manufacturers to digitally transform on a digital platform, improving agility and resilience.

Media Coverage

Aras Continues to Extend Its Low-Code Platform Capabilities to Build Intelligent Automation October 14, 2020

With the latest open release of Aras Innovator, Aras provides further capabilities and enhancements to manage complex product digital twins and integrations across the digital thread—boosted with low-code application administration, advanced configurability and custom app development.

Media Coverage


September 29, 2020

Aras プラットフォームがグラマー社の新たなデジタルトランスフォーメーションの取り組みをサポート

Press Releases
Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

Aras Asserts Capabilities for Unit-Specific Digital Twin Configurations

Technology Evaluation Centers September 28, 2020

Aras is competing for a very specific aspect of a digital twin initiative, a problem that hasn’t gotten much attention to date, but is absolutely critical for proper product operation analysis. Learn why Aras Digital Twin Core is a key differentiator.

Media Coverage


Nikkei XTECH September 16, 2020

アラスジャパン(東京・千代田)は、デジタルツインの運用支援と、ユーザーでの導入時やバージョンアップ時のテスト工数低減などを目的に、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」(米Aras)の新機能などを相次いで追加した。

Media Coverage


MONOist September 11, 2020

PLMベンダーのアラス(Aras)が事業展開を加速させている。過去3年間平均の売上高成長率は44%と高い伸びを示しており、PLM「Aras Innovator」の契約社数(サブスクライバー数)は365社、オープンソース版の利用企業数も1000社を超えた。

Media Coverage


MONOist August 20, 2020

Aras Japanは2020年7月7日、個別の機器や資産の状況を正確にデジタル化するデジタルツインを作成、管理できる新しいアプリケーション「デジタルツインコア」を発表した。

Media Coverage

Aras、業界経験の豊富な Marc de Guiran が最高収益責任者として着任、市場開拓組織を牽引

July 15, 2020


Press Releases

Aras、デジタルツインの作成および管理のためのアプリケーション、 デジタルツインコアを発表

July 07, 2020


Press Releases
Press Releases


May 21, 2020

「Visual Technology Company」として、 デジタルモノづくりによる付加価値の創出、生産性と品質の向上を目指す

Press Releases

シンフォニアテクノロジー、業務刷新に向け Aras を採択

February 05, 2020

設計効率を改善し、サイロ化された IT システムを Aras で再構築

Press Releases

Aras、戦略的 OEM 契約で ANSYS にプラットフォームをライセンス供与

January 14, 2020


Press Releases

YKK APがArasを採用、柔軟性やサブスクリプションなどを評価

MONOist December 12, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年11月21日、YKK APがArasプラットフォームを採択した事例について発表した。

Media Coverage


MONOist September 20, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年9月9日、同社のオープンソースPLMソフトウェア「Aras Innovator」を、主要なPLMシステムに直接接続できるようにする「PROSTEP OpenPDM」の提供を開始した。

Media Coverage

Aras、主要なPLMシステムに直接繋げられるPROSTEP OpenPDM を提供

September 09, 2019


Press Releases

Aras Innovatorに対応したAIを使った自動テストツールの提供を開始

August 28, 2019

繰り返し作業が多いテスト作業の自動化によりAras Innovatorの導入やアップグレードにかかるテスト工数を削減

Press Releases
Press Releases


MONOist November 30, 2018


Media Coverage
Yahoo Japan


YAHOO! JAPAN November 30, 2018


Media Coverage

Aras、ゴールドマン・サックスによる 7,000万ドルの投資を発表、成長拡大を加速

November 29, 2018

シルバーレイク・クラフトワークが新たな投資ラウンドに参加; ゴールドマン・サックスがArasの取締役会に参画

Press Releases


MONOist November 20, 2018


Media Coverage
ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan November 19, 2018


Media Coverage


Monoist October 09, 2018

Arasは2018年9月5日、医療機器や安全機器を取り扱うDrägerが、製品データの企業全体での可視化を可能にするPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)システムとして、Aras PLMプラットフォームを採用したと発表した。 

Media Coverage

Aras、製品ライフサイクル全体でシミュレーションを利用可能にするためComet Solutionsを買収

September 25, 2018


Press Releases


September 17, 2018


Press Releases


September 05, 2018


Press Releases


June 06, 2018

マルチファクターのアプローチにより、独自のEffectivity(有効日)基準の利用、 動的データ構造におけるインスタンスの管理、そしてデジタルスレッドの維持が可能に

Press Releases
Michael Wendenburg Online Redaktion


MyNavi April 17, 2018


Media Coverage
IT Production Online


MyNavi April 04, 2018


Media Coverage


Monoist March 30, 2018


Media Coverage


Monoist March 19, 2018

好調を維持しているPLMベンダーのアラスだが、IoT時代を迎えた製造業に対してさらなる提案を行うべく、Aras Innovatorを「製品イノベーションプラットフォーム」に進化させるための取り組みを加速させている。これまでもシステムズエンジニアリングなどに注力してきたが、さらにMESやMROもカバーしていく方針だ。

Media Coverage


Nikkei XTECH February 28, 2018

アラスジャパンは、PLM「Aras Innovator」について、2018年内の開発予定を明らかにした。

Media Coverage


Monoist February 27, 2018

米ArasがInfospectrumのImpresa Impresa Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul(MRO)事業を買収した。ArasのPLMプラットフォームにImpresa MROを組み込むことで、デジタルスレッドを保守サービスの領域へと拡張する計画だ。

Media Coverage
My Navi


MyNavi February 22, 2018


Media Coverage
Automotive IT


MyNavi February 21, 2018


Media Coverage


February 21, 2018


Press Releases
Kompetenz Für Konstrukteure


MyNavi February 07, 2018


Media Coverage

Aras PLMプラットフォームの最新リリースで製品バリエーション管理をより簡単に

February 05, 2018


Press Releases


November 29, 2017


Press Releases
Tech Factory


Techfactory November 01, 2017


Media Coverage
Nikkei Business Daily

PLMの米アラス、日本で攻勢 -IoTの情報連携に需要-

Nikkei Business Daily October 03, 2017


Media Coverage
Boston Business Journal

Boston Business Journal, “GE Ventures adds to $40M round for Andover industrial software company”

Boston Business Journal September 01, 2017

“To power the next wave of global industrial productivity, GE is investing in critical foundational capabilities for the Industrial Internet," Steve Taub, the managing director of advanced manufacturing and enterprise at GE Ventures, said in a statement.

Media Coverage

New $40 Million Investment in Aras

CIMdata September 01, 2017

Given the amount invested and the reputation of the investors, CIMdata sees this as well-deserved recognition of Aras’ position in the global PLM industry, as well as their future potential. Their innovative technology and business model are well proven at this point and continue to gain traction in the marketplace.

Media Coverage

“On Par with the cPDm Leaders” – Why Aras is Recognized as a New Member of the PLM Elite September 01, 2017

Aras has managed to produce a solution that effectively covers what tend to be weak spots in large corporation’s PLM environments: supplier collaboration and simplicity to upgrade. Add in the fact that there are no license fees (Aras is free to download) and it becomes obvious that the solution has a couple very hard-to-resist advantages.

Media Coverage

PLM is Hot Again: Aras Announces $40 Million Investment

ENGINEERING.COM September 01, 2017

“Aras embodies this strategy with a game-changing platform and ‘SaaS Anywhere’ approach that has proven very compelling to customers, and we are excited about Aras’ next stage of growth." -Martin Fichtner, managing director of Silver Lake Kraftwerk.

Media Coverage

T-Systems PDM Workbench 5.0 available

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 5.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. New “Rep Types” can be defined as non-BOM relevant CAD Documents, e.g. “CAD_KIN” for kinematics. All “Rep Types” can be handled easily with the full CATIA-integrated GUI of PDM Workbench. A step to improve usability in large structures like Aerospace is the possibility to load just portions of a structure, but maintaining the geometrical context – hence reducing data traffic and load time in CATIA. Also the handling of configuration information is improved by enabling the handling directly within CATIA. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.

Media Coverage

T-Systems PDM Workbench 6.0

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 6.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. Focus with this release was improving download performance by enabling the release cached. Now it is possible to save even more time for the designers. Also options for only loading visualization is available. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.

Media Coverage

Aras Extends Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service with Latest Open Release of Aras PLM Platform

CIMdata March 01, 2017

“With this latest release of Aras Innovator, we continue to expand the Aras PLM Platform, whether building out the Quality Management System application for the specific needs of quality professionals or extending the platform to connect Engineering, Manufacturing, and Service to enable Digital Thread."

Media Coverage
Ten Links

Aras Innovator Updated for Quality Management

TenLinks March 01, 2017

Quality management professionals face the challenge of quickly responding to quality issues and communicating change requirements enterprise-wide. The new Quality Systems (QS) component in Aras QMS connects the proactive and reactive aspects of quality management, and fully integrates quality processes into engineering and manufacturing.

Media Coverage
Digital Engineering

Aras Outlines its Platform Approach to PLM at ACE 2017 Conference

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

"We are on fire, the company, since about 2013-2014 has been growing,” said Aras CEO Peter Schroer during his ACE 2017 keynote presentation in front of a slide showing a 51% compound annual growth rate. “I gotta say … it’s because of you guys. The community is pushing us to continue to expand the product, build the scalability, build out the partner community so we can cover you everywhere. I would say the switch to open source, the opening up of everything we do — it’s an experiment and it’s played out perfectly.”

Media Coverage
Digital Engineering

Aras PLM Platform Intended to Extend Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Aras Quality Systems enables Closed-loop corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) – accelerates identification, containment, and analysis of issues, and tracking of affected items; Root cause analysis (RCA) – offers a variety of RCA tools; fault tree analysis, fishbone analysis, and five whys; collaboration – supports quality review through Visual Collaboration, business rules and workflow, and aggregation and packaging of CAP items; and Reporting – provides 8D reporting and tracking of CAPA metrics (% closed, % due).

Media Coverage

Former Siemens PLM CEO Joins Aras March 01, 2017

Even more surprising is the announcement from Aras CEO Peter Schroer that the company has appointed Tony Affuso, Siemens PLM's former CEO and a seasoned PLM expert, to its Board of Directors. Tony Affuso was the one responsible for pushing through the deal in which Siemens acquired UGS. This purchase added NX and I-deas (high end CAD), Solid Edge (mainstream CAD), Teamcenter (PDM/PLM), Nastran and Femap (CAE), Tecnomatix and more to the Siemens portfolio.

Media Coverage
Digital Engineering

Hitachi Selects Aras to Standardize Design, Development Processes

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. has selected Aras Innovator to standardize management of drawings, data, design and development processes of the company’s wide portfolio of products. After implementation with Aras Certified Partner Hitachi Systems, Aras will standardize processes in engineering data management and workflow management across the company’s main manufacturing plants in Japan, Thailand and China.

Media Coverage

SofTech Group Connector 7.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2017

The SofTech Group Connector 7.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

ACE 2017 カスタマーカンファレンスでの登壇を発表

February 23, 2017

業界をリードする製品開発やIT、製造チームが IoTやデジタルスレッド、デジタル変革のベストプラクティスを共有

Press Releases


February 07, 2017

自動車および産業サプライヤーの大手がAras PLMプラットフォームを使用して、

Press Releases

Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

MCAD Cafe February 01, 2017

Each year, ACE brings together global industry and technology leaders to exchange best practices on managing complex product development and transforming the science of engineering to the business of engineering.

Media Coverage

Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Aras today announced key industry presentations and sessions for ACE 2017, the company’s marquee customer conference taking place on March 21st to 23rd in Nashville, TN. The gathering is the premier event that connects the most innovative product development, IT, and manufacturing teams from Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, High Tech Electronics, and Industrial Manufacturing to shape the future of PLM.

Media Coverage
Ten Links

Aras Announces Industry Presentations for ACE 2017

TenLinks February 01, 2017

ACE 2017 features business presentations from Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, Valley Fine Foods, IBM, Akrapovič, Carestream, Sandia, Lord, Pabst, and other industry leaders. In addition, application and demo tracks feature overviews of the latest version of the Aras PLM Platform, including MPP, Tech Docs, and Quality Management, and presentations on PLM implementation strategy.

Media Coverage

Boeing, Airbus and the Hardship of Dealing with PLM Obsolescence February 01, 2017

Former French president Charles de Gaulle once famously complained about the difficulty of governing a country that had 246 different kinds of cheese. In the time since that statement was made, life for both societies and enterprises has become even more complicated, and the hardship of ruling diversity, illustrated by this “cheese analogy,” has grown exponentially

Media Coverage

IBM launches new Digital Twin and Platform capabilities for Watson Internet of Things

IBM February 01, 2017

IBM, Aras Corporation and OSI Soft today are launching new IBM Digital Twin capabilities, to create multiple views of products by bringing together various ‘digital threads’ and data streams that can be tailored to the needs of a particular user.

Media Coverage

Schaeffler Group Selects Aras for Engineering Cockpit for 20,000 Users

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Digital transformation is one of the key issues at Schaeffler. The Engineering Cockpit application is one of the central tools to connect all disciplines and systems. The Engineering Cockpit is a web-based application allowing direct access to development data for a large number of development centers. It supports the company-wide configuration and change management in the initial phase.

Media Coverage
Ten Links

Schaeffler Selects Aras Innovator for Engineering Cockpit

TenLinks February 01, 2017

Schaeffler´s Engineering Cockpit provides up to 20,000 users with role-based access to information across multiple disciplines, interfaces, systems, and authoring tools to make better decisions. The collaboration with Schaeffler is the first result of the partnership between Aras and IBM that was announced in December last year.

Media Coverage
Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

IBM and Aras Reseller Agreement to Enable IoT Product Design, Enhance PLM Software Market

Technology Evaluation Center January 01, 2017

TEC’s principal analyst PJ Jakovljevic what this deal means for the future of product development and what product companies stand to gain in the era of digital transformation.

Media Coverage

LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

CIMdata January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation, a global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator® to standardize product development processes at current sites, and to help the company efficiently support emerging businesses. When fully implemented, LORD anticipates more than 1,000 users will access Document Management, Configuration Management, Engineering Change Management, as well as Quality Systems (CAPA) applications as part of the Aras PLM platform.

Media Coverage

LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

MCAD Cafe January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation is transforming their business of engineering due to the flexibility, scalability, and common architecture offered by Aras PLM. The company is better positioned to easily and quickly integrate new acquisitions, while standardizing current engineering and product development sites onto one common platform.

Media Coverage
Ten Links

LORD Selects Aras PLM Platform

TenLinks January 01, 2017

LORD, a leading global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator due to a scalable, robust and flexible PLM capabilities to accommodate changing business and market condition, as well as future acquisitions anticipated by the manufacturer, a model-based, service-oriented architecture that delivers low total cost of ownership without reducing the long term vision of the project and more.

Media Coverage

SofTech Group Connector 7.0 Available

CAD Connector December 01, 2016

The SofTech Group Connector 7.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP8; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

IBM社とArasがIoTを実現するための PLMの戦略的リセラー契約を発表

November 30, 2016

市場をリードするALMソリューションと、 柔軟性や拡張性、アップグレードの容易性を重視したPLMプラットフォーム によるパートナーシップ提携

Press Releases


October 25, 2016


Press Releases

ハンティントン・インガルス・インダストリーズが軍艦の複雑なエンジニアリングをサポートするPLMにAras Innovatorを選択

September 26, 2016


Press Releases


August 24, 2016


Press Releases

Aras, Airbus and IBM to Showcase ALM-PLM Open Reference Architecture at CRYSTAL Event

June 15, 2016

Initiative Supports a Systems Engineering Approach by Enabling Interoperability Across Different Life-cycle Domains – Mechanical, Electronics and Software

Press Releases Webinar Shares Best Practices for Cloud Deployment of Product Lifecycle Management

June 01, 2016

June 15, 2016 Webinar Offers Real World Scenarios, Cloud PLM Strategies for Today’s Global Enterprise

Press Releases

Aras to Exhibit at Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Conference and Expo in Tokyo

May 17, 2016

June 22 – 24, 2016 Event is Region’s Largest Manufacturing Technology Industry Conference

Press Releases

Aras, Carlisle Brake & Friction to Present at Digital Transformations Conference in Detroit

May 09, 2016

Presentation Part of Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ Smart Manufacturing Series on May 24, 2016

Press Releases

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB Selects Aras as Global PLM Backbone and Minerva as Implementation Partner

May 04, 2016

Global OEM implements flexible, scalable PLM platform to support global processes all the way from development through manufacture to service

Press Releases

Airbus, MERSEN, Microsoft and Others to Present at Aras ACE 2016 France in Paris

May 03, 2016

Conference on June 2 is Part of Global Event Series Highlighting Innovations in Global Product Development

Press Releases

東芝機械、設計プロセスの改善、製品品質の向上およびグローバルでの製品情報管理にAras Innovatorを選択

April 21, 2016


Press Releases

Parata Systems Selects Aras as PLM Backbone to Streamline Product Design, Development and Service

April 19, 2016

Leading Pharmacy Automation Equipment Manufacturer Chooses Aras to Optimize Business Processes and Improve Visibility

Press Releases

Aras CEO & Founder Peter Schroer Receives Leadership Award from CAD Society

April 12, 2016

Award Recognizes Outstanding Technical and Business Leadership in the Industry and Focus and Dedication to the Needs of End Users

Press Releases

Aras to Present on MBSE at Zuken Innovation World 2016

April 12, 2016

Presentation entitled “Beyond ECAD Connectors” Addresses the Model-Based Systems Engineering Challenges Faced in IoT Design Processes

Press Releases

Aras Corporation to Present at 2016 Continuous Engineering Symposium, Dearborn, Michigan

March 31, 2016

April 19, 2016 event gathers industry, technology leaders to address today’s product development challenges.

Press Releases

Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Selects Aras to Manage Global Product Information

March 08, 2016

Global industrial manufacturer selected Aras for the solution’s flexibility, open architecture and web-based global accessibility

Press Releases

Airbus, BAE Systems, Microsoft and more to Present at Aras ACE 2016 Conference

March 02, 2016

Global Leaders Discuss PLM Strategy at ACE 2016 Conference March 15 – 17 in Detroit, MI

Press Releases

Saab AB selects Aras PLM and Minerva as Implementation Partner

March 01, 2016

Military Defense and Civil Security Leader to Support Handling of Product Data Related to Gripen Fighter Aircraft

Press Releases

Aras and Elysium Announce Connector Solution for CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE to Aras Innovator

February 29, 2016

New Connector Enables Global Companies to Leverage CATIA Design Data across the Lifecycle and the Extended Enterprise

Press Releases

CGI Business Consulting and Aras Announce Partnership

February 23, 2016

Advanced PLM Technology Enables New Approaches to Business Transformation of Systems Engineering, Manufacturing and Compliance Processes

Press Releases Webinar Features Airbus / IBM / Aras Sharing New Approaches to ALM/PLM Cross-Discipline Product Development

February 11, 2016

Learn Better Ways to Coordinate Systems Engineering and Development Across Mechanical, Electronics, Software and Firmware

Press Releases

Aras ACE 2016 Global Conference Coming to Detroit

February 10, 2016

Industry Leaders Converge to Share Best Practices and Learn New Approaches for the Business of Engineering

Press Releases

SofTech Connector 6.0 Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2016

The SofTech Connector 6.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 6.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4-SP5 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0-SP5; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

日産自動車、東洋電装、川崎重工業が「ACE 2015 JAPAN」に登壇決定!

July 02, 2015


Press Releases

KISTERS North America Hires Sales Executive for its Enterprise Content Management Solutions

Industry Veteran James Eardly to Focus on 3DViewStation in North America March 01, 2015

KISTERS North America, Inc. announced that it has hired James Eardly to manage North American sales and support for its 3DViewStation viewing tool which makes design data visually available for the whole enterprise. Kisters 3DViewStation is Aras Digital Mockup solution.

Media Coverage

SofTech Connector 5.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 5.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

NorthRidge Announces Support for Aras Innovator 11

Extends support to 3 Aras major releases February 01, 2015

NorthRidge Software, LLC has validated support for Aras Innovator 11 on the current Discover Innovator 3.6 release. This extends support for the most intuitive and powerful search solution for Innovator users to Aras 9.3, 9.4, 10 and 11.

Media Coverage

SofTech Connector 5.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. SofTech Connector 5.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP4, and 9.4 SP0-SP2; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.2

3D CAD data authoring and publishing December 01, 2014

There have been several enhancements in the area of file formats: support for Catia V5-6 2014 (R24), Creo 3, Inventor 2015 and SolidEdge ST7 has been added. Besides Catia drawings 3DViewStation now support reading of 2D PDF as the general 2D reading strategy. For the special case of PDF 3DViewStation now loads PDF in 2D mode first and after clicking on it will load the 3D object in a separate window for further analysis. 3DViewStation does not only support reading of PMIs and PMI views, but also allows to export PMIs and translates markups and dimensions into PMIs during export. For customer who prefer to use Adobe Reader in some processes, 3DViewStation now offers a new template incl. views carousel and editable form fields, which might get populated via an associated XML during runtime, even in an integrated environment. With PDF the part list item to geometry and PMI to feature associativity will be retained.

Media Coverage

New Version Connector 4.5 for Aras Available

CAD Connector August 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.5 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.5 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP3, 9.4 SP0-SP2, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage

KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.1

3D-CAD viewer adds Catia 2D-drawings support, large format printing and undo July 01, 2014

After many customer requests Catia 2D drawing support has been added to KISTERS 3DViewStation. This is the beginning of adding more 2D file formats – 2D-PDF will be the next. Drawings as well as 3D parts or assemblies can be printed now, even on large format printing devices, including grid, markups and stamps to i.e. add printing time or document name, if desired. Also frequently asked for has been the undo-function, now allowing to undo selections, color changes, movements, dimensions and more.

Media Coverage

New Version CAD Connector 4.4 for Aras Available

CAD Connector June 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.4 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.4 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0 and SP1, 9.4 SP0 and SP1, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Media Coverage
Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)

株式会社ADSが、医療機器メーカー向けArasソリューション『Medical Device PLM』の提供開始

ADS Inc, provide Medical Device PLM for Aras March 01, 2014

株式会社ADSは、医療機器メーカー向けソリューション『Medical Device PLM』 の提供を開始しました。 本ソリューションは、米国FDAの規制などのレギュレーション対応としてデンマー クのMinerva社が開発したAras Innovator向けソリューションです。 Minerva社 Medical Device PLM の特徴  - 成果物一覧からのDMR、DHRの作成  - ルールベースの成果物管理  - ダイナミックなDMR,DHF管理  - ベースラインの自動生成 ADSでは、今後、本ソリューションの日本語化対応、Aras Innovator CAPAソリューションとの連携を図ることで、日本の医療機器メーカーに求められる品質管理/規制対応要件をトータルでサポート致します。 ご興味のあるお客様は、[email protected]までお問合せください。 また、第25回設計製造ソリューション展にもArasブースにて出展致しますので、ぜひ、ご来場ください。

Media Coverage

User interface customization and BREP export: KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014

Tablet-PC optimized new release of DMU tool February 01, 2014

3DViewStation V2014 ships with a fresh Office 2013 compliant user interface and provides functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to customization of the user interface and BREP export capabilities.

The KISTERS 3DViewStation now provides several additional ways of UI customization: a pure left mouse button mode has been added to simplify the usage for occasional and also tablet-PC (finger) users. Mouse users now can determine, which functions should be performed when pressing the middle or right mouse button. The quick access toolbar can be customized and is pre-set now, so that frequently used functions are available without accessing the ribbon menu. Also, accelerator keys are defined for several functions and can be customized as per the user’s needs. Finally via XML the complete UI of the KISTERS 3DViewStation can be redefined.

Media Coverage

3D CAD viewer for mobile users

KISTERS 3DViewStation on tablet-PCs and smartphones January 01, 2014

KISTERS has announced the support for mobile users with the need for powerful 3D CAD viewers. The KISTERS 3DViewStation product family is available on many mobile devices and is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data.

Media Coverage

KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.03

Draft angle analysis and automatic assembly explode November 01, 2013

Kisters presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. Today KISTERS has announced the release 12.03 of the 3DViewStation, known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. We presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. The focus of the latest developments has been set to analysis functionality.

Media Coverage
NTT Data

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider, joins Aras partner program

Visit us at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

Based on Aras Innovator, NTT DATA provides services and solutions for the Aras Community. As an end-to-end IT service provider NTT DATA offers high-end strategy and process consulting, implementation and maintenance for its customers. Focused on the Automotive, Aerospace and Manufacturing Industries, NTT DATA is an extremely experienced partner in data management and migration, project management, product development and collaborative engineering. Our experts have already proven their skills and delivered excellent services in customer-projects. You can get in contact with us personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden. We are looking forward to a successful partnership with Aras Corp.

Media Coverage
NTT Data

NTT DATA is introducing a new Aras solution

Try the preview live at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider and new Aras partner, is proud to present a new Aras solution at Ace Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.

We have created an easy, extensible, efficient and GEnIUS solution to change the way you work with Aras Innovator. Our solution is the implementation of global customer requirements into a next generation integration platform based on ARAS Innovator project experiences. NTT DATA’s GEnIUS is enabling integration across multiple authoring tools using one common user interface. For example, create your BOMs in MS Excel and save them to Aras Innovator, directly. Add or delete any parts or amounts in Excel and GEnIUS will do the rest on the Aras side – just do it. But Excel is only one of many supported tools. Stay informed, other tools will be named here soon and get in touch with GEnIUS personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.

Media Coverage

1-Step assembly compare + sectioning + measurement: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.02

Lots of enhancements in 3DViewStation V12.01 and V12.02 releases August 01, 2013

KISTERS has announced the release 12.02 of the 3DViewStation. The KISTERS 3DViewStation is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. The focus of the latest developments has been set to management assembly comparison and analysis functionality.

Please review our BLOG-entries too: and

Media Coverage

3D-CAD-Viewer gets Bi-Turbo: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0

high performance native & neutral CAD viewing May 01, 2013

KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0 ships with a fresh Office 2010 compliant user interface and provides a rich functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to the graphics kernel. 3DViewStation load times are now unparalleled: in the meantime, we were almost unable to find assemblies, which load longer than 1 second, once translated into the internal 3DVS file format.

Media Coverage
Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)


ADS, Inc.(Japan) made an official agreement for technical partnership with SofTech Inc.(USA) in Japanese CAD/PLM market May 01, 2013


SofTech社は、オープンソースPLMシステム Aras Innovatorの米国パートナーとして、Aras Innovator向けCAD Connectorを開発しています。

  • SolidWorks Connector for Aras
  • Inventor Connector for Aras
  • CADRA Connector for Aras


[email protected]

Media Coverage
CycleOp PLM

CycleOp is improving on the already great Express ECO's impact matrix

CycleOp has released a video showing improved functionality and performance for the Express ECO May 01, 2013

The improved express ECO features support for faster and full/partial loading of trees, support for check boxes and list boxes, support for substitutes and multiple row changes, and much, much more.

Media Coverage

New Version Connector 3.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2013

Connector 3.0 for Aras from SofTech provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 3.0 currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3 along with CADRA 20, Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013), and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).

For additional information on Connector 3.0 including datasheets, videos and upcoming webinars, please visit:

Media Coverage

New Version 3.3 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector October 01, 2012

PDM Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with. New functionalities in version 3.3 are: - Basic Drawing Link support - Basic Multi Model Link support - Management of CATIA Templates in Aras Innovator - Enhanced PWB Update dialog: - PDM data management - Highlight of Geometries and PDM info - Aras Innovator Multi-Vault Support - Admin Mode for CATSettings - Replace from PDM - Insert from PDM - Auto name support using Innovator sequence items Additional materials for Download and videos on our website.

Media Coverage

Minerva launches new Productivity Tool for Aras Innovator

The PDX Export is a tool that allows you to export data from Aras into the PDX standard May 01, 2012

The PDX standards define an XML encoding scheme that enables supply chain partners to exchange product content, changes and subsequent manufacturing information in a common language. This capability allows companies to exchange information through a single port of the exchange software rather than developing a different solution for each trading partner.

Download brochure and request a web demo on our website.

Media Coverage

New Version 3.2 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector May 01, 2012

PDM-Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with.

Media Coverage
Alcove 9

The vdR Group Announce their Partnership with Alcove9, Developers of Advanced Search Technologies

Technology Specialists Provide Interoperability and Integration Solutions April 01, 2012

The vdR Group, business system integration specialists, and Alcove9, developers of open source advanced search technologies such as the a9 Hub, announce their partnership. The partnership improves the productivity of clients' critical business systems by combining the power of custom interoperability with advanced search capabilities. read more

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare becomes PLM HOUSE

Through the merger with sister company MEAIS DataSquare optimizes its PLM offer March 01, 2012

Since 1st of January 2012, DataSquare has merged with its sister company MEAIS GmbH & Co. KG to become DataSquare GmbH. With this step, we can bundle the competencies of both former companies under the roof of our newly created PLM HOUSE, in order to offer our clients even more comprehensive consulting for successful Product Lifecycle Management. Visit the new DataSquare website for further information.

Media Coverage
Plural Technology

Estrix of Spain to be Non Exclusive VAR for Plural's Apparel Innovator

The agreement allows Estrix to sell Plural’s flagship product ‘Apparel Innovator’ – PLM for Apparel Industry as a Non Exclusive Value Added Reseller. March 01, 2012

Plural Technology, the only open source PLM provider for Apparel Industry, announced today the recent signing of an agreement with Estrix Spain, a software reseller and consulting company. Plural’s Flagship product Apparel Innovator is the only open source PLM tool available in the market. Apparel Innovator has various modules like Product development, Sourcing, Project Management, BI Reporting available out of the box. Estrix holds a prominent place in Spain’s Apparel Market as Business Management consulting company. For more information please visit

Media Coverage

Minerva launching new tool for Aras Innovator

Improve your data transfers with Minerva's Import Tool March 01, 2012

A company implementing PLM faces many challenges. One of the typical challenges is to get data from sources like CAD into the PLM system. Having an automatic integration between the PLM system and CAD is an option, but it is often costly, and for many companies the number of CAD users is too low to justify the investment.

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare is CMII Europe Solution Partner

GfKM includes DataSquare in the exclusive circle of CMII Europe solution partners February 01, 2012

As the official source of CMII standards in Europe, the German Gesellschaft fuer KonfigurationsManagement mbH (GfKM) maintains the list of certified CMII providers. Due to the commitment to CMII, DataSquare has been awarded the title "Europe Solution Partner", being the fourth consulting firm to gain it. CMII Europe Solution Partner are consulting firms which employ consultants with the status "CMII Professional" and offer support for companies implementing CMII. This includes training, consulting and coaching as well as the execution of assessments.

Media Coverage

Improve the Collaboration in the Extended Supply Chain by the Minerva Permissions Manager

Manage permissions for external partners February 01, 2012

To simplify the process of managing permissions for external partners in Aras Innovator®, Minerva has developed a new add-on solution. The Minerva Permissions Manager makes it possible and easy to give an external party access to certain parts, products or files in the Aras platform.

Media Coverage

Minerva appoints new Product Manager

Thomas Skogen to Oversee Growing Portfolio of Aras Add-on Solutions January 01, 2012

Minerva has appointed Thomas Skogen as Product Manager to strengthen the development and support of the growing number of Aras add-on solutions from Minerva.

Media Coverage

Minerva launches Microsoft Office Connector for Aras

Provides a seamless integration between Aras and the Microsoft Office Suite January 01, 2012

Minerva's Microsoft Office Connector for Aras provides an easy-to-use interface with advanced functionality allowing documents, spreadsheets and presentations to be managed by a robust PLM system. The focus at Minerva is to "Keep it simple". Simple commands like Open, Lock, Save and Unlock allow you to quickly come up to speed. Learn more and download a free 30 day trail of the Microsoft Office Connector for Aras today.

Media Coverage
Data Square

New CATIA V5 PDM-Workbench Connector for Aras Innovator by DataSquare & T-Systems

The PDM-Workbench Connector enables seamless CATIA V5 product structure data with Aras Innovator PLM platform November 01, 2011

The PDM-Workbench from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 from Dassault Systèmes. With the connector developed by DataSquare, the PDM-Workbench is integrated to Aras Innovator and serves as a CATIA V5 interface. The Aras Innovator PDM-Workbench Connector functions as a connection between the product structure of the PDM-Workbench and the Aras Innovator data model enabling bi-directional data exchange between CATIA V5 and the Aras PLM platform.

Media Coverage
Data Square

Updated release of the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector available

DataSquare provides new version of the open solution for mass processing of e-mails November 01, 2011

Now the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector from DataSquare is also available in an advanced, chargeable version. The release includes a new e-mail management assistant that makes mass processing and distribution of permissions possible. So, even very large quantities of e-mails are assigned quickly and easily to persons and items.

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare Supports Reduced Rework Initiative for Company-Stabilization

German Aras partner DataSquare joins Initiative as R2 Specialist September 01, 2011

The R2 „Reduced Rework“ Initiative seeks ways to avoid costs by reducing rework and corrective actions within the enterprise. It integrates all activities and strategies on reducing rework offered by "R2 Specialists" and used by "R2 Initiative Members" world-wide. DataSquare supports this initiative as R2 Specialist with consulting and software knowledge. DataSquare’s expertise in the areas of PLM and CMII supports the steps that are necessary to reduce rework significantly. At the same time DataSquare is able to build up an improved business process infrastructure using existing or new PLM software.

Media Coverage
Data Square

DataSquare Presents Aras Innovator OCR Connector

New DataSquare interface automates paper-based PLM workflows August 01, 2011

Aras Innovator OCR Connector enables the automated recognition of text inside typewritten documents that are stored as picture files within Aras Innovator. Based on rules, text is being taken over as property, so that documents can be filed and found automatically. With this capability, Aras Innovator OCR Connector creates the requirement to integrate documents from existing “paper workflows” into PLM processes, easy and fast.

Media Coverage
CycleOp PLM

CycleOp launches Hebrew Language PLM Blog

Hebrew language PLM blog on Aras Innovator July 01, 2011

בלוג יולי – הגרסא החדשה של
Aras Innovator

בתחילת החודש (יולי 2011) שוחררה הגרסא החדשה של
גרסא Aras Innovator – 9.3.0
אישית – חיכיתי בכיליון עיניים לגרסא החדשה כיוון שהיא כוללת בתוכה אוסף עצום של יכולות חדשות וחזקות במיוחד.

Media Coverage

Shapespace Technology Delivers Advanced 3D Search for Aras

The ShapeSpace 3D search technology has now been integrated into Aras to give Aras customers a powerful 3D search capability July 01, 2011

The ShapeSpace 3D Search tool for Aras extends the searching capabilities of Aras to enable searching by shape. For the first time, this puts advanced and affordable 3D search capabilities into the hands of organizations giving them the opportunity to improve part re-use, reduce the part number counts, aggregate and consolidate bought in parts, and drastically reduce external spend.

Media Coverage

Do Your Detective Work in 3D

BusinessTechnology - Article on Page 3 June 01, 2011

Imagine an organisation with thousands of products broken down into tens of thousands of parts. Now consider their drawings repository, all tagged with non-uniform descriptions and part numbers, often shared across several departments and offices. What a nightmare! How do they find a specific part in a hurry? Hope the description was entered intuitively? Rely on the accuracy of the part number? What about duplicates – aren’t they costly and confusing? ShapeSpace solves the problem. Shape-Space is a unique 3D search engine which enables you to re-organise, re-catalogue and eradicate duplicates in your massive drawings archive in hours.

Media Coverage

Open Source

What is it all about? June 01, 2011

I ett telefonsamtal i veckan med Leon Lauritsen på Minerva i Danmark talar vi om att man i varje samtal där begreppet "open source" förekommer, först behöver enas om vad det betyder. Leon är representant för Aras Innovator (PLM) som använder uttrycket Enterprise Open Source om sin produkt. Han säger också att open source-budskapet ibland gör kunderna oroliga. Att köpa eller hyra ett program är liksom enkelt. Men när det handlar om open source så blir affärsmodellen betraktad från alla håll den också, inte bara själva produkten som kan komma att användas. Och det är klart att det inte är så dumt att syna sina affärspartners oavsett om det handlar om ett köp, hyra eller "open source-användning". Men inget säger egentligen att det skulle vara helt tryggt att köpa och hyra eller helt otryggt att ta hem en vara "open source"? Det handlar kanske mera om att vänja sig vid modellen. Det menar i alla fall de som jobbar med "open source".

Media Coverage

Shape Searches Eliminate Duplication

Eureka - The Site for Engineering Design March 01, 2011

Because design engineers often lack browse and search capabilities, the business of finding a part within a large component library can be complex and time consuming, especially when the name or part number is unknown. Naturally, this problem tends to make finding and reusing existing parts extremely difficult. A solution to this problem is available in the form of ShapeSpace, a 3D shape search technology provides engineering companies with a comprehensive 3D CAD search tool.

Media Coverage

A Leaner Manufacturing Case Study

by ProcessFlows Magazine January 01, 2011

Control valve manufacturer Bifold wanted to drive changes in their manufacturing processes which would cut costs and deliver measurable improvements in reliability and performance. Using ShapeSpace 3D search technology to search their entire part reference library and identify all parts manufactured from the same raw material, Bifold were very quickly able to consolidate manufacturing processes and improve efficiencies. “As well as being leaner, greener and more efficient, we are able to turn around customer orders in a more reliable timeframe as the majority of parts are always ‘on the shelf’," said Mike Peacock, General Manager at Bifold.

Media Coverage


April 09, 2024


Aras、PLM プラットフォームの戦略的な機能強化を発表

March 05, 2024

デジタルスレッド、ローコード、ビジュアライゼーション機能の拡張、 新たなサプライヤー管理アプリケーションを追加

ジョンソン・マッセイ社が PLM プラットフォームに Aras Innovator を採用

February 20, 2024

Aras の SaaS 版 PLM プラットフォームが 同社の製品ライフサイクル管理業務をサポート

化学工業日報主催 第2回 石油・化学産業向けDXサミットに Aras が登壇

February 15, 2024

講演テーマは「化学・素材イノベーションを加速する DX 戦略と PLM の活用」

Aras、2024 年の PLM 業界に関する 7 つの未来予測

January 17, 2024


Aras、株式会社竹中工務店と建設業界における PLM による生産性向上への取り組みを公表

January 09, 2024

建設業界で Aras Innovator を基盤としたデジタル変革への挑戦 - データを一気通貫した建物のライフサイクル全体でのデジタルスレッド活用により生産性向上を目指す

Aras、EIZO の導入事例を公開

December 19, 2023

Aras Innovator の導入で開発と製造の間における デジタルスレッド構築に成功

Red Bull 社が PLM プラットフォームにAras Innovator を採用

November 29, 2023

Aras の SaaS PLM は Red Bull の複雑なレシピ管理とコンプライアンス管理を、企画から製造までの製品ライフサイクル全体でサポート

Aras、SaaS ベースの PLM アプリケーションプラットフォームで急速に成長

November 16, 2023

Aras Innovator の SaaS 導入で 50% の成長を達成

H-TEC SYSTEMS社、Aras を利用してビジネス成長を推進

November 09, 2023

グリーン水素生産技術のパイオニアが SaaS をベースにした PLM プラットフォーム Aras Innovator を導入

AVEVA と Aras、エネルギー分野で McDermott とライトハウス契約を締結

October 30, 2023


Aras の PLM が 2023 年 SPARK Matrix™ レポートでテクノロジーリーダーに選出される

September 14, 2023

テクノロジーエクセレンスとカスタマーインパクトの両指標で最高得点を獲得。Aras Innovator はエンドユーザーが製品ライフサイクル全体で、複雑な製品やサービスを管理することを可能にします

Aras の CMO にジョシュ・エプスタインが就任、取締役チームを強化

July 19, 2023

PLM 業界において一層の認知度を高めるための施策

Aras、グローバルイベント ACE 2023 Japan 開催報告

July 03, 2023

2023 年 6 月 15 日、16 日開催 ~ 可能性を再び想像する 2 日間


June 15, 2023

Aras Innovator が支える車載ソフト管理、デジタルスレッド構築

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 6月15日(木)、16日(金)の開催迫る

June 08, 2023

特別講演として初代デジタル大臣 平井卓也氏と日本マイクロソフト、基調講演に EIZO とクボタ、パネルトークに村田製作所とアクセンチュアが登壇

日本マイクロソフト、AI/MLのスペシャリスト登壇決定 Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan開催

May 18, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京


May 09, 2023

Aras Innovator の自由度の高さを生かし 個別受注生産業務の改革を進める

Aras Enterprise SaaS を Microsoft Azure Marketplace で提供開始

May 02, 2023

Aras のクラウドベースの PLM にアクセスして、アプリケーション開発とビジネス戦略の策定が可能に

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japanに Visual Technology Company の EIZO 登壇決定

April 27, 2023

2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金) ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京

Aras独立系調査会社が発表した 「プロダクト・ライフサイクル・マネジメント」部門でリーダー企業に選出

April 10, 2023


Aras InnovatorがMacGregor社の高度なモニタリングソリューション「OnWatch Scout」の開発を支援

April 05, 2023

リアルタイムでの解決、ユーザビリティの向上、 船舶メンテナンスのための高度なデータ管理を可能に

Aras、グローバルコミュニティイベント ACE 2023 Japan 2023年6月15日(木)、16日(金)開催決定

April 03, 2023

テーマは「Reimagine Your Possibilities ~可能性を再び想像する~」


September 16, 2022

産業用デジタルツイン実現に向け、拡張性の高い設備資産ライフサイクル 管理ソリューション開発を支援

アラスジャパン主催グローバルコミュニティイベント 「ACE 2022 Japan」を 3年ぶりのリアルイベントとして開催

June 23, 2022

600人以上が集い大盛況のうちに閉幕。オンデマンド配信は 7月29日まで視聴可能

Aras プラットフォームが医療技術企業オットーボック社で実現した、より早く、より革新的な研究開発

June 14, 2022



June 01, 2022


Aras、独 XPLM 社への投資により、イノベーションの加速とエンジニアリングおよび製造におけるオープン コネクティビティの強化を保証

May 24, 2022


伊 IWT 社、自動化によるデータ完全性の向上のために Aras を選定

May 11, 2022


アラス、「ACE 2022 Japan」の開催を決定 ~『加速するデジタルスレッドの価値 ~ Transform with SaaS ~』

April 11, 2022

4月11日(月)から参加事前登録スタート、ユーザー基調講演には 光洋サーモシステム株式会社様 / 株式会社竹中工務店様 / 株式会社デンソー様 が登壇予定

Aras、デンマーク ミネルバ社の合併を発表

January 11, 2022

医療機器とハイテク・エレクトロニクス業界に向けたベストインクラスの PLMテクノロジーを提供開始


November 30, 2021

イノベーションと価値実現までの時間を加速する Aras Innovator 14

オランダ電磁システムメーカー大手のケンドリオン社、単一のデジタルバックボーンとして Aras Enterprise SaaS を選定

November 09, 2021

Aras Cloud 上の Aras DevOps により、企業の継続的成長のための重要な機能を提供

Aras の CEO にロッキー・マーチンが就任

October 20, 2021

業界で実績のあるロッキー・マーチンが Aras に参加、ピーター・シュローラは Aras の取締役会へ

Aras の取締役会に Ansys の元 CEO であるジェームス キャッシュマンが加入

October 14, 2021

急成長する Aras、キャッシュマンの成長企業でのリーダーシップ経験を活かす

Aras、米国投資会社GI パートナーズによる大幅な成長のための投資を発表

April 19, 2021


Aras、エンタープライズ向け SaaS をベースとした新サブスクリプションサービスを発表

April 14, 2021

エンタープライズ SaaS と DevOps サービスの組み合わせにより無制限のカスタマイズが可能な最も強力な「クラウドファースト」なプラットフォームを提供し、グローバル企業を支援

Aras、より優れた拡張性、柔軟性、およびオープンな接続性を提供するアプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新リリースを発表

March 30, 2021


Aras、ACE 2021開催、日産自動車、ROKI、ジャムコ他、リーディングカンパニー各社が講演

March 16, 2021


Aras、統合インフラの近代化・デジタル化を実現する PLM プラットフォームとして、 デンソーが Aras を選定したことを発表

December 09, 2020

グローバル自動車部品メーカーとして、組織全体のデータの可視化を Aras プラットフォーム活用により強化

義肢・装具の世界的リーダー、オットーボック社が Aras のエンドツーエンドプラットフォームで技術開発を近代化

October 27, 2020

製品データの「信頼できる唯一の情報源」を求め、将来の成長を後押しする Aras PLMプラットフォームを選択


September 29, 2020

Aras プラットフォームがグラマー社の新たなデジタルトランスフォーメーションの取り組みをサポート

Aras、業界経験の豊富な Marc de Guiran が最高収益責任者として着任、市場開拓組織を牽引

July 15, 2020


Aras、デジタルツインの作成および管理のためのアプリケーション、 デジタルツインコアを発表

July 07, 2020



May 21, 2020

「Visual Technology Company」として、 デジタルモノづくりによる付加価値の創出、生産性と品質の向上を目指す

シンフォニアテクノロジー、業務刷新に向け Aras を採択

February 05, 2020

設計効率を改善し、サイロ化された IT システムを Aras で再構築

Aras、戦略的 OEM 契約で ANSYS にプラットフォームをライセンス供与

January 14, 2020


Aras、主要なPLMシステムに直接繋げられるPROSTEP OpenPDM を提供

September 09, 2019


Aras Innovatorに対応したAIを使った自動テストツールの提供を開始

August 28, 2019

繰り返し作業が多いテスト作業の自動化によりAras Innovatorの導入やアップグレードにかかるテスト工数を削減

Aras、ゴールドマン・サックスによる 7,000万ドルの投資を発表、成長拡大を加速

November 29, 2018

シルバーレイク・クラフトワークが新たな投資ラウンドに参加; ゴールドマン・サックスがArasの取締役会に参画

Aras、製品ライフサイクル全体でシミュレーションを利用可能にするためComet Solutionsを買収

September 25, 2018



September 17, 2018



September 05, 2018



June 06, 2018

マルチファクターのアプローチにより、独自のEffectivity(有効日)基準の利用、 動的データ構造におけるインスタンスの管理、そしてデジタルスレッドの維持が可能に


February 21, 2018


Aras PLMプラットフォームの最新リリースで製品バリエーション管理をより簡単に

February 05, 2018



November 29, 2017


ACE 2017 カスタマーカンファレンスでの登壇を発表

February 23, 2017

業界をリードする製品開発やIT、製造チームが IoTやデジタルスレッド、デジタル変革のベストプラクティスを共有


February 07, 2017

自動車および産業サプライヤーの大手がAras PLMプラットフォームを使用して、

IBM社とArasがIoTを実現するための PLMの戦略的リセラー契約を発表

November 30, 2016

市場をリードするALMソリューションと、 柔軟性や拡張性、アップグレードの容易性を重視したPLMプラットフォーム によるパートナーシップ提携


October 25, 2016


ハンティントン・インガルス・インダストリーズが軍艦の複雑なエンジニアリングをサポートするPLMにAras Innovatorを選択

September 26, 2016



August 24, 2016


Aras, Airbus and IBM to Showcase ALM-PLM Open Reference Architecture at CRYSTAL Event

June 15, 2016

Initiative Supports a Systems Engineering Approach by Enabling Interoperability Across Different Life-cycle Domains – Mechanical, Electronics and Software Webinar Shares Best Practices for Cloud Deployment of Product Lifecycle Management

June 01, 2016

June 15, 2016 Webinar Offers Real World Scenarios, Cloud PLM Strategies for Today’s Global Enterprise

Aras to Exhibit at Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Conference and Expo in Tokyo

May 17, 2016

June 22 – 24, 2016 Event is Region’s Largest Manufacturing Technology Industry Conference

Aras, Carlisle Brake & Friction to Present at Digital Transformations Conference in Detroit

May 09, 2016

Presentation Part of Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ Smart Manufacturing Series on May 24, 2016

National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB Selects Aras as Global PLM Backbone and Minerva as Implementation Partner

May 04, 2016

Global OEM implements flexible, scalable PLM platform to support global processes all the way from development through manufacture to service

Airbus, MERSEN, Microsoft and Others to Present at Aras ACE 2016 France in Paris

May 03, 2016

Conference on June 2 is Part of Global Event Series Highlighting Innovations in Global Product Development

東芝機械、設計プロセスの改善、製品品質の向上およびグローバルでの製品情報管理にAras Innovatorを選択

April 21, 2016


Parata Systems Selects Aras as PLM Backbone to Streamline Product Design, Development and Service

April 19, 2016

Leading Pharmacy Automation Equipment Manufacturer Chooses Aras to Optimize Business Processes and Improve Visibility

Aras CEO & Founder Peter Schroer Receives Leadership Award from CAD Society

April 12, 2016

Award Recognizes Outstanding Technical and Business Leadership in the Industry and Focus and Dedication to the Needs of End Users

Aras to Present on MBSE at Zuken Innovation World 2016

April 12, 2016

Presentation entitled “Beyond ECAD Connectors” Addresses the Model-Based Systems Engineering Challenges Faced in IoT Design Processes

Aras Corporation to Present at 2016 Continuous Engineering Symposium, Dearborn, Michigan

March 31, 2016

April 19, 2016 event gathers industry, technology leaders to address today’s product development challenges.

Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Selects Aras to Manage Global Product Information

March 08, 2016

Global industrial manufacturer selected Aras for the solution’s flexibility, open architecture and web-based global accessibility

Airbus, BAE Systems, Microsoft and more to Present at Aras ACE 2016 Conference

March 02, 2016

Global Leaders Discuss PLM Strategy at ACE 2016 Conference March 15 – 17 in Detroit, MI

Saab AB selects Aras PLM and Minerva as Implementation Partner

March 01, 2016

Military Defense and Civil Security Leader to Support Handling of Product Data Related to Gripen Fighter Aircraft

Aras and Elysium Announce Connector Solution for CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE to Aras Innovator

February 29, 2016

New Connector Enables Global Companies to Leverage CATIA Design Data across the Lifecycle and the Extended Enterprise

CGI Business Consulting and Aras Announce Partnership

February 23, 2016

Advanced PLM Technology Enables New Approaches to Business Transformation of Systems Engineering, Manufacturing and Compliance Processes Webinar Features Airbus / IBM / Aras Sharing New Approaches to ALM/PLM Cross-Discipline Product Development

February 11, 2016

Learn Better Ways to Coordinate Systems Engineering and Development Across Mechanical, Electronics, Software and Firmware

Aras ACE 2016 Global Conference Coming to Detroit

February 10, 2016

Industry Leaders Converge to Share Best Practices and Learn New Approaches for the Business of Engineering

日産自動車、東洋電装、川崎重工業が「ACE 2015 JAPAN」に登壇決定!

July 02, 2015


The Story Behind the Surprising Partnership Between AVEVA and Aras September 19, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of shares his thoughts about Aras' strategic OEM licensing partnership with AVEVA, saying it is another recognition of the strength of the Aras Innovator platform and the joint venture with AVEVA is a feather in the cap for CEO, Roque Martin.

Why Aras’ Roque Martin Bought Minerva, and the New Upcoming Ansys-Like Arrangements May 27, 2022

Part two of Verdi Ogewell's conversation with Roque Martin and Peter Schroer explores the CEO transition, details about our recent Minerva merger, and the future of our platform.

Taking Aras PLM from a Thorn in the Side to a Real Threat May 26, 2022

Aras’ founder, Peter Schroer, and CEO, Roque Martin, sat down with Verdi Ogewell of to discuss Aras’ growth among the other vendors in the market, what makes Aras and its platform stand out, and Roque’s mission as CEO.


Aras Invests in XPLM

CIMdata May 12, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview of Aras’ investment in XPLM, saying that they are pleased to see that Aras is continuing to invest in openness that benefits the entire PLM economy including end user customers, ISV partners, and competitors alike.

Manufacturing Global

Three steps to building a resilient enterprise ecosystem

Manufacturing Global April 08, 2022

Aras’ CRO, Rob McAveney, explains that if product data is used properly, it can deliver insights that allow businesses to pivot with agility when it needs to adapt to new requirements. 



Aras Announces Merger of Minerva Group (Highlight)

CIMdata January 11, 2022

CIMdata provides a brief overview Aras’ merger of Minerva, saying this is a great addition for Aras, offering better support for out-of-the-box implementations within specific industries and helps increase Aras’ top line revenue.

Breaking News: Aras PLM Takes Over Its Main Partner Minerva January 11, 2022

Verdi Ogewell of says Aras’ merger of Minerva will enable the company to position itself to better solve complex digitalization challenges in technology, manufacturing and the supply chain. At the same time, the added expertise in vehicle, aerospace, defense and industrial equipment manufacturing will benefit customers moving forward. 

ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan June 03, 2021

自動車業界は激動期にある。その中で日産自動車は、2020年に打ち出した事業構造改革計画「NISSAN NEXT」の下、自動運転や電動化(以下、EV)など先進技術を積極的に投入する戦略を敷いている。それを支えるのが車載ソフトウェアであり、そのために利用するシステムでのユーザー要件は複雑だ。そこで日産は、ArasのPLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を導入し、PLMシステムを構築した。



MONOist June 01, 2021

アラスジャパンは2021年4月20~22日の3日間、年次イベントである「Aras Community Event(ACE 2021)」をオンラインで開催した。その中で、日産自動車 グローバルISデリバリー本部 エンジニアリング&デザインシステム部 課長代理職の根本博明氏と同パワートレイン・EV技術開発本部 パワートレイン・EV制御技術開発部 EMS制御技術開発グループ ソフトウェアエキスパートの小林秀明氏が「Aras Innovatorによるエンジニアリングプラットフォーム戦略および活用事例」をテーマに事例講演を行った。



MONOist April 28, 2021

Arasは2021年4月14日、大手グローバル企業のクラウド要件に柔軟に対応する、新しいサブスクリプションサービス「Enterprise サブスクリプション」の提供を開始した。



MONOist April 09, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の最新版を発表した。シミュレーションを製品データのデジタルスレッドに接続でき、製品ライフサイクル全体にわたってシステムの調査と検証が可能になる。



MONOist April 08, 2021

Arasは2021年3月30日(現地時間)、さまざまなエンジニアリング分野のデータをツールに依存しない形で統合し、システムモデルの定義をサポートする「Aras システム アーキテクチャ」の最新リリースを発表した。



Nikkei XTECH April 01, 2021

米Aras(アラス)は、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」の機能として提供しているシミュレーションデータ管理アプリケーション「Aras シミュレーション管理」の新版を発表した。


アラスジャパン、設計データ管理プラットフォーム「イノベーター」 デンソーが採用



Weekly Business Computer News

企業動静 2020年12月21・28日付 vol.1855: 米アラス

Weekly BCN December 24, 2020




MONOist December 15, 2020

アラスは2020年12月9日、同社の展開するPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)プラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」をデンソーが採用したと発表した。自動車部品の設計開発データを適切に管理するための技術部品表プラットフォームとして運用する。

My Navi


MyNavi December 10, 2020

Arasは、デンソーが技術部品表のプラットフォームとして、自社のPLMプラットフォーム「Aras Innovator」を選択したことを発表した。



MONOist December 01, 2020


Digital Engineering 24/7

The Modern Face of SPDM

Digital Engineering November 19, 2020

As simulation-driven design becomes a core pillar of digital product development, a refreshed simulation product data management has come to light. This article highlights Ansys’ use of Aras Innovator to deliver a vendor-neutral and open approach to SPDM.

Smart Industry

Enterprise low-code: The next step in low-code

Smart Industry November 18, 2020

Low-code software has been around for decades and, with every re-emergence, the expectations are high. This article highlights recent advancement in low-code known as enterprise low-code. Enterprise low-code platforms offer a more strategic approach to application development with a higher level of functionality than traditional low-code solutions.

Toolbox Tech

Benefits of an Enterprise Low-Code Platform for Manufacturers

Toolbox Tech October 26, 2020

Manufacturers are turning to technology as they navigate the impact of the pandemic. Find out how an enterprise low-code platform enables manufacturers to digitally transform on a digital platform, improving agility and resilience.

Aras Continues to Extend Its Low-Code Platform Capabilities to Build Intelligent Automation October 14, 2020

With the latest open release of Aras Innovator, Aras provides further capabilities and enhancements to manage complex product digital twins and integrations across the digital thread—boosted with low-code application administration, advanced configurability and custom app development.

Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

Aras Asserts Capabilities for Unit-Specific Digital Twin Configurations

Technology Evaluation Centers September 28, 2020

Aras is competing for a very specific aspect of a digital twin initiative, a problem that hasn’t gotten much attention to date, but is absolutely critical for proper product operation analysis. Learn why Aras Digital Twin Core is a key differentiator.



Nikkei XTECH September 16, 2020

アラスジャパン(東京・千代田)は、デジタルツインの運用支援と、ユーザーでの導入時やバージョンアップ時のテスト工数低減などを目的に、PLM(製品ライフサイクル管理)ツール「Aras Innovator」(米Aras)の新機能などを相次いで追加した。



MONOist September 11, 2020

PLMベンダーのアラス(Aras)が事業展開を加速させている。過去3年間平均の売上高成長率は44%と高い伸びを示しており、PLM「Aras Innovator」の契約社数(サブスクライバー数)は365社、オープンソース版の利用企業数も1000社を超えた。



MONOist August 20, 2020

Aras Japanは2020年7月7日、個別の機器や資産の状況を正確にデジタル化するデジタルツインを作成、管理できる新しいアプリケーション「デジタルツインコア」を発表した。


YKK APがArasを採用、柔軟性やサブスクリプションなどを評価

MONOist December 12, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年11月21日、YKK APがArasプラットフォームを採択した事例について発表した。



MONOist September 20, 2019

アラスジャパンは2019年9月9日、同社のオープンソースPLMソフトウェア「Aras Innovator」を、主要なPLMシステムに直接接続できるようにする「PROSTEP OpenPDM」の提供を開始した。



MONOist November 30, 2018


Yahoo Japan


YAHOO! JAPAN November 30, 2018




MONOist November 20, 2018


ZD Net Japan


ZDNet Japan November 19, 2018




Monoist October 09, 2018

Arasは2018年9月5日、医療機器や安全機器を取り扱うDrägerが、製品データの企業全体での可視化を可能にするPLM(プロダクトライフサイクルマネジメント)システムとして、Aras PLMプラットフォームを採用したと発表した。 

Michael Wendenburg Online Redaktion


MyNavi April 17, 2018


IT Production Online


MyNavi April 04, 2018




Monoist March 30, 2018




Monoist March 19, 2018

好調を維持しているPLMベンダーのアラスだが、IoT時代を迎えた製造業に対してさらなる提案を行うべく、Aras Innovatorを「製品イノベーションプラットフォーム」に進化させるための取り組みを加速させている。これまでもシステムズエンジニアリングなどに注力してきたが、さらにMESやMROもカバーしていく方針だ。



Nikkei XTECH February 28, 2018

アラスジャパンは、PLM「Aras Innovator」について、2018年内の開発予定を明らかにした。



Monoist February 27, 2018

米ArasがInfospectrumのImpresa Impresa Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul(MRO)事業を買収した。ArasのPLMプラットフォームにImpresa MROを組み込むことで、デジタルスレッドを保守サービスの領域へと拡張する計画だ。

My Navi


MyNavi February 22, 2018


Automotive IT


MyNavi February 21, 2018


Kompetenz Für Konstrukteure


MyNavi February 07, 2018


Tech Factory


Techfactory November 01, 2017


Nikkei Business Daily

PLMの米アラス、日本で攻勢 -IoTの情報連携に需要-

Nikkei Business Daily October 03, 2017


Boston Business Journal

Boston Business Journal, “GE Ventures adds to $40M round for Andover industrial software company”

Boston Business Journal September 01, 2017

“To power the next wave of global industrial productivity, GE is investing in critical foundational capabilities for the Industrial Internet," Steve Taub, the managing director of advanced manufacturing and enterprise at GE Ventures, said in a statement.


New $40 Million Investment in Aras

CIMdata September 01, 2017

Given the amount invested and the reputation of the investors, CIMdata sees this as well-deserved recognition of Aras’ position in the global PLM industry, as well as their future potential. Their innovative technology and business model are well proven at this point and continue to gain traction in the marketplace.

“On Par with the cPDm Leaders” – Why Aras is Recognized as a New Member of the PLM Elite September 01, 2017

Aras has managed to produce a solution that effectively covers what tend to be weak spots in large corporation’s PLM environments: supplier collaboration and simplicity to upgrade. Add in the fact that there are no license fees (Aras is free to download) and it becomes obvious that the solution has a couple very hard-to-resist advantages.

PLM is Hot Again: Aras Announces $40 Million Investment

ENGINEERING.COM September 01, 2017

“Aras embodies this strategy with a game-changing platform and ‘SaaS Anywhere’ approach that has proven very compelling to customers, and we are excited about Aras’ next stage of growth." -Martin Fichtner, managing director of Silver Lake Kraftwerk.


T-Systems PDM Workbench 5.0 available

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 5.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. New “Rep Types” can be defined as non-BOM relevant CAD Documents, e.g. “CAD_KIN” for kinematics. All “Rep Types” can be handled easily with the full CATIA-integrated GUI of PDM Workbench. A step to improve usability in large structures like Aerospace is the possibility to load just portions of a structure, but maintaining the geometrical context – hence reducing data traffic and load time in CATIA. Also the handling of configuration information is improved by enabling the handling directly within CATIA. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.


T-Systems PDM Workbench 6.0

CAD Connector May 01, 2017

The T-Systems International PDM Workbench 6.0 is available and provides a bunch of new and improved functionality. Focus with this release was improving download performance by enabling the release cached. Now it is possible to save even more time for the designers. Also options for only loading visualization is available. Please visit our homepage to see the full list of new functionality in the release notes.


Aras Extends Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service with Latest Open Release of Aras PLM Platform

CIMdata March 01, 2017

“With this latest release of Aras Innovator, we continue to expand the Aras PLM Platform, whether building out the Quality Management System application for the specific needs of quality professionals or extending the platform to connect Engineering, Manufacturing, and Service to enable Digital Thread."

Ten Links

Aras Innovator Updated for Quality Management

TenLinks March 01, 2017

Quality management professionals face the challenge of quickly responding to quality issues and communicating change requirements enterprise-wide. The new Quality Systems (QS) component in Aras QMS connects the proactive and reactive aspects of quality management, and fully integrates quality processes into engineering and manufacturing.

Digital Engineering

Aras Outlines its Platform Approach to PLM at ACE 2017 Conference

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

"We are on fire, the company, since about 2013-2014 has been growing,” said Aras CEO Peter Schroer during his ACE 2017 keynote presentation in front of a slide showing a 51% compound annual growth rate. “I gotta say … it’s because of you guys. The community is pushing us to continue to expand the product, build the scalability, build out the partner community so we can cover you everywhere. I would say the switch to open source, the opening up of everything we do — it’s an experiment and it’s played out perfectly.”

Digital Engineering

Aras PLM Platform Intended to Extend Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Aras Quality Systems enables Closed-loop corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) – accelerates identification, containment, and analysis of issues, and tracking of affected items; Root cause analysis (RCA) – offers a variety of RCA tools; fault tree analysis, fishbone analysis, and five whys; collaboration – supports quality review through Visual Collaboration, business rules and workflow, and aggregation and packaging of CAP items; and Reporting – provides 8D reporting and tracking of CAPA metrics (% closed, % due).

Former Siemens PLM CEO Joins Aras March 01, 2017

Even more surprising is the announcement from Aras CEO Peter Schroer that the company has appointed Tony Affuso, Siemens PLM's former CEO and a seasoned PLM expert, to its Board of Directors. Tony Affuso was the one responsible for pushing through the deal in which Siemens acquired UGS. This purchase added NX and I-deas (high end CAD), Solid Edge (mainstream CAD), Teamcenter (PDM/PLM), Nastran and Femap (CAE), Tecnomatix and more to the Siemens portfolio.

Digital Engineering

Hitachi Selects Aras to Standardize Design, Development Processes

Digital Engineering March 01, 2017

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. has selected Aras Innovator to standardize management of drawings, data, design and development processes of the company’s wide portfolio of products. After implementation with Aras Certified Partner Hitachi Systems, Aras will standardize processes in engineering data management and workflow management across the company’s main manufacturing plants in Japan, Thailand and China.


SofTech Group Connector 7.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2017

The SofTech Group Connector 7.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

MCAD Cafe February 01, 2017

Each year, ACE brings together global industry and technology leaders to exchange best practices on managing complex product development and transforming the science of engineering to the business of engineering.


Aras Announces Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, and IBM to Headline ACE 2017 Customer Conference

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Aras today announced key industry presentations and sessions for ACE 2017, the company’s marquee customer conference taking place on March 21st to 23rd in Nashville, TN. The gathering is the premier event that connects the most innovative product development, IT, and manufacturing teams from Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, High Tech Electronics, and Industrial Manufacturing to shape the future of PLM.

Ten Links

Aras Announces Industry Presentations for ACE 2017

TenLinks February 01, 2017

ACE 2017 features business presentations from Huntington Ingalls, Microsoft, Valley Fine Foods, IBM, Akrapovič, Carestream, Sandia, Lord, Pabst, and other industry leaders. In addition, application and demo tracks feature overviews of the latest version of the Aras PLM Platform, including MPP, Tech Docs, and Quality Management, and presentations on PLM implementation strategy.

Boeing, Airbus and the Hardship of Dealing with PLM Obsolescence February 01, 2017

Former French president Charles de Gaulle once famously complained about the difficulty of governing a country that had 246 different kinds of cheese. In the time since that statement was made, life for both societies and enterprises has become even more complicated, and the hardship of ruling diversity, illustrated by this “cheese analogy,” has grown exponentially


IBM launches new Digital Twin and Platform capabilities for Watson Internet of Things

IBM February 01, 2017

IBM, Aras Corporation and OSI Soft today are launching new IBM Digital Twin capabilities, to create multiple views of products by bringing together various ‘digital threads’ and data streams that can be tailored to the needs of a particular user.


Schaeffler Group Selects Aras for Engineering Cockpit for 20,000 Users

CIMdata February 01, 2017

Digital transformation is one of the key issues at Schaeffler. The Engineering Cockpit application is one of the central tools to connect all disciplines and systems. The Engineering Cockpit is a web-based application allowing direct access to development data for a large number of development centers. It supports the company-wide configuration and change management in the initial phase.

Ten Links

Schaeffler Selects Aras Innovator for Engineering Cockpit

TenLinks February 01, 2017

Schaeffler´s Engineering Cockpit provides up to 20,000 users with role-based access to information across multiple disciplines, interfaces, systems, and authoring tools to make better decisions. The collaboration with Schaeffler is the first result of the partnership between Aras and IBM that was announced in December last year.

Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC)

IBM and Aras Reseller Agreement to Enable IoT Product Design, Enhance PLM Software Market

Technology Evaluation Center January 01, 2017

TEC’s principal analyst PJ Jakovljevic what this deal means for the future of product development and what product companies stand to gain in the era of digital transformation.


LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

CIMdata January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation, a global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator® to standardize product development processes at current sites, and to help the company efficiently support emerging businesses. When fully implemented, LORD anticipates more than 1,000 users will access Document Management, Configuration Management, Engineering Change Management, as well as Quality Systems (CAPA) applications as part of the Aras PLM platform.


LORD Corporation Selects Aras PLM Platform to Standardize Product Development Processes, Manage Growth

MCAD Cafe January 01, 2017

LORD Corporation is transforming their business of engineering due to the flexibility, scalability, and common architecture offered by Aras PLM. The company is better positioned to easily and quickly integrate new acquisitions, while standardizing current engineering and product development sites onto one common platform.

Ten Links

LORD Selects Aras PLM Platform

TenLinks January 01, 2017

LORD, a leading global manufacturer of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, selected Aras Innovator due to a scalable, robust and flexible PLM capabilities to accommodate changing business and market condition, as well as future acquisitions anticipated by the manufacturer, a model-based, service-oriented architecture that delivers low total cost of ownership without reducing the long term vision of the project and more.


SofTech Group Connector 7.0 Available

CAD Connector December 01, 2016

The SofTech Group Connector 7.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Group Connector 7.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 11.0 SP7-SP8; along with Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical (2015, 2016, 2017); Autodesk Inventor (2015, 2016, 2017); and SolidWorks (2015, 2016, 2017). For additional information on the SofTech Group Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


SofTech Connector 6.0 Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2016

The SofTech Connector 6.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 6.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4-SP5 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0-SP5; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


KISTERS North America Hires Sales Executive for its Enterprise Content Management Solutions

Industry Veteran James Eardly to Focus on 3DViewStation in North America March 01, 2015

KISTERS North America, Inc. announced that it has hired James Eardly to manage North American sales and support for its 3DViewStation viewing tool which makes design data visually available for the whole enterprise. Kisters 3DViewStation is Aras Digital Mockup solution.


SofTech Connector 5.1 Available

CAD Connector March 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.1 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator. SofTech Connector 5.1 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP4 and Aras Innovator 11.0 SP0; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


NorthRidge Announces Support for Aras Innovator 11

Extends support to 3 Aras major releases February 01, 2015

NorthRidge Software, LLC has validated support for Aras Innovator 11 on the current Discover Innovator 3.6 release. This extends support for the most intuitive and powerful search solution for Innovator users to Aras 9.3, 9.4, 10 and 11.


SofTech Connector 5.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2015

The SofTech Connector 5.0 release provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. SofTech Connector 5.0 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP4, and 9.4 SP0-SP2; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2013, 2014, 2015); Autodesk Inventor (2013, 2014, 2015); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2013, 2014, 2015). For additional information on the SofTech Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.2

3D CAD data authoring and publishing December 01, 2014

There have been several enhancements in the area of file formats: support for Catia V5-6 2014 (R24), Creo 3, Inventor 2015 and SolidEdge ST7 has been added. Besides Catia drawings 3DViewStation now support reading of 2D PDF as the general 2D reading strategy. For the special case of PDF 3DViewStation now loads PDF in 2D mode first and after clicking on it will load the 3D object in a separate window for further analysis. 3DViewStation does not only support reading of PMIs and PMI views, but also allows to export PMIs and translates markups and dimensions into PMIs during export. For customer who prefer to use Adobe Reader in some processes, 3DViewStation now offers a new template incl. views carousel and editable form fields, which might get populated via an associated XML during runtime, even in an integrated environment. With PDF the part list item to geometry and PMI to feature associativity will be retained.


New Version Connector 4.5 for Aras Available

CAD Connector August 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.5 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.5 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0-SP3, 9.4 SP0-SP2, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:


KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014.1

3D-CAD viewer adds Catia 2D-drawings support, large format printing and undo July 01, 2014

After many customer requests Catia 2D drawing support has been added to KISTERS 3DViewStation. This is the beginning of adding more 2D file formats – 2D-PDF will be the next. Drawings as well as 3D parts or assemblies can be printed now, even on large format printing devices, including grid, markups and stamps to i.e. add printing time or document name, if desired. Also frequently asked for has been the undo-function, now allowing to undo selections, color changes, movements, dimensions and more.


New Version CAD Connector 4.4 for Aras Available

CAD Connector June 01, 2014

SofTech’s Connector 4.4 provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 4.4 has been validated with Aras Innovator 10.0 SP0 and SP1, 9.4 SP0 and SP1, 9.3 SP8 and SP9; along with Autodesk AutoCAD (2012, 2013, 2014); Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); CADRA 20; and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). For additional information on SofTech’s Connectors including datasheets and videos, please visit:

Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)

株式会社ADSが、医療機器メーカー向けArasソリューション『Medical Device PLM』の提供開始

ADS Inc, provide Medical Device PLM for Aras March 01, 2014

株式会社ADSは、医療機器メーカー向けソリューション『Medical Device PLM』 の提供を開始しました。 本ソリューションは、米国FDAの規制などのレギュレーション対応としてデンマー クのMinerva社が開発したAras Innovator向けソリューションです。 Minerva社 Medical Device PLM の特徴  - 成果物一覧からのDMR、DHRの作成  - ルールベースの成果物管理  - ダイナミックなDMR,DHF管理  - ベースラインの自動生成 ADSでは、今後、本ソリューションの日本語化対応、Aras Innovator CAPAソリューションとの連携を図ることで、日本の医療機器メーカーに求められる品質管理/規制対応要件をトータルでサポート致します。 ご興味のあるお客様は、[email protected]までお問合せください。 また、第25回設計製造ソリューション展にもArasブースにて出展致しますので、ぜひ、ご来場ください。


User interface customization and BREP export: KISTERS 3DViewStation V2014

Tablet-PC optimized new release of DMU tool February 01, 2014

3DViewStation V2014 ships with a fresh Office 2013 compliant user interface and provides functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to customization of the user interface and BREP export capabilities.

The KISTERS 3DViewStation now provides several additional ways of UI customization: a pure left mouse button mode has been added to simplify the usage for occasional and also tablet-PC (finger) users. Mouse users now can determine, which functions should be performed when pressing the middle or right mouse button. The quick access toolbar can be customized and is pre-set now, so that frequently used functions are available without accessing the ribbon menu. Also, accelerator keys are defined for several functions and can be customized as per the user’s needs. Finally via XML the complete UI of the KISTERS 3DViewStation can be redefined.


3D CAD viewer for mobile users

KISTERS 3DViewStation on tablet-PCs and smartphones January 01, 2014

KISTERS has announced the support for mobile users with the need for powerful 3D CAD viewers. The KISTERS 3DViewStation product family is available on many mobile devices and is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data.


KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.03

Draft angle analysis and automatic assembly explode November 01, 2013

Kisters presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. Today KISTERS has announced the release 12.03 of the 3DViewStation, known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. We presented the upcoming integration into Aras Innovator during ACE Europe last month. The focus of the latest developments has been set to analysis functionality.

NTT Data

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider, joins Aras partner program

Visit us at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

Based on Aras Innovator, NTT DATA provides services and solutions for the Aras Community. As an end-to-end IT service provider NTT DATA offers high-end strategy and process consulting, implementation and maintenance for its customers. Focused on the Automotive, Aerospace and Manufacturing Industries, NTT DATA is an extremely experienced partner in data management and migration, project management, product development and collaborative engineering. Our experts have already proven their skills and delivered excellent services in customer-projects. You can get in contact with us personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden. We are looking forward to a successful partnership with Aras Corp.

NTT Data

NTT DATA is introducing a new Aras solution

Try the preview live at ACE Europe 2013 September 01, 2013

NTT DATA, a Global IT service provider and new Aras partner, is proud to present a new Aras solution at Ace Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.

We have created an easy, extensible, efficient and GEnIUS solution to change the way you work with Aras Innovator. Our solution is the implementation of global customer requirements into a next generation integration platform based on ARAS Innovator project experiences. NTT DATA’s GEnIUS is enabling integration across multiple authoring tools using one common user interface. For example, create your BOMs in MS Excel and save them to Aras Innovator, directly. Add or delete any parts or amounts in Excel and GEnIUS will do the rest on the Aras side – just do it. But Excel is only one of many supported tools. Stay informed, other tools will be named here soon and get in touch with GEnIUS personally at ACE Europe 2013 in Bad Soden.


1-Step assembly compare + sectioning + measurement: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.02

Lots of enhancements in 3DViewStation V12.01 and V12.02 releases August 01, 2013

KISTERS has announced the release 12.02 of the 3DViewStation. The KISTERS 3DViewStation is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data. The focus of the latest developments has been set to management assembly comparison and analysis functionality.

Please review our BLOG-entries too: and


3D-CAD-Viewer gets Bi-Turbo: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0

high performance native & neutral CAD viewing May 01, 2013

KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0 ships with a fresh Office 2010 compliant user interface and provides a rich functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to the graphics kernel. 3DViewStation load times are now unparalleled: in the meantime, we were almost unable to find assemblies, which load longer than 1 second, once translated into the internal 3DVS file format.

Advanced Digital Stream (ADS)


ADS, Inc.(Japan) made an official agreement for technical partnership with SofTech Inc.(USA) in Japanese CAD/PLM market May 01, 2013


SofTech社は、オープンソースPLMシステム Aras Innovatorの米国パートナーとして、Aras Innovator向けCAD Connectorを開発しています。

  • SolidWorks Connector for Aras
  • Inventor Connector for Aras
  • CADRA Connector for Aras


[email protected]

CycleOp PLM

CycleOp is improving on the already great Express ECO's impact matrix

CycleOp has released a video showing improved functionality and performance for the Express ECO May 01, 2013

The improved express ECO features support for faster and full/partial loading of trees, support for check boxes and list boxes, support for substitutes and multiple row changes, and much, much more.


New Version Connector 3.0 for Aras Available

CAD Connector January 01, 2013

Connector 3.0 for Aras from SofTech provides you with the ability to manage your critical CAD information, including Documents, Parts and BOMs, while providing direct access to Aras Innovator PLM. Connector 3.0 currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3 along with CADRA 20, Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012, 2013), and SolidWorks (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).

For additional information on Connector 3.0 including datasheets, videos and upcoming webinars, please visit:


New Version 3.3 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector October 01, 2012

PDM Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with. New functionalities in version 3.3 are: - Basic Drawing Link support - Basic Multi Model Link support - Management of CATIA Templates in Aras Innovator - Enhanced PWB Update dialog: - PDM data management - Highlight of Geometries and PDM info - Aras Innovator Multi-Vault Support - Admin Mode for CATSettings - Replace from PDM - Insert from PDM - Auto name support using Innovator sequence items Additional materials for Download and videos on our website.


Minerva launches new Productivity Tool for Aras Innovator

The PDX Export is a tool that allows you to export data from Aras into the PDX standard May 01, 2012

The PDX standards define an XML encoding scheme that enables supply chain partners to exchange product content, changes and subsequent manufacturing information in a common language. This capability allows companies to exchange information through a single port of the exchange software rather than developing a different solution for each trading partner.

Download brochure and request a web demo on our website.


New Version 3.2 of CATIA V5 CAD Connector (PDM Workbench) available

CAD Connector May 01, 2012

PDM-Workbench (PWB) from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 which provides integration of CAD-specific PDM functionality. PWB, designed as a CATIA V5 workbench, is dedicated to displaying and manipulating PDM data. It combines the control of PDM with the CAD superiority of CATIA V5 in a single user interface. PWB currently supports Aras Innovator 9.3. It enables the designer to take full advantage of PDM capabilities supporting collaborative product development, all within the CATIA V5 environment the designer is familiar with.

Alcove 9

The vdR Group Announce their Partnership with Alcove9, Developers of Advanced Search Technologies

Technology Specialists Provide Interoperability and Integration Solutions April 01, 2012

The vdR Group, business system integration specialists, and Alcove9, developers of open source advanced search technologies such as the a9 Hub, announce their partnership. The partnership improves the productivity of clients' critical business systems by combining the power of custom interoperability with advanced search capabilities. read more

Data Square

DataSquare becomes PLM HOUSE

Through the merger with sister company MEAIS DataSquare optimizes its PLM offer March 01, 2012

Since 1st of January 2012, DataSquare has merged with its sister company MEAIS GmbH & Co. KG to become DataSquare GmbH. With this step, we can bundle the competencies of both former companies under the roof of our newly created PLM HOUSE, in order to offer our clients even more comprehensive consulting for successful Product Lifecycle Management. Visit the new DataSquare website for further information.

Plural Technology

Estrix of Spain to be Non Exclusive VAR for Plural's Apparel Innovator

The agreement allows Estrix to sell Plural’s flagship product ‘Apparel Innovator’ – PLM for Apparel Industry as a Non Exclusive Value Added Reseller. March 01, 2012

Plural Technology, the only open source PLM provider for Apparel Industry, announced today the recent signing of an agreement with Estrix Spain, a software reseller and consulting company. Plural’s Flagship product Apparel Innovator is the only open source PLM tool available in the market. Apparel Innovator has various modules like Product development, Sourcing, Project Management, BI Reporting available out of the box. Estrix holds a prominent place in Spain’s Apparel Market as Business Management consulting company. For more information please visit


Minerva launching new tool for Aras Innovator

Improve your data transfers with Minerva's Import Tool March 01, 2012

A company implementing PLM faces many challenges. One of the typical challenges is to get data from sources like CAD into the PLM system. Having an automatic integration between the PLM system and CAD is an option, but it is often costly, and for many companies the number of CAD users is too low to justify the investment.

Data Square

DataSquare is CMII Europe Solution Partner

GfKM includes DataSquare in the exclusive circle of CMII Europe solution partners February 01, 2012

As the official source of CMII standards in Europe, the German Gesellschaft fuer KonfigurationsManagement mbH (GfKM) maintains the list of certified CMII providers. Due to the commitment to CMII, DataSquare has been awarded the title "Europe Solution Partner", being the fourth consulting firm to gain it. CMII Europe Solution Partner are consulting firms which employ consultants with the status "CMII Professional" and offer support for companies implementing CMII. This includes training, consulting and coaching as well as the execution of assessments.


Improve the Collaboration in the Extended Supply Chain by the Minerva Permissions Manager

Manage permissions for external partners February 01, 2012

To simplify the process of managing permissions for external partners in Aras Innovator®, Minerva has developed a new add-on solution. The Minerva Permissions Manager makes it possible and easy to give an external party access to certain parts, products or files in the Aras platform.


Minerva appoints new Product Manager

Thomas Skogen to Oversee Growing Portfolio of Aras Add-on Solutions January 01, 2012

Minerva has appointed Thomas Skogen as Product Manager to strengthen the development and support of the growing number of Aras add-on solutions from Minerva.


Minerva launches Microsoft Office Connector for Aras

Provides a seamless integration between Aras and the Microsoft Office Suite January 01, 2012

Minerva's Microsoft Office Connector for Aras provides an easy-to-use interface with advanced functionality allowing documents, spreadsheets and presentations to be managed by a robust PLM system. The focus at Minerva is to "Keep it simple". Simple commands like Open, Lock, Save and Unlock allow you to quickly come up to speed. Learn more and download a free 30 day trail of the Microsoft Office Connector for Aras today.

Data Square

New CATIA V5 PDM-Workbench Connector for Aras Innovator by DataSquare & T-Systems

The PDM-Workbench Connector enables seamless CATIA V5 product structure data with Aras Innovator PLM platform November 01, 2011

The PDM-Workbench from T-Systems is an extension of CATIA V5 from Dassault Systèmes. With the connector developed by DataSquare, the PDM-Workbench is integrated to Aras Innovator and serves as a CATIA V5 interface. The Aras Innovator PDM-Workbench Connector functions as a connection between the product structure of the PDM-Workbench and the Aras Innovator data model enabling bi-directional data exchange between CATIA V5 and the Aras PLM platform.

Data Square

Updated release of the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector available

DataSquare provides new version of the open solution for mass processing of e-mails November 01, 2011

Now the Aras Innovator E-mail Connector from DataSquare is also available in an advanced, chargeable version. The release includes a new e-mail management assistant that makes mass processing and distribution of permissions possible. So, even very large quantities of e-mails are assigned quickly and easily to persons and items.

Data Square

DataSquare Supports Reduced Rework Initiative for Company-Stabilization

German Aras partner DataSquare joins Initiative as R2 Specialist September 01, 2011

The R2 „Reduced Rework“ Initiative seeks ways to avoid costs by reducing rework and corrective actions within the enterprise. It integrates all activities and strategies on reducing rework offered by "R2 Specialists" and used by "R2 Initiative Members" world-wide. DataSquare supports this initiative as R2 Specialist with consulting and software knowledge. DataSquare’s expertise in the areas of PLM and CMII supports the steps that are necessary to reduce rework significantly. At the same time DataSquare is able to build up an improved business process infrastructure using existing or new PLM software.

Data Square

DataSquare Presents Aras Innovator OCR Connector

New DataSquare interface automates paper-based PLM workflows August 01, 2011

Aras Innovator OCR Connector enables the automated recognition of text inside typewritten documents that are stored as picture files within Aras Innovator. Based on rules, text is being taken over as property, so that documents can be filed and found automatically. With this capability, Aras Innovator OCR Connector creates the requirement to integrate documents from existing “paper workflows” into PLM processes, easy and fast.

CycleOp PLM

CycleOp launches Hebrew Language PLM Blog

Hebrew language PLM blog on Aras Innovator July 01, 2011

בלוג יולי – הגרסא החדשה של
Aras Innovator

בתחילת החודש (יולי 2011) שוחררה הגרסא החדשה של
גרסא Aras Innovator – 9.3.0
אישית – חיכיתי בכיליון עיניים לגרסא החדשה כיוון שהיא כוללת בתוכה אוסף עצום של יכולות חדשות וחזקות במיוחד.


Shapespace Technology Delivers Advanced 3D Search for Aras

The ShapeSpace 3D search technology has now been integrated into Aras to give Aras customers a powerful 3D search capability July 01, 2011

The ShapeSpace 3D Search tool for Aras extends the searching capabilities of Aras to enable searching by shape. For the first time, this puts advanced and affordable 3D search capabilities into the hands of organizations giving them the opportunity to improve part re-use, reduce the part number counts, aggregate and consolidate bought in parts, and drastically reduce external spend.


Do Your Detective Work in 3D

BusinessTechnology - Article on Page 3 June 01, 2011

Imagine an organisation with thousands of products broken down into tens of thousands of parts. Now consider their drawings repository, all tagged with non-uniform descriptions and part numbers, often shared across several departments and offices. What a nightmare! How do they find a specific part in a hurry? Hope the description was entered intuitively? Rely on the accuracy of the part number? What about duplicates – aren’t they costly and confusing? ShapeSpace solves the problem. Shape-Space is a unique 3D search engine which enables you to re-organise, re-catalogue and eradicate duplicates in your massive drawings archive in hours.


Open Source

What is it all about? June 01, 2011

I ett telefonsamtal i veckan med Leon Lauritsen på Minerva i Danmark talar vi om att man i varje samtal där begreppet "open source" förekommer, först behöver enas om vad det betyder. Leon är representant för Aras Innovator (PLM) som använder uttrycket Enterprise Open Source om sin produkt. Han säger också att open source-budskapet ibland gör kunderna oroliga. Att köpa eller hyra ett program är liksom enkelt. Men när det handlar om open source så blir affärsmodellen betraktad från alla håll den också, inte bara själva produkten som kan komma att användas. Och det är klart att det inte är så dumt att syna sina affärspartners oavsett om det handlar om ett köp, hyra eller "open source-användning". Men inget säger egentligen att det skulle vara helt tryggt att köpa och hyra eller helt otryggt att ta hem en vara "open source"? Det handlar kanske mera om att vänja sig vid modellen. Det menar i alla fall de som jobbar med "open source".


Shape Searches Eliminate Duplication

Eureka - The Site for Engineering Design March 01, 2011

Because design engineers often lack browse and search capabilities, the business of finding a part within a large component library can be complex and time consuming, especially when the name or part number is unknown. Naturally, this problem tends to make finding and reusing existing parts extremely difficult. A solution to this problem is available in the form of ShapeSpace, a 3D shape search technology provides engineering companies with a comprehensive 3D CAD search tool.


A Leaner Manufacturing Case Study

by ProcessFlows Magazine January 01, 2011

Control valve manufacturer Bifold wanted to drive changes in their manufacturing processes which would cut costs and deliver measurable improvements in reliability and performance. Using ShapeSpace 3D search technology to search their entire part reference library and identify all parts manufactured from the same raw material, Bifold were very quickly able to consolidate manufacturing processes and improve efficiencies. “As well as being leaner, greener and more efficient, we are able to turn around customer orders in a more reliable timeframe as the majority of parts are always ‘on the shelf’," said Mike Peacock, General Manager at Bifold.