Product Data Exploration - Using the Query Builder

Product Data Exploration - Using the Query Builder

Although it had its roots as a simple, yet powerful graphical query mechanism for constructing custom queries, the Query Builder (and the Query Definitions created by it) has become the core mechanism for defining data structures used in many areas of Aras Innovator, including PLM Visualization and Configuration Tools. Learn about the Query Builder, hear about the enhancements in the past year, and see how it's used for defining Tree Grid and Graph Views, determining access rights, Part Effectivity, data migration, as well as our plans for its use in the near future.

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Ace19 Product Data Exploration

Although it had its roots as a simple, yet powerful graphical query mechanism for constructing custom queries, the Query Builder (and the Query Definitions created by it) has become the core mechanism for defining data structures used in many areas of Aras Innovator, including PLM Visualization and Configuration Tools. Learn about the Query Builder, hear about the enhancements in the past year, and see how it's used for defining Tree Grid and Graph Views, determining access rights, Part Effectivity, data migration, as well as our plans for its use in the near future.
