ZENITH@SAFRAN Seats - Striving to TOP with Aras


A study revealed that engineers spend 59 working days a year in searching for the right parts and components. How can PLM help you to improve this? Listen to Fouad Houcini and Jessica Grobongo from SAFRAN Seats on how they reduced the time spent on finding the parts & material data by 50 to 70% and at the same time achieved millions saving through inventory reduction and purchasing optimization.

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A study revealed that engineers spend 59 working days a year in searching for the right parts and components. How can PLM help you to improve this? Listen to Fouad Houcini and Jessica Grobongo from SAFRAN Seats on how they reduced the time spent on finding the parts & material data by 50 to 70% and at the same time achieved millions saving through inventory reduction and purchasing optimization.

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