Agile for the Enterprise with SAFe Portal


Join Crystal Brandl, Product Manager at Aras, for a first look at the SAFe Portal. This demonstration will highlight many of the common elements of SAFe, including Agile Release Trains, Program Increments, Iterations, Features, Issues, and Tasks.  You will also take a look inside how Agile Teams are managed, and the Kanban boards used to visualize the backlog and work-in-progress.

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Join Crystal Brandl, Product Manager at Aras, for a first look at the SAFe Portal. This demonstration will highlight many of the common elements of SAFe, including Agile Release Trains, Program Increments, Iterations, Features, Issues, and Tasks.  You will also take a look inside how Agile Teams are managed, and the Kanban boards used to visualize the backlog and work-in-progress.

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