Dynamic Change Management Increases Efficiency Across the Enterprise

Dynamic Change Management Increases Efficiency Across the Enterprise

Managing change can be challenging, particularly when convention requires a process to dynamically adapt to a design’s maturity level. As design maturity increases, changes become more impactful as a result of prior decisions on reuse, requirements flow down, and information already shared internally or with partners.

Dynamic Change Management automatically streamlines change requests, assessments, and orders in accordance with a design’s maturity. This ensures visibility into engineering status changes throughout the product lifecycle.

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Dynamic Change Management Increases Efficiency Across the Enterprise

Managing change can be challenging, particularly when convention requires a process to dynamically adapt to a design’s maturity level. As design maturity increases, changes become more impactful as a result of prior decisions on reuse, requirements flow down, and information already shared internally or with partners.

Dynamic Change Management automatically streamlines change requests, assessments, and orders in accordance with a design’s maturity. This ensures visibility into engineering status changes throughout the product lifecycle.

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