Microsoft Harnessing the power of Agile Development

Microsoft Harnessing the power of Agile Development

Download a report from Microsoft devices detailing how an advanced PLM platform streamlines product delivery from design to supply chain. See how agile development methods cut costs and accelerate delivery.

  • The business advantages of giving all business groups a unified way to create, manage, and release their hardware product data
  • Agile methods used to build a platform that expands classic PDM roles toward the company’s vision of having one platform cover the entire product lifecycle
  • Best practices that can benefit other product companies that are considering agile development to build or simplify a process-based PLM platform

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ACE 2021 Microsoft Variant Management

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Microsoft Harnessing the power of Agile Development

Read how the Microsoft hardware product team developed a single functioning PLM platform to streamline product delivery from design to supply chain. Learn about agile development methods which cut costs and accelerated delivery timeframe.
