PLM Cloud and SaaS Adoption – Understanding the Customer’s Viewpoint

Aras CIMdata

As an extension of CIMdata’s Cloud-SaaS PLM Adoption survey, executives from Aras and CIMdata joined together to analyze the study’s findings.  Mark Reisig from Aras joined Stan Przybylinski of CIMdata to examine the voice of the customer and add their own insights to the findings of the study.  Don’t miss this informative discussion between these two leading experts in the PLM domain.

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Aras CIMdata

As an extension of CIMdata’s Cloud-SaaS PLM Adoption survey, executives from Aras and CIMdata joined together to analyze the study’s findings.  Mark Reisig from Aras joined Stan Przybylinski of CIMdata to examine the voice of the customer and add their own insights to the findings of the study.  Don’t miss this informative discussion between these two leading experts in the PLM domain.

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