Aras Survey Challenges 2022:
From Sustainability to Digitalization


Survey among more than 130 senior managers

The pressure to change continues to increase. In this survey, more than 130 executive decision makers from automotive, aviation, mechanical engineering, and medical technology answered several questions about the key challenges facing their business today.

Business processes will not only change but will do so often, quickly, and without concern for the ability of the systems to change with them. As a product innovation platform, Aras Innovator is so adaptable that it not only supports change, it encourages it. Whether it be technological progress, sustainability, or the ongoing individualization of products and services, the industrial sector must be able to quickly react and adapt to new requirements.

What is the magnitude of the driving forces of change? What are the biggest challenges facing companies today? What is preventing a change? These are just a few of the questions that executive decision makers answered in this survey. Check out the survey to learn more.

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Aras-Studie Challenges 2022: Von Nachhaltigkeit bis Digitalisierung

Survey among more than 130 senior managers

The pressure to change continues to increase. In this survey, more than 130 executive decision makers from automotive, aviation, mechanical engineering, and medical technology answered several questions about the key challenges facing their business today.

Business processes will not only change but will do so often, quickly, and without concern for the ability of the systems to change with them. As a product innovation platform, Aras Innovator is so adaptable that it not only supports change, it encourages it. Whether it be technological progress, sustainability, or the ongoing individualization of products and services, the industrial sector must be able to quickly react and adapt to new requirements.

What is the magnitude of the driving forces of change? What are the biggest challenges facing companies today? What is preventing a change? These are just a few of the questions that executive decision makers answered in this survey. Check out the survey to learn more.
