AF Digital Transformation and the Need for Experimentation

ACE 2021 Air Force

This presentation highlights a philosophy of experimentation as a means of the AF achieving its primary objectives, and will include examples of past and ongoing efforts that utilize flexible technology platforms to address data challenges, culture change, and process reengineering risks.

私はArasがマーケティング目的で個人情報を収集すること、Cookieと分析ツールを使用することに同意します。Arasのデータプラクティスは現在のデータ規制に準拠しており、Arasの プライバシーポリシーに記載されています。

This presentation highlights a philosophy of experimentation as a means of the AF achieving its primary objectives, and will include examples of past and ongoing efforts that utilize flexible technology platforms to address data challenges, culture change, and process reengineering risks.

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