Populate Extended Classification with SDK

Is their a method on the Item object which can set the Extended Classification property?  
  • Hi fdxu168, Here is some sample IOM for creating an item (Part) with a specific xClass, where "inn" is an Innovator object.
    Item part = inn.newItem("Part","add");
    Item part_xclass = part.createRelationship("Part_xClass","add");
    Item xclass = part_xclass.createRelatedItem("xClass","get");
    Hope this helps! Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hi fdxu168, Here is some sample IOM for creating an item (Part) with a specific xClass, where "inn" is an Innovator object.
    Item part = inn.newItem("Part","add");
    Item part_xclass = part.createRelationship("Part_xClass","add");
    Item xclass = part_xclass.createRelatedItem("xClass","get");
    Hope this helps! Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
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