Using Affected Items on Custom ItemType

Using Release 25

I created a custom itemType for minor changes that is basically like an ECR. The item attaches the affected items in the same manner that the ECR does however I'm unable to figure out why my Type field is not showing the icon.

I've added the PE_PopulateAffectedType method on the mCR Affected Item just like the ECR but it seems like there must be something in some javascript somewhere because I can see that my underlying html is different.

Any help is appreciated.

  • Hi,

    as you use Release 25 the feature has slightly changed. In the past it was a Federated property and not a Text property.

    But Aras introduced an additional Property field for "Federated". 

    Maybe you miss these settings in the property itself?


    Edit: I think my tip was wrong. These settings are by default present in the Affected Item properties, so it´s nothing you have to take care about. 

  • Hi,

    as you use Release 25 the feature has slightly changed. In the past it was a Federated property and not a Text property.

    But Aras introduced an additional Property field for "Federated". 

    Maybe you miss these settings in the property itself?


    Edit: I think my tip was wrong. These settings are by default present in the Affected Item properties, so it´s nothing you have to take care about. 

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