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  • How to find the package definition the item is part of?

    As the question states. When I try to add an item the error message states "ABC is already added to the another Package Definition". I need to find which package this item is in and remove it because I need it another package. Thanks
  • Merge pdfs and convert csv to pdf

    Hi everyone, I want to add the data in a relationship in table form in a preexisting pdf.I am thinking making a csv from relationships than converting to pdf using some libraries and then merging both the pdfs.I tried itext7 but aras toolbar disappears…
  • export for existing items

    hello, i have been diving into packaging and exports lately but there is something i can't figure out. it might seem easy but it's not said clearly anywhere i looked. So, let say i customize an already existing item like Parts, i had actions, modify…
  • Item Type issue after Import

    Hi Community, Strange issue here. I exported an item type and it necessary relationships over from my development server to my test server. I can create items in the item type just fine. What I can't do - Edit the item type - presented with error…
  • DEV - Optimizing ways and means of Import/Export

    As an admin/developer of Innovator I want to pretend I'm working in a repo where I can identify and track changes, or at the very least see all my changes so I can not miss a thing on Export. I'm still a noob. I'm not unfamiliar with Dbs of various…
  • Creating export packages "PackageElement... Already exists"

    I'm creating a demo environment and want to export the new Part definitions and Forms that I have created. When I try to add Part or Form to my new package, I get Unable to add item Form PackageElement (PackageElement) with Element Id '47573682FB7549F59ADECD4BFE04F1DE…
  • Export Relationships to Import to Another ItemType

    Good day all. I would like to export all of the Relationship info from one ItemType so I can import it to another ItemType. Currently our database is configured so the Parts List (BOM) is a document and not part of the Part, both are custom ItemTypes…
  • Include relationship when exporting ItemType?

    Why aren't my RelationshipTypes on my custom ItemType exported when I run Aras's export.exe program? It renders it useless if it doesn't include *everything*.