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  • Connecting to Linked Server (External SQL Database)

    Hello all, After many attempts and support of Aras Support, we are still unable to execute SQL Stored Procedures on an external SQL database. Context Aras Innovator Version 26 SQL Server 2017 Goal Execute a Stored Procedure on an external…
  • Date issue, user date selected different from date in DB

    Why the date selected by user in aras form is different from the date in database?
  • Looking for sample data for Aras 12.0 SP18

    Hello, is there a set of sample data available for Aras 12.0 SP18? The current sample data I found here is not compatible with 12.0 SP18. Thank you. Best regards, Thomas
  • Commit the transaction half way through the code and continue the execution from there.

    Hi Team, We have a scenario where we want to commit the transaction half way through the code and continue the execution from there. For example : 1. We are working on Background tasks implementation 2. Where we want to change the status [property…
  • Error : Microsoft [ODBC SQL Server Driver]SSL Security Error

    I am getting this error while ARAS installation, DB configuration. If anybody faced the same error or can provide a solution that will be helpful.
  • Does ARAS 12 support having its MS-SQL DB in Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) ?

    Dear all, Does ARAS 12 support having its MS-SQL DB in the Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) ? Thanks Frederic
  • Login failed for user 'innovator' - MSSQL

    I actually found a locked thread that answers this after 20 or so comments. No answer is marked as accepted. There are other very similar threads. None have a screenshot to tell the story of what to do. It ends up I had to enable mixed mode auth for the…
  • Error during database setup and admin login

    Hello, I've followed the YouTube installation videos and installation guide PDFs to the letter several times, but it seems I can not get past an error. When I click "configure database" during Aras Innovator installation, after about a minute or two…