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  • Show Thumbnail Image on Graph Navigation

    This feature has been mentioned in but I have yet to see an example where someone has achieved this. I tried mimicking how the icon works…
  • Image Browser Problem

    Good day all. I am still on v11 SP10. I have a couple of things to ask about the Image Browser. 1. Images Not Displaying in Browser I'm not sure what happened, but images are not being displayed in the Image Browser anymore. This has been happening…
  • Lessons Learned from importing data for Parts with xClassification data and a thumbnail image

    With the attached document, I just want to share my experiences and struggles with the hope that it helps someone else trying to do similar things. It follows on from my posts…
  • How to import thumbnail images for parts using batch loader?

    I've worked out how to import all other part data, including related item types such as xproperties I'm stuck on getting the thumbnail images imported, however, as "thumbnail" is just a property of data type image with no data source. I can reference…
  • Adding an xClass-specific image to a form

    With standard classification, it is pretty straightforward to add an image to a form that is only seen when viewing an item of that specific class. But how to achieve this with xClassifications? I noticed that there is not even an image property type…
  • A feature idea: Image-reverse-lookup / Image search

    Hi, I don't know if this is possible, but an idea... A common scenario is a person comes to me with a part in his hand and ask me “ what is the part number of this part / in which assembly does this belong? ” Almost impossible to answer on a single…