Engineering to Possible:
The Importance of Systems Thinking and Product Variability in Supply Chain Strategies

Engineering to Possible: The Importance of Systems Thinking and Product Variability in Supply Chain Strategies

"Engineering to Possible" is a Systems Thinking context that holds significant importance for manufacturers. It includes taking proactive measures to manage and mitigate potential disruptions in the supply chain that could impact critical sub-subsystems, manufacturing processes, and distribution. Failing to address these potential disruptions forces organizations into a reactive mode, often lacking insight into the core functionality of key products. This reactive approach leads to unpredictable costs, potential quality issues, and inadequate compliance with regulatory standards. 

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Engineering to Possible: The Importance of Systems Thinking and Product Variability in Supply Chain Strategies

"Engineering to Possible" is a Systems Thinking context that holds significant importance for manufacturers. It includes taking proactive measures to manage and mitigate potential disruptions in the supply chain that could impact critical sub-subsystems, manufacturing processes, and distribution. Failing to address these potential disruptions forces organizations into a reactive mode, often lacking insight into the core functionality of key products. This reactive approach leads to unpredictable costs, potential quality issues, and inadequate compliance with regulatory standards. 
