How to Integrate Google Charts Cloud-based Analytics into Aras

A recent Prodeos blog post shows how easy it is to integrate Google Charts features directly into Aras Innovator... with only 20 lines of source and in 15 minutes or less. They're using the QR-code as an example, and have included links to everything you need as well.

For those that don’t know: QR codes are a popular type of two-dimensional barcode. They are also known as hardlinks or physical world hyperlinks. QR Codes store up to 4,296 alphanumeric characters of arbitrary text. This text can be anything, for example URL, contact information, a telephone number [or other product related information] QR codes can be read by an optical device [bar code scanner] with the appropriate software. Such devices range from dedicated QR code readers to mobile phones [there’s an app for that, both iPhone and Android have ‘em]. Source: Google

Once you understand this basic example, you can also see how you would do this type of enterprise mash-up for other integrations as well. This simple demonstration shows how easy it is to seamlessly connect to cloud-based resources, services and data for potentially limitless opportunities.

Here’s a step-by-step video:


And here’s the source code for the javascript function:

01 var user = document.item; 02 03 try 04 { 05     var FirstName = top.aras.getItemProperty(user, "first_name"); 06     var LastName = top.aras.getItemProperty(user,"last_name" ); 07     var tel = top.aras.getItemProperty(user,"telephone"); 08     var email =  top.aras.getItemProperty(user,"email"); 09 } 10 catch(err) 11 { 12     alert("there is an issue"); 13 } 14 15 var G_QR_address = ""; 16 var G_QR_size = "&chs=150x150"; 17 var G_QR_data = "&chl=MECARD:N:"+FirstName+","+LastName+";TEL:"+tel+";EMAIL:"+email+";"; 18 var G_http = G_QR_address + G_QR_size +  G_QR_data; 19 20 document.forms(0).QRimg.src=G_http;

Here's the link to QR-code documentation in Google Charts:

Here are the different items you can provide with a barcode:

Here is how you can create QR code for contact card (supported by Google charts):

And finally in order to save you some minutes of copy-pasting the code inside your Aras Innovator instance, here is the export of the QR code integration:

QRCode Import Package for Aras Innovator (1):

Can read the original Prodeos blog post at (Eng) Tech – Integrate QR-code tag in User form in Aras Innovator