Inter-Project Connections?

Hello, I'm curious if it's possible to link multiple projects together as one. Background: My team is working on building a racecar from scratch. As such, there are a ton of parts that need to be designed and kept track of. Each of these parts have inter-dependencies and as such a lot of their start dates for certain tasks are actually determined by some other part. Idea: I'd like to have each sub-system/part have it's own project so the individual project managers can easily see what they care about. But, since all the Projects are heavily inter related, I'd also like someway of easily keeping track of the entire car design process without having to jump between different Projects. At a minimum, what I want to do is be able to display the Gantt chart's of all the projects simultaneously together to get a picture of how the entire car design is progressing and show any inter-dependencies between projects. Note the Gantt chart doesn't have to include all the details of each individual group; it can simply show the different phases. What I'd really like to do is be able to have the Projects be able to automatically communicate with each other on start and end dates. For example, if Project A has a phase that can't be considered complete until Project B is completed, I want that relationship to be modeled in each project. I know that Program Items exist built in, but there isn't much documentation about them and it looks to simply be a container of Projects rather than doing anything with those projects together. Is there a built in way to do what I'm asking? If not, does anyone have any ideas as to how to implement this kind of system?   Thanks  
  • Hi, We actually have done some sort of high level project connected to lower level projects. One of our customers is an automotive parts mannufacturer and for a part projects he has several tooling projects. Me made some developments (through Aras methods) in order to exchange informations in both directions between Part projects and tools projects. So the high level gantt you mention would be the parts. I can share some code, I guess I will do it within a blog post during the month of august if this is of interest.
  • Hello Yoann, Sorry for the late response. That sounds exactly like what I was looking for. Sharing the code or a blog post would be awesome. Blog post would be prefered, but obviously that'd take more time. If you end up doing the blog post, let me know. I'll be on the look out for it. Thanks
  • Hi, I'm progressing on the Blog post, in the mean time here is the main synchronization code (it is a method run "onBeforeUpdate" of the Project Itemtype, it supposes you have a classification on project containing classes : Tool and Product.)