batch loader error

Trying to import 1 item to test drive the batch uploader, hitting an error on the first (non-required) property linked to another itemtype. Template (tab delimited  seems to pass validation, everything should be a go. In Parts I have a property called PlanCode which derives values from itemtype: PlanCodes. [11:09:14 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: #1 - Failed to process row 100-SWL Plate [11:09:14 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: Code: SOAP-ENV:Server [11:09:14 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: Message: No items of type PlanCodes found. [11:09:14 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: Details: No items of type PlanCodes found.No items of type 'PlanCodes' found using the criteria: <Item type="PlanCodes" action="get" select="id" doGetItem="0"><keyed_name>AA</keyed_name></Item> failed...
  • changed <keyed_name> to column I actually wanted to look up, works great...
  • Hello, Could you confirm if there is a PlanCodes item that has a keyed_nam of AA in the database you're batchloading into? One way to test this is by running the AML <Item type=”PlanCodes” action=”get” select=”id” doGetItem=”0″><keyed_name>AA</keyed_name></Item> directly through AML Studio or Nash (which you can get to by adding /Client/Scripts/nash.aspx to the end of your usual Innovator URL). Additionally, could you try to remove the doGetItem attribute from that AML? It's contradictory to include when using the get action. Chris
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Changed <keyed_name> to <pl_code>, which was the column containing the value 'AA' being looked for. Success. However, in testing if no value is specified for the PlanCode property of the item being uploaded it throws an error. Empty values for linked itemtypes don't seem to work, unless I'm missing some extra error-handling logic in the AML?   // <plancode> // <Item type='PlanCodes' action='get' select='id'> // <pl_code>@12</pl_code> // </Item> // </plancode>