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DEVELOPERS FORUM - programmatically show hidden column on relationship tab

newcomer - Monday, August 27, 2012 6:51 AM:

Hi all,

I wrote a client method that runs when the form is populated(onFormPopulate event). In these method I want to hide/show columns from the relationship tab depending on the workflow activity.

I can hide columns. But i can't show them again. The method "grid.SetColumnVisible" does not work when I pass the value true... Has anyone experience with this function and knows what am I doing wrong?

//param: value=boolean: if true the column should be shown, if false the column should be hidden

function hideCustomerColumns(value) {
       var tabbar = parent.relationships.relTabbar;
       var tabContent = tabbar.GetTabId("Affected Program Mngt");
        var tab = parent.relationships.document.getElementById(tabContent);
        var grid = tab.contentWindow.document.getElementById("grid");
        var calwid = grid.GetColWidth(1);





Shiva - Monday, December 17, 2012 7:11 AM:


I am trying the exact same thing. Did you get any further with hiding and displaying the columns on the Relationship Grids?



newcomer - Tuesday, December 18, 2012 4:13 AM:

No, unfortunately not...

