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DEVELOPERS FORUM - Search Documents by Criteria of Any Revision

[email protected] - Thursday, January 2, 2014 5:53 PM:

I have a specific need of searching documents based off a field that will change with each revision.  For example I would like to be able to create a field labeled "Contracts" and each revision of the document will be set to a contract.  When searching back through the documents I would like to be able to search by the contract number and find the relevant revision.  As of right now I can only get the latest released or working revision as per the drop-down menu in the 'Documents' screen.

I have tried looking through the AML search and other posts to see if I can get past it, but I don't see how.  If anyone can provide me information on how to do this, it would solve a big problem for me.  I have used the saved searched feature to provide a template, but I am not sure what to change and if this is even where to look.

gks - Friday, January 24, 2014 5:19 AM:

For simple Search: use "*" in the field for generation to enable search over all revisions

for other earches use the appropriate syntax to explicitly say "any generation"