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DEVELOPERS FORUM - E-mail notification on lifecycle state and promotion

Alice - Friday, April 1, 2016 4:27 PM:

I would like to set up an email notification for this Action Item - 

Item type="Action Item" with its jav_title, jav_action_id and its lifecycle state information in the email body


How can I go  about writing an e-mail notification that consists of the following message:


You have been assigned a new activity in Aras Innovator (details below).  Please log in to Innovator to complete the work.

Action Item: jav_action_id - jave_title

Status: state


The item type only has a lifecycle, no workflow. I was hoping to trigger email notifications when a new item gets saved or when a promotion between certain states occur.


AbhishekSrivastava - Saturday, April 2, 2016 12:16 AM:

Hello Alice,

Initially you need to setup SMTP E-mail Server name in Innovator Config xml file. Then Create a Email from TOC -Notification.

After that, You need to attach that email on your Item Type Lifecycle state by using Configure Email and when you attach Email then below relationship provide a name of user,

User must have Email Id and mention in Aras Users.

Now your Item reached on that particular state then you will get the email.

Alice - Monday, April 4, 2016 10:41 AM:

Hi There,

I understand how to set up the e-mail notification but I need help on the content/coding of the e-mail. Any help would be appreciated.

thank you

AbhishekSrivastava - Tuesday, April 5, 2016 2:40 AM:

Hello Alice,


Email coding :

For Example: When you create Email Message from TOC and you want to get mail of your content then go to  New Email Message  then write code like below way on Body Plain Area then you will get info of your content by mail.

Name= ${name}

Description = ${description}

here "name" ,"description" is a property name.

Hope this helps.

Thank You

Abhishek Srivastava


Alice - Tuesday, April 5, 2016 11:17 AM:

Thank you that worked great for displaying the ItemType property!

One more question though, how do I write the code so that I can use this generic template across different ItemTypes? More specifically, I would like for it to automatically display which ItemType I attached the e-mail template?

Also, I am trying to display an URL link to the item that uses the item id:

<Item type =" Action Item " id =" 863F293732AA431A95AC111E1CBE2B14 " >

How do I incorporate that into the e-mail template? ${Item/@id} did not work for me

AbhishekSrivastava - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 12:08 AM:

Hi Alice,

Use keyed name =1 in Item Type Property.


Abhishek Srivastava