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DEVELOPERS FORUM - How to import more than one million rows from a MS Access database table and turn them into items?

flo - Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:28 AM:

What would be the best approach to import more than one million rows from a MS Access database table and turn them into items in Aras Innovator 11? Currently, the table is read in a server-side C# method, using an OleDbDataAdapter, and items with properties and relationships, representing each row's values, are being created. This approach works for a small number of rows, but it crashes when applied to all rows in a single method call.

CycleOp - Wednesday, April 13, 2016 2:53 PM:

Hello Flo,


If you are able to load your table into Excel, then may I suggest our tool - The import wizard ( which is able to load complete sheets of ItemTypes and Relationships straight from Excel ?

The tool creates a different thread for each row so it does not crash and you can specify timeouts if your server is very busy or is far from the client running the tool.

The tool requires no knowledge in AML or any scripting as it does everything by itself. You just map the matching attributes and run the tool. Drop me an email at: [email protected] and I can provide the tool and a temporary license so you can test it out.


Sagi Tikotski



BVXVinc - Thursday, April 28, 2016 7:59 AM:

Hello Sagi,

I am currently encountering the same issue. Could you be a bit more specific when you say that there is one thread per row? Do you mean that on the server-side method, you are creating a thread for each import operation?

I was trying to do this, by calling the import method the number of iterations required to import all of my data, from a client-side method, but it obviously made my browser freezes as it remains one threaded. However, I felt like this solution was still making sense as I was still importing some items and getting a response from the server before importing again new items. I was also wondering if you would recommand to use WebWorker in that case,



CycleOp - Thursday, April 28, 2016 8:47 AM:



I was recommending a tool developed at CycleOp called the Import Wizard, which is able to handle large number of rows using various techniques including the use of multiple threads.

Go for the tool, and contact us if interested. This is not a server side method within the database but an external tool that moderates the processing of rows, as well as supporting easy mapping of your attributes, loading files, and loading both ItenTypes and Relationships.



Sagi Tikotski

[email protected]