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SUPPORT Q&A - Escalation Process Question

Bryanjscott777 - Tuesday, April 19, 2016 4:11 PM:

I am still in the process of evaluating Aras Innovator and have a question on the Escalation process.
The excerpt from “Just Ask Innovator” below suggests that the first place to look for who to escalate the activity to should be the identity listed in the “Escalate To […]” field on the “Assignments” tab and the second location should be the “Escalate To” field in the main Activity Template area if the first location is not populated.
I have been testing the escalation process using a simple workflow using the “Refuse” option but have not been successful in getting the workflow to escalate using the first location on the “Assignments” tab, it always escalates to the second location in the main activity template area.
In addition, I have not been able to escalate an activity using the timeout duration, any feedback/direction would be greatly appreciated as this could be a deal breaker for implementing Aras.
 Thank you,
Can Refuse
Allows the assignees to refuse this activity, and automatically escalates it. The escalation path is: Escalate To identity on the assignment, Escalate To identity on the Activity, Process Owner, Creator. When the activity is refused, Innovator will assign the next available identity on the escalation path.