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DEVELOPERS FORUM - Attaching document in the InBasket

sherenegladysj - Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:56 AM:

Hello all,

I'm trying to attach a document in 'Workflow Activity Completion' Sheet in the InBasket. I didn't find any option to attach a document as Variables.

Is it possible to attach a document in workflow??? Can anyone please help me to resolve this???



PeterSchroer - Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:38 AM:

Hello Sherene,

The standard workflow completion dialog does not have this feature enabled,   but the activity completion for Projects does have a tab for document checkin.       If you need a screen shot of this,  let me know.     So it is possible to achieve what you are asking.        I have also built a full custom Activity Completion worksheet in the past with more advanced document handling..  including drag-d-drop from Outlook.      Again,  if anyone wants screen shots or examples,   email me    [email protected]



[email protected] - Thursday, November 22, 2012 12:55 AM:

hi peter,

Could you mail me those snapshots along with the methods at [email protected]

It would be really appreciable.

