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DEVELOPERS FORUM - How to view log file in Aras innovator

savan - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:53 AM:



I want to know how to view log file so may i know the path where it is located or where can i see the error occured in the method.

so please give me the solution if you know as soon as possible.



RobMcAveney - Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:54 AM:

Please specify what information you are looking for.  There is no master log file that will contain all the information you would need to track issues.  There are a few different techniques depending on what problem you are having.

Since you mentioned a method, I will give you two ways to trace problems:

  1. In a server-side method use CCO.Utilities.WriteDebug("method_log",myValue) to log values.  The log file will be in your server emp directory.
  2. If you have Visual Studio and are developing on the server machine, you can include the line System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() in your method.  This will set a breakpoint and prompt you to debug the method.  You can then step through your method.
