different UI for different User or role

Hello All, Is there any way that  I can setup the different design based on the role of the user?   Thanks  
  • Hello, This is possible using the CUI tools that were introduced in 11.0 SP7. You can look at this blog post for an example on how to add a new button to the toolbar through CUI. While the steps in that blog post cover how to add the button for all users, you can easily specify a different set of users by setting a different "For Identity […]" for the button. You can also change the "For Identity […]" on the existing UI buttons to display and hide buttons for users as you see fit. Is there anything specific that you'd like to change about the UI at this point? Chris ________________________________ Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Oh thank you Christopher . I have a test system and for one existing user there is a completely new layout. New logo, new position of menus and buttons and the style ist completely different. It is not the startup page, so I was wondering how it could be done. Do you have any documentation about the CUI. or this example is the only document that is available now?   Thanks Mahmoud
  • Hi Mahmoud, At this point, I believe that blog post is the only example of changing the UI globally. However, I can offer advice on how to approach some of those layout changes. In terms of displaying a new logo, you can modify the <UI-Tailoring/> tag in the InnovatorServerConfig.xml at the root of your install directory. Here you can change the images that are displayed on both the login screen as well as in the banner of the main window. I've included an example of this below with the assumption that the images are stored in the ..\Innovator\Client\customer\ folder of your install directory. <UI-Tailoring login_splash="../customer/MyCustomSplash.svg" branding_img="../customer/MyCustomBanner.svg" product_name="Aras Innovator" banner_url="../scripts/banner.aspx" banner_height="50"/> You can change the "Sort Order" of the menus and buttons through CUI in order to change the order in which they appear, but more significant customizations like changing the physical position of these menus and buttons will be more difficult. These changes would likely require modifying the code tree (this is how we refer to the files and folders in your install directory). If you decide to explore this option, I would strongly recommend taking a backup of your code tree before making any changes. The ease in which you could change the styles of the buttons and menus is dependent on your exact requirements. You can easily change the image that is displayed for each button in the toolbar by changing the image on the buttons. The blog post above covers how to set the image for a new button, but you should be able to adapt the steps to also modify an existing button. If you need an example of this, I can write one for you. For more extensive style changes, you can look in the ..\Innovator\Client\styles\ folder of your install directory for the .css files of the UI. Similarly, I would recommend taking a backup of your code tree before changing any of the files in this folder as well. It may be helpful to share any mockups you have of what you want the UI to look like. It's possible that one of our other community members has done something similar and can share how they accomplished it. Chris ________________________________________ Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer