Batch Loader Error

Hi, I added the Material Specification to the part and got an error below.

[9:19:57 AM]: Start batch load
[ *** Worker process for lines 2 - 2 *** ]:
[9:19:58 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: Logged in
[9:20:00 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: #1 - <Item action="add" type="Part"><item_number>105931-01</item_number><vol_rm_spec><Item action="get" type="Document" select="id"><keyed_name>30049 Standard Centralizer Mat. Spec.</keyed_name></Item></vol_rm_spec></Item>
[9:20:00 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: #1 - <Fault>
[9:20:00 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]:  Code: SOAP-ENV:Server.PatternMismatchException
[9:20:00 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]:  Message: The specified value () does not match the required 'name' property pattern: (^.{1,40}$)|(Name must be less than 40 characters)
[9:20:00 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]:  Details: The specified value () does not match the required 'name' property pattern: (^.{1,40}$)|(Name must be less than 40 characters)
[9:20:00 AM Worker process for lines up to 1 (Thread #1)]: Finished
 processed successfully - 0
 average processed request time - 0 ms
 failed to process - 1
 total time - 0.1430584 sec
[9:20:01 AM]: Finish batch load: succeeded - 0; failed - 1
Part Number (item_number) Material Specification (vol_rm_spec)
105931-01 30049 Standard Centralizer Mat. Spec.
This is my script.
<Item action="add" type="Part">
<Item action="get" type="Document" select="id">
I'm wondering if someone could give some advice what I did wrong. Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Parents Reply
  • Hello Gopikrishan,

    Thank you very much for your reply. I really appreciated your help. I fixed the code and I could load material spec with no issue. Please see the modification code below.

    <Item type="Part" action="edit" where="item_number = '@1'">


        <Item type="Document" action="get" select="id">






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