Chinese localization

Hi , I have installed zh-CN_LanguagePack-v29v1-zip as 000-README.TXT  completely ,but the language of my innovator website is still english ,I have no idea now ,anyone can tell me what can I do next ?  thanks very much

  • You can access your innovator account and navigate to the Localization section. Verify if your language is included in the Languages/Locales list.

    heardle 80s

  • My language is included in the Languages/Locales list of Localization section,But the website is still english , I have no idear to deal this.

  • Hi, I have completed apart of my innovator localization , but home page and content didn't I want to know which xml file i should translate to
    complete the localization of content and home page or which tables in database corresponds to these pages , waiting for your reply.

  • Thanks for the images, the forum spam filter kicked me out the past few days :) .

    I see your problem: You have imported the translations to the database, but you haven´t installed the translations in the codetree.

    Your last image shows the solution. You have opened a xml.zc ordner. The shown folder structure Innovator/Innovator/Client matches the structure in the codetree tree. You have to copy the folders into the codetree. You will notice that in the original codetree there are a lot of xml folders already. These are the ones for the english language. You don´t touch them! What you do is adding the additional xml.zc folders with the chinese language parallel to the xml folders. Other languages would appear in similar folders like etc.

    You can copy the complete Innovator folder and it then it should merge all necessary xml.zc folders to the existing structure. Just pay attention you start at the correct "Innovator" level (cause there are two Innovator folders). 

  • Thanks for the images, the forum spam filter kicked me out the past few days :) .

    I see your problem: You have imported the translations to the database, but you haven´t installed the translations in the codetree.

    Your last image shows the solution. You have opened a xml.zc ordner. The shown folder structure Innovator/Innovator/Client matches the structure in the codetree tree. You have to copy the folders into the codetree. You will notice that in the original codetree there are a lot of xml folders already. These are the ones for the english language. You don´t touch them! What you do is adding the additional xml.zc folders with the chinese language parallel to the xml folders. Other languages would appear in similar folders like etc.

    You can copy the complete Innovator folder and it then it should merge all necessary xml.zc folders to the existing structure. Just pay attention you start at the correct "Innovator" level (cause there are two Innovator folders). 
