I've been working on an email notification for ecn's and having trouble getting the "label" to return return from a list property instead of the "value".
Below is the code I've been working with and the "priority" property is the one we're interested in.
<Item type="Activity" id="${Item/ActivityId}" action="get" select="name,message"/>
<Item type="${Item/@type}" id="${Item/@id}" action="get" select="item_number,title,tpm_reasons,tpm_requested_by,description,priority"/>
<Item type="ItemType" id="${Item/@typeId}" action="get" select="label"/>
<p>A sales order has been changed per the information shown below.</p>
<p>ECN Number: ${Item[2]/item_number}<br/>
Title: ${Item[2]/title}<br/>
Priority: ${Item[2]/priority}<br/>
Requested By: ${Item[2]/tpm_requested_by}<br/>
Reason For Change: ${Item[2]/tpm_reasons}<br/></p>