Hide buttons from the menu bars for specific users


We are trying to hide some buttons from the menu bar for some users (for instance, we want to hide the "View revisions for items" button for some users). I came across CUI and seems that this can be done with it, but its functionality seems to be only for sp7 and above, and we are currently running sp5. Is there a way I can tackle this problem with our current service pack, or should I first upgrade and then implement CUI?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Pedro,

    Aras Innovator is customizable enough that almost everything is possible. However, some things require significantly more effort than they benefit they would offer, and I think this is one of those cases.

    This exact use case is built into the design of CUI. If you upgrade to a newer version that includes CUI, you'll be able to configure buttons per user (or group of users) without writing any code. You also gain the benefit of configuring this UI per ItemType in the event that you only want to hide the revisions for Part as an example.

    As a note if you do decide to upgrade to a newer version, there were still some elements of the user interface that weren't represented through CUI until 12.0. Most notably, the UI of the relationships grid is still contained in the codetree for versions 11.0 SP7 - 11.0 SP15. Your specific use case of hiding the "revisions" button wouldn't be affected by this, but I feel it's worth pointing out.


    Christopher Gillis

    Aras Labs Software Engineer

  • Hello Chris,

    Thank you for the heads up, in that case I will wait until we upgrade to a supported SP and then I will retake this task.

    Thanks for your reply!
