webservice configuration

hi everyone, I have installed Aras 11 SP5 when I try to create a webservice configuration I get the following error message Event handler failed with message: TypeError: window.parent.frames.tearoff_menu is undefined [function onformpopulated$user$handler(e) { try { if (onformpopulated1(e) === false) return false; } catch (exp) { aras.AlertError(aras.getResource('', 'ui_methods_ex.event_handler_failed'), aras.getResource('', 'ui_methods_ex.event_handler_failure_msg', exp.description ? exp.description : (exp + ' [' +arguments.callee.toString()+ ']')), aras.getResource('','common.client_side_err')); return false; } }] Any idea ? thanks in advance! Luigi
  • Hi Luigi, Have you solved the issue? I am having Aras Innovator 11 SP5 too, when I try to create a Web Service Configuration item, I got "Event handler failed with message: Object does not support property or method 'InnovatorServerConnector'". My understanding is that Aras 11 has removed the support of creating Web Service Configuration. Don't know why and can't find any example to publish a soap webservice for Aras.
  • Hi Luigi, Have you solved the issue? I am having Aras Innovator 11 SP5 too, when I try to create a Web Service Configuration item, I got "Event handler failed with message: Object does not support property or method 'InnovatorServerConnector'". My understanding is that Aras 11 has removed the support of creating Web Service Configuration. Don't know why and can't find any example to publish a soap webservice for Aras.
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