Upload a file as attachment to document Item

Hi, I would like to know is it possible to load a doc or docx file to aras using data loader. I am using data loader which load the document(Item) from excel file. so is it possible to load the file(attachment) load with the parent Item (in Document File Relationship)i.e. wih Document.   Thanks.
  • <Item type='Document' action='add'> <item_number>myNumber</item_number> <name>myName</name> <description>myDescription</description> <Relationships> <Item type='Document File' action='add'> <related_id> <Item type='File' action='add'> <actual_filename>completePathToTheFile</actual_filename> <filename>cadFile</filename> <Relationships> <Item type='Located' action='add'> <related_id> <Item type='vault' action='get'></Item> </related_id> </Item>" </Relationships> </Item> </related_id> </Item> </Relationships> </Item>   I tried this AML but is gives me error as <af:legacy_faultstring><![CDATA[No items of type 'Document File' found using the criteria: 
  • Do you mean the batch loader? If you talk about the batch loader, then it is a subscriber's feature allowing you to access Aras support. Please if it is the case get in touch with support.