Create CAD Document using IOM API

Hi, How can I create and attach file with a  CAD Document through IOM API? Here is the code I am trying to implement. <hr /> // Create the CAd Document item var docItem = MyInnovator.newItem("CAD", "add"); docItem.setProperty("item_number", "CADDoc 004"); // Create the File item and set the path to the file. var fileItem = MyInnovator.newItem("File", "add"); fileItem.setProperty("filename", "My Document.docx"); fileItem.attachPhysicalFile("D:\\My Document.docx"); // Create the relationship between the CAd Document and File var relItem = MyInnovator.newItem("CADFiles", "add"); docItem.addRelationship(relItem); relItem.setRelatedItem(fileItem); var results = docItem.apply(); <hr /> I guess CAD files are null able type of relation since there is null value in related id column in CADFiles table...  
  • Hello, It appears that the CADFiles relationship is unique in that it is not a relationship between the CAD and File itemtypes. Rather, it is a null relationship with a file property called "attached_file". I have updated the sample Method you provided to account for this. Additionally, I have updated your sample to use the newer setFileProperty function that is in 11.0 SP9.
    // Create the CAd Document item
    var docItem = MyInnovator.newItem("CAD", "add");
    docItem.setProperty("item_number", "CADDoc 004");
    // Create the relationship between the CAd Document and File
    var relItem = MyInnovator.newItem("CADFiles", "add");
    relItem.setFileProperty("attached_file", @"C:\Temp\Test.txt");
    var results = docItem.apply();
    If you are using a version of Innovator before 11.0 SP9, you will need to rewrite this sample to use the attachPhysicalFile function that you were using initially. Chris ______________________________________ Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer  
  • Thank Chris, after Iam using your example, i get error from server: "add access is denied for CAD" 

    What do you know about my problem? 

    Thank Chris!

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