Tab off on formpopulate by Javascript

How can I tab off when the formpopulate event ? Because my default form don't show tab, edit form want to show tab.
  • Hello, You can use the sample code below from an onFormPopulated event to accomplish this behavior of only displaying the relationship tabs when an item is locked.
    var lc = parent.dijit.byId("formContentPane");
    var bc = parent.dijit.byId("CenterBorderContainer");
    // NOTE: You may need to play around with these height values based on the dimensions of your screen
    if (aras.isLocked(document.thisItem.node)) {
    // Move the tabs onto the screen
    lc.resize({ h: 400 });
    parent.windowStateObject.state = 'tabs on';
    } else {
    // Move the tabs off the screen
    lc.resize({ h: 1000 });
    parent.windowStateObject.state = 'tabs off';
    Chris ___________________________________ Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • HI Chris, It's work. "windowStateObject.state " can control relationship display? Thank you ^^